Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 734-742.doi: 10.11743/ogg20100606

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The Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution and later transform ation in Northeast China


  • Online:2010-12-28 Published:2011-02-09


Based on tectonic evolution of deep major faults,stratigraphy and distribution and evolution of lithofacies paleogeography,we redivide major tectonic units in the Late Paleozoic in Northeast China.Late Paleozoic strata in NortheastChina experienced three major tectonic movements,including the Late Hercynian,the Indo-Chinese and the Yanshanian movements.Among them,the Late Hercynian movement is the strongest and the tectonic styles are closed folds and associated thrust faults.The Permo-Carboniferous in NortheastChina mainly experienced twomajor transformation stages.One is from the end ofLate Perm ian orEarlyTriassic to Late Jurassic with the dom inance of compression,folding and corrosion.The other one is from the Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceouswith the dom inance of extensional rifting.Areaswith overlappingMesozoic basins have well-preserved Permo-Carboniferous,and thus are favorable gas plays in the Paleozoic

Key words: tectonic unit, tectonic movement, later transformation, tectonic evolution, Xilamulun fault, Northeast China