Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 838-846.doi: 10.11743/ogg20160605

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Vertical heterogeneity and its controlling factors of the gas shale in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Fms in Fuling area,the Sichuan Basin

Meng Zhiyong   

  1. Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC Jianghan Oilfield Company, Wuhan, Hubei 430223, China
  • Received:2016-07-08 Revised:2016-11-02 Online:2016-12-08 Published:2017-01-02

Abstract: The organic shales in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Fm in Fuling area,the Sichuan Basin are proved to be shale gas reservoirs of high quality.Nevertheless,they have relatively strong vertical heterogeneity,directly influencing its gas content and reservoir fracability.An isochronal sequence stratigraphic framework is first established.Then,the heterogeneities of the shale are analyzed in respects of petrological and mineralogical compositions,the content of pyrite,sedimentary structures and organic matter abundance within this framework.The shales deposited during TST are characterized by authigenic siliceous minerals and pyrites of sedimentary origin,obvious lamellation,high TOC and special positive relationship between TOC and siliceous mineral content.The shales deposited in the early HST feature in the occurrence of terrigenous silts,small wavy lamination and lenticular bedding,higher clay content than that of TST,moderate TOC,and the existence of both authigenic and secondary pyrites.The shales deposited during the late HST feature in even higher clay content but lower silt content,low TOC and the existence of both authigenic and secondary pyrites.The factors influencing shale heterogeneity are discussed in respects of sedimentology,paleo-marine productivity and redox conditions and they mainly include the influx rate of terrestrial deposits,paleo-marine productivity,redox conditions and paleo-current.

Key words: shale heterogeneity, shale gas, Wufeng Formaiton, Longmaxi Formation, Fuling area, Sichuan Basin

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