Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 1106-1120.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240415
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Huan TONG1,2(), Shifa ZHU1,2(
), Hang CUI1,2, Wendian CAI1,2, Lichi MA3
Shifa ZHU
CLC Number:
Huan TONG, Shifa ZHU, Hang CUI, Wendian CAI, Lichi MA. Characteristics and controlling factors of high-quality reservoirs of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments in the 1st to 2nd members of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation, Zhuanghai area, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2024, 45(4): 1106-1120.
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