Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 101-108,116.doi: 10.11743/ogg20160114

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Characteristics and resource potential of Jurassic tight shale oil reservoirs in West Siberian Basin

Zhang Xinshun, Wang Hongjun, Ma Feng, He Zhengjun, Bai Bin, Liang Yingbo   

  1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2015-08-30 Revised:2016-01-04 Online:2016-02-08 Published:2016-03-02

Abstract: The West Siberian Basin is one of the richest world-class petroliferous basins.With continuous development of the conventional oil,the oil production is declining continuously,so it is an urgent need to find new growth points of the oil production.The characteristics of its shale oil reservoirs are studied through analyses of the geochemical characteristics and reservoir physical properties of the main source rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in the basin,and the technical recoverable tight oil resources are estimated by using the graphics-volume method.Also the recoverability of the Bazhenov tight oil is evaluated comprehensively through comparison with some famous tight oil plays,such as Bakken,Eagle Ford and Yanchang tight oil plays.The result shows that the Bazhenov Formation is an excellent source rock featuring in high organic matter abundance,moderate maturity,large thickness of 20-50 meters. The lithologies are dominated by carbonate silicates and shaly silicates with interbeds of carbonates and siltstone.The quartz content is high,the clay content is low,and natural fractures are highly developed in local areas.The reservoir belongs to type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ tight reservoir with high oil saturation.The technical recoverable resource of the Bazhenov tight oil is 7.6 billion tons,and class Ⅰ resource of tight oil is 0.92 billion tons,which are mainly distributed in the central and west region of the basin.Taking the available facilities into consideration,the Central Ob,with all the key geological conditions at the standards of world-class tight oil plays,is the most favorable area for future development.

Key words: resource potential, tight oil, Bazhenov Formation, West Siberian Basin

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