Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 366-378.doi: 10.11743/ogg20230209
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ruyue WANG1,2,3,4(), Zongquan HU1,2,3, Fuqiang LAI4, Yuejiao LIU4, Zhonghu WU5, Jianhua HE6, Guan’gui ZOU7, Pengwei WANG1,3, Zhihao LI3
CLC Number:
Ruyue WANG, Zongquan HU, Fuqiang LAI, Yuejiao LIU, Zhonghu WU, Jianhua HE, Guan’gui ZOU, Pengwei WANG, Zhihao LI. Brittleness features and controlling factors of continental shale from Da’anzhai Member of the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, northeastern Sichuan Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(2): 366-378.
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Table 1
Statistics of dynamic and static elastic parameters of different lithological samples from the Da’anzhai Member, northeastern Sichuan Basin"
样品编号 | 埋深/m | 岩性 | 纵波速度/(m·s-1) | 横波速度/(m·s-1) | 动态杨氏模量/GPa | 静态杨氏模量/GPa | 泊松比 |
24-0 | 63.53 | 介壳灰岩 | 5 453 | 3 030 | 61.70 | 35.31 | 0.28 |
24-1 | 63.71 | 5 071 | 3 027 | 59.00 | 34.61 | 0.22 | |
24-2 | 63.90 | 5 420 | 3 181 | 66.63 | — | 0.24 | |
24-4 | 64.12 | 5 147 | 2 858 | 53.56 | — | 0.28 | |
26-4 | 68.43 | 介壳灰质页岩 | 5 457 | 3 143 | 63.50 | — | 0.25 |
28-2 | 73.53 | 5 503 | 3 022 | 62.99 | 32.20 | 0.28 | |
28-3 | 73.61 | — | — | — | 20.21 | — | |
44-1 | 127.25 | — | — | — | 30.47 | — | |
49-2 | 145.61 | 5 268 | 3 136 | 63.79 | 30.34 | 0.23 | |
51-2 | 152.77 | 粉砂质页岩 | 5 417 | 3 161 | 66.51 | 31.21 | 0.24 |
45-0 | 128.35 | 5 557 | 3 077 | 64.73 | 34.84 | 0.28 | |
45-1 | 128.38 | 5 535 | 3 193 | 68.85 | 35.96 | 0.25 | |
45-2 | 128.45 | 泥质粉砂岩 | 5 633 | 3 336 | 73.45 | 37.57 | 0.23 |
45-3 | 128.57 | 5 785 | 3 351 | 74.82 | 42.65 | 0.25 | |
45-13 | 131.81 | 5 642 | 3 343 | 73.75 | 36.70 | 0.23 | |
45-4 | 128.75 | 含介壳泥质粉砂岩 | 5 776 | 3 331 | 74.31 | 46.49 | 0.25 |
51-1 | 152.61 | 含介壳粉砂质页岩 | 5 348 | 3 185 | 66.37 | — | 0.23 |
Table 2
Parameters for the diagenetic stage division of shale from the Da’anzhai Member, northeastern Sichuan Basin"
划分参数 | 分布范围 | 平均值 | 中成岩阶段划分标准 | 成岩阶段 | |
A亚期 | B亚期 | ||||
Ro/% | 1.11~1.83 | — | 0.5~1.3 | 1.3~2.0 | 中成岩阶段A亚期晚期— 中成岩阶段B亚期中期 |
Tmax/°C | 371~501 | 468 | 435~460 | 460~490 | |
黏土矿物组合类型 | I+I/S+C+K | I+I/S+C+K | I+I/S+C | ||
S在I/S中比例/% | 4.00~30.00 | 15.53 | 15~50 | <15 |
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