Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 237-244.doi: 10.11743/ogg19920301
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Wang Tingbin, Feng Fukai
The main idea of studying the geological properties of natural gas in China is that to start from basin analysis,take thermal effect as fundamental principle,and use the view-point of dynamic equilibrium.Based on the theory of the relationship between basin,ther-mality,hydrocarbon,centered on the formation environment and the resources distribution of natural gas,three kinds of interrelated classification such as thermal,structural and oil-gas resources proportional classfications of the basins were proposed in this paper.Natural gas in China is mainly come from sets of immature sequences,coal-bearing formations,carbonate rook series and lacustrine clastic rooks,and belongs to five genetic types named as biogenic gas,biogenic-thermal catalytic gas,sapropelic gas,humic gas and deep sourced gas.The geological conditions to form big-and medium-size gas fields are:1.certain gas-generating capacity;2.conventional reservoir of considerable thickness;3.late gas-generating stage and pool-forming stage;4.the development of paleo-uplift and paleo-traps;5.favourable regional caprocks;6.faults and unconformities as passage ways forgas migration.There are mainly four gas-bearing domains in China including humic gas,marine carbonate rock gas,lacustrine sapropelic gas and biogas.They are mainly distribut-ed in four major gas provinces which are arranged in the following order:offshore North-west China,Central China and East China oil and gas provinces.The general policy fornatural gas exploration in China is"to explore large-medinm-and small size gas fieldscontemporaneously and to give consideration to long,medium and short terms planning"
Wang Tingbin, Feng Fukai. GEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND EXPLORATION PROSPECTS OF NATURAL GAS IN CHINA[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 1992, 13(3): 237-244.
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