Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 852-865.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240319
• Methods and Technologies • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiaoyu DU1(), Zhijun JIN1,2(
), Lianbo ZENG1,3, Guoping LIU1, Sen YANG4, Xinping LIANG1, Guoqing LU3
Zhijun JIN
CLC Number:
Xiaoyu DU, Zhijun JIN, Lianbo ZENG, Guoping LIU, Sen YANG, Xinping LIANG, Guoqing LU. Evaluation of natural fracture effectiveness in deep lacustrine shale oil reservoirs based on formation microresistivity imaging logs[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2024, 45(3): 852-865.
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Box plot illustrating the aperture distribution of open fractures with different orientations (a) and the relationship of the average fracture aperture with the included angle between the fracture orientations and the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress (b) in well A in the Mahu Sag"
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