Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 362-369,377.doi: 10.11743/ogg20150303

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Hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and play fairways of the Paleogene in Lunpola Basin,Tibet

Fan Xiaojun, Pan Lei, Li Feng, Li Jixuan, Hou Donglin, Hao Jingyu   

  1. SINOPEC Exploration Company, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
  • Received:2014-07-07 Online:2015-06-08 Published:2015-07-24

Abstract: Early exploration in Lunpola Basin shows a good exploration potential within the Paleogene Eocene Niubao and Dingqinghu Formations.However, most of the single well test results are low.The poor understanding of hydrocarbon accumulation mechanisms and their main controlling factors affects the early exploration.In order to clarify the accumulation mechanisms and predict play fairways, a comprehensive study was performed by integrating the geological and geophysical data.It is believed that Lunpola Basin has many good reservoir forming conditions such as multiple sets of fan delta front sandstone systems, favorable source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, inherited palaeohigh(ancient slope), ste-reoscopic carrier systems and good timing of structure and hydrocarbon accumulation.Hydrocarbon accumulation in Lunpola Basin features in close proximity to the source rocks, multi periods of charging, damage of reservoirs with mid-shallow depth in late stage, in-situ enrichment of hydrocarbons in middle-deep layers.Six play fairways are identified in Lunpola Basin, their resource potential is estimated to be up to several hundred million tons based on calculation with the organic carbon method, and the resource abundance is relatively high, thus it has the potential to form mid-sized oil field.Especially, the Changshan litho-logic play has very favorable reservoir forming conditions and its resource potential is estimated to be up to 100 million tons.In addition, the oil shale is developed in the middle and lower Dingqinghu Formation within the play and its resource volume is three times as large as that of the conventional resources based on calculation with volume abundance method.As a whole, conventional and unconventional plays overlap in the Changshan lithologic zone, thus its exploration potential is huge.

Key words: reservoir forming condition, accumulation mechanism, play fairway, Paleogene, Lunpola Basin

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