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    25 February 2005, Volume 26 Issue 1
    Control of plate tectonics over evolution of petroliferous basins and characteristic of oil and gas distribution in China
    Jin Jiuqiang, Song Jianguo
    2005, 26(1):  2-8,22.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050101
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    Unique and complex geologic history created the characteristics of petroliferous basins in China. Plate tectonic evolution in China has been characterized by matching of microcontinents, multi-cyclic movements and intensive intracontinental tectonic events. As a result, the Paleozoic basins are mostly of intraplatform depressions and rifts; epicontinental basins are undeveloped, and most of which have been reformed and even involved in orogenic belts. The Meso-Cenozoic basins have been affected by intraplate tectonics and characterized by multiple phases of development and reformation, especially the foreland basins appear to have their own distinctive characteristics. The foreland basins in China have distinctive"ternary"architecture, which is different from the"binary"architecture of those foreland basins abroad. The early stage is characterized by taphrogenic troughs with undeveloped passive continental margins, and continental sediments have mainly been deposited during the development of foreland basins. The strong compression in later stage has resulted in the superimposition of very thick mountain front sediments. Multicyclic tectonic movements and multiple phases of basin superimposition have caused most of the basins in China to have the characteristics of superimposed basins, which have influenced the evolution of source rocks, and migration and distribution of oil and gas. Therefore, most of the petroleum systems in China are of composite types.

    Yanshanian tectonic features in west-central China and their petroleum geological significance
    Jia Chengzao, Wei Guoqi, Li Benliang
    2005, 26(1):  9-15.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050102
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    Yanshanian tectonic movement was very common in west-central China. Firstly, it appears as the unconformity between Cretaceous and Jurassic,and even the Tertiary directly and unconformably contact with Jurassic. Secondly, Yanshanian palaeostructures occur in every basin in west-central China. Thirdly, Lasha and Qiangtang terrains collided along Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone, leading to the uplift of earth crust, a set of red molasse formation was deposited both in Qiangtang basin and Lasha terrain. As a result, an apparent angular unconformity occurs between Cretaceous and Jurassic. Yanshanian tectonic movement is characterized by the followings:regional tectonic elevation led to the shrinkage of sedimentary basin and relatively weak tectonic deformation; large set of coarse glutenite deposits were commonly developed in the front-edge of orogenic belt; magmatic activity occurred in local area within the orogenic belt. The significances of Yanshanian tectonic movement to hydrocarbon accumulation include:(1) Speed up of the thermal evolution of source rocks made the two major coal measure source rocks, Upper Paleozoic and Upper Triassic-Lower and Middle Jurassic, in west-central China entering the peaks of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion or began to generate hydrocarbons respectively in Late Yanshanian; (2) The timing of Yanshanian palaeostructures and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of source rocks would be favorable for early accumulation of hydrocarbons; (3) Readjustment of oil and gas by Himalayanian tectonic movement would be favorable for the formation of secondary oil and gas pools in new traps near the Yanshanian fossil oil and gas reservoirs; (4) Yanshanian tectonic elevation led to the development of good reservoirs of coarse clastic rocks deposited in low water level system tract, thus they would be favorable for reservoiring of oil and gas.

    Post-Hercynian platforms in China and its geological significance
    Zhao Zhongyuan
    2005, 26(1):  16-22.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050103
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    A post-Hercynian platform might exist in North China to the north of Kunlun-Qinling Mountains from Late Permian to Paleogene. It was exactly a complex folded region that had been formed as a result of the collision of Gondwana and Siberia Continent in Late Paleozoic. After peneplanation, it evolved into a young platform receiving Meso-Cenozoic deposits. Meanwhile, several post-Hercynian platforms also developed in eastern Laurasia. The Paleozoic folded region in Russian Central Asia had also experienced a long period of denudation and once been a post-Hercynian platform. Such event has also been discovered in many sedimentary basins in northern China, and has been shown in the paleogeographic map of China. However, the post-Hercynian platforms in China have been destroyed by succeeding tectonic movements, especially the Himalayan movement. Confirmation of the existence of post-Hercynian platform in China will contribute to the review of geological history in China since Mesozoic and the formation and evolution of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins, as well as the reconsideration of the understandings of some geological problems from different angles of view.

    Characteristics of fossil continental plate evolution and movement in China
    Hong Hanjing, Ma Zhongjin, Cheng Guoliang, Zheng Xiuzhen
    2005, 26(1):  23-28.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050104
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    The characteristics of plate evolution and movement in China and adjacent areas since Phanerozoic have been studied by using GIS, with a focus on analyzing the matching process of multiple landmasses and the alternating process of the two types of plate movement since Meso-Cenozoic. The fossil continental plate in China was not a simple plate that had been developed from a single ancient Earth core, but a combination plate that resulted from the matching of several ancient Earth cores or multiple landmasses. The evolution of the fossil continental plate in China had been carried out under the general framework of global plate movement, thus it had been controlled by the global plate movement. Plate movement since Meso-Cenozoic can be divided into two types:one was dominated by opening and closing (drifting), and another was dominated by elevation and subsidence (splitting/bonding). These two types of plate movement occurred alternatively and constituted, in combination with mantle convection, the whole evolution history of the plate.

    Outlook for basin modelling
    Zhang Yuchang, Xu Xuhui, Jiang Xingge, Zhu Jianhui
    2005, 26(1):  29-36.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050105
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    Based on the practices in Qintong depression of Subei, Changling depression in southern Songliao basin and Xihu depression in East China Sea, constrained modelling through geological analysis of basins', prototypes and their juxtaposition and superimposition relations, and combining geological thinking in images with mathematical logic thinking,"TSM"basin system modelling of geologic processes and oil & gas response relations are carried out by using combination of multiple modules and multiple programs. Now, modelling of rift's 2-D subsidence process has been realized in the domain of stacking geology of fault-subsidence prototype basins, which reveal the superimposition of various prototypes of basins would change the geological processes, control the generation and distribution of oil and gas, indicate migration path of oil and gas, and can even predict zones of oil and gas accumulation. Tainan oilfield has thus been discovered in Subei, and a considerable amount of commercial production has been acquired in Darhan reversed structure in southern Songliao basin. Although"TSM"basin system modelling, with essential prediction functions, has been preliminarily applied in practice to serve decision-making in petroleum exploration, it is still in an initial stage with large amount of R&D work to be performed, such as simulation systems for various prototypes of basins, including compressing and squeezing foredeep basin, strike-slip and extensional basin and intracontinental depression basin, as well as simulation of superimposition of various prototypes of basins. Nevertheless,"TSM"modellng has built a bridge leading from known to unknown, and it will become one of the innovative technology chains in our petroleum exploration.

    Discussion on essential characteristics of intracontinental-subduction type foreland basins in western China
    Liu Shugen, Luo Zhili, Zhao Xikui, Xu Guoqiang, Liu Shun, Wang Guozhi, Xu Guosheng, Yong Ziquan, Li Zhiwu, Sun Wei
    2005, 26(1):  37-48,56.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050106
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    Most of the intracontinental foreland basins in western China were the results of intracontinental subduction (C-subduction), which was a unique tectonic form in western China and developed in the conjunction areas between intracontinental folded mountain systems and foreland basins after the matching of the continents. Tectonics in mainland China resulting from matching of micro-continental blocks was the major cause of the complex structures of foreland basins in western China. Intracontinental subduction (C-subduction) was the intrinsic cause of circulation of mass flow and energy flow in type-C foreland basins and type-C orogenic belt (thrust belt). Closing of Tethys and continuous compressing and squeezing of Indian plate were the tectonic dynamics background for the formation of foreland basins in western China. The foreland basins in western China are very different from those typical foreland basins in respects of genetic mechanism, basin types, geologic features and hydrocarbon accumulation. Foreland basins of intracontinental subduction type (type-C) are characterized by continental source rocks, low poroperm sandstone reservoirs, various traps and multiple reservoiring stages mainly in Himalayan period.

    Modelling of burial and hydrocarbon-generation histories of Meso-Paleozoic marine residual basins in South Yellow Sea and its geologic significance
    Dai Chunshan, Yang Yanqiu, Yan Guijing
    2005, 26(1):  49-56.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050107
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    Taking the Upper Permian Dalong-Longtan Formations and the Lower Triassic Qinglong Formation in the southern part of South Yellow Sea as examples, it is discusses exploration and appraisal methods of this remnant marine basin. According to analysis, the residual basin was formed during Indosinian and early Yanshanian. It was composed of a series of thrusted anticline-horst zones and was connected with the Nanjing-Anfeng ramp zone. It experienced three evolutionary stages, including craton formation, compressional thrusting and chasmic strike slipping, which resulted in two hydrocarbon generation modes, with Dalong-Longtan Formations and Qinglong Formation to be the source rocks, respectively. The former has been deeply buried and accompanied by hydrocarbon generation just for one time, just like those in Wunansha uplift, where the buried hill oil and gas reservoirs would be the main exploration targets. The latter has been deeply buried twice and each to be accompanied by hydrocarbon generation, just as those in the southern downwarping region, where several marine and continental petroleum systems and oil and gas accumulations might have been developed.

    Collision structures in Pamir region and reformation of Tarim Basin
    Ding Daogui, Luo Yueming
    2005, 26(1):  57-63,77.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050108
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    Rock and isotopic age of the collision structures in Pamir region have recorded the movement of Indian plate toward Asian plate, which has experienced subduction and consumption of Neo-Thetys (113±1.5Ma-71.1±1.4Ma), collision of Indian and Asian plates(36.95±1.2Ma) and continuous squeezing after collision (6.69-6.80Ma). The Jurassic-Cretaceous in the southwestern Tarim Basin/Paleogene foreland basin, located in front of the Pamir thrust zone, have been reformed by the collision of Indian and Asian plates, and only the Maigaiti slope zone and Tazhong-Bachu frontal uplift zone have survived. The subsidence center of the Miocene-Quaternary foreland basin has migrated northward to Yecheng-Kashi where 5000~6000m of coarse clastic sediments have been accumulated as a result of rapid subsidence. Kuqa Meso-Cenozoic foreland basin on the southern side of Tianshan orogenic belt has relatively complete structures with smaller reformation than that in southwestern Tarim, hence the Yiqikelike-Kelasu Jurassic-Cretaceous/Paleogene foredeep subsiding zone, Qiulitage-Yaken slope zone and Yaha-Tabei fontal uplift zone have been preserved. Most of the Triassic-Jurassic/Early Cretaceous strata have been transformed into thrust fault and fault-bended and fault-extended fold belts, as well as the aggrading deformable zone of detachment faults and decollement folds in Qiulitage-Yaken slope zone during the Miocene collision. Later, they have been preserved by the superimposition and overlap of the southward migrating Baicheng-Yangxia Pliocene-Quaternary sag, thus they have been provided with the conditions for the formation of large gas accumulations. During the squeezing and strike-slip displacement stages after the Miocene collision of Indian and Asian plates, deep in-situ deformable bodies or anticlines, such as Yingjisha and Mingluyao etc. have been formed in Kashi depression, and in-situ folded deformable structures of collision stage (stage Ⅱ) might also exist in deep Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary in Atushi anticline, Kelasu anticline, Talanghe and Alabulake in west Tianshan mountain front. These structures should be the main exploration targets in Tarim basin.

    Formation and evolution of polycyclic superimposed Tarim Basin
    He Dengfa, Jia Chengzao, Li Desheng, Zhang Chaojun, Meng Qingren, Shi Xin
    2005, 26(1):  64-77.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050109
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    Tarim Basin is a large composite and superimposed sedimentary basin developed on the basement of pre-Sinian continental crust. It has undergone three mega-cycles of extension and convergence that separately occurred in Sinian-Middle Devonian, Late Devonian-Triassic and Jurassic-Quaternary. During Sinian to Middle Devonian, i.e. the period of paleo-Asian ocean or proto-Tethyan ocean, it experienced the developmental cycle of intracontinental rift-passive epicontinental basin-foreland basin. From Late Devonian to Triassic, the period of paleo-Tethyan ocean ocean, the southwestern margin of Tarim experienced the developmental cycle of intracontinental rift/passive epicontinental basin-back-arc extensional basin-back-arc foreland basin. From Jurassic to Quaternary, the period of neo-Tethyan ocean, it experienced the developmental cycle of intracontinental rift/depression-compressional adjustment-late foreland basin. There were three secondary cycles during the intracontinental rift/depression-compressional adjustment period. Stratigraphic sequences of the prototype basin in the extensional stage are much more continuous, while those in the convergence stage are characterized by large lateral variation. The complex and superimposed geologic configuration of the basin had been determined by the geodynamic process and pattern of the basin evolution, as well as by the tectonic framework transformation, which would control the basic characteristics of hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution.

    A studying of Cenozoic fracture systems in Bachu-Kalpin area, Tarim Basin
    Xiao Ancheng, Yang Shufeng, Li Yuejun, Wang Qinghua, Chen Hanlin
    2005, 26(1):  78-85.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050110
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    Strikes of fault system in Bachu uplift, a secondary structural unit in Tarim basin, are mainly NNW, while those in the neighboring Kalpin thrust belt to the north, part of South Tianshan tectonic system, are nearly EW. These two fracture systems are nearly orthogonal in the plane view. Mesozoic and Cenozoic are absent in a large area in Bachu uplift, so it is difficult to determine the exact time of activity of the fracture system. Comparing the features of Cenozoic sequences and analysing their contact relations shows that the N-S fracture system in Bachu uplift began to come into being in Miocene and extended northward into Kalpin structural belt. The corresponding relations between the N-S fracture systems in the two structural units are studied in this paper.It is pointed out that the E-W fracture system in Kalpin area was active mainly after Pliocene(N2). The present N-S and E-W fracture systems in Kalpin structural belt are the results of superimposition of structures in different stages. Structural geologic models of Bachu and Kalpin fracture systems are also presented in this paper.

    Tectonic evolution and development and distribution of fans on northwestern edge of Junggar Basin
    Lei Zhenyu, Lu Bing, Wei Yuanjiang, Zhang Liping, Shi Xin
    2005, 26(1):  86-91.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050111
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    The northwestern edge of Junggar Basin experienced multiphase tectonic movements of different natures, and it appeared as a foreland basin since Cenozoic. Extensive collision, compression and thrusting occurred along with regional tectonic movement, and faulting apparently had the nature of overthrusting, resulting in fold structures to be in parallel with the fracture zone. The overthrust faults were commonly syngenetic and controlled obviously the development of fans. Thrusting occurred continuously, so topographies on the hanging walls were greatly different from those on the footwalls. Clastics denuded from the thrust sheets accumulated on the foot of fault scarps, leading to the formation of various fans (alluvial fan, fan delta and submarine fan, etc.). Step thrust faults led to the formation of multistage fans. Tectonic activities attenuated gradually from Permian to Jurassic and the sizes of fans decreased gradually. Lateral displacement of tectonic activities resulted in the migration of fans. As a whole, the strongest and longest tectonic activities occurred in Baikouquan-Xiazijie area, hence the fans in that area would be relatively large, highly superimposed and largely migrated; while those in Cheguai-Karamay area were relatively weak, so the fans would be small, poorly superimposed and shortly migrated.

    Basin evolution and hydrocarbon potential in Songpan-Aba area
    Cai Liguo, Liu Weixin, Song Liheng, Wang Shoude
    2005, 26(1):  92-98.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050112
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    Songpan-Aba area has experienced two major extensional-compressional tectonic stages during the regional tectonic evolution. The first stage began with the dismembering of late Proterozoic China ancient land. In Early Paleozoic, the Tianshan-Qilian-Qinling ocean was formed, which separated Yangtze landmass from North China landmass; and passive epicontinental basin was developed on the northern edge of Songpan-Aba area. The Early Paleozoic oceanic basins consumed along with the consumption of the proto-Tethys. Due to the Caledonian subduction, the Yangtze landmass collided with the North China landmass, which finally formed the Caledonian subducting orogenic belt, resulting in the inversion of the passive epicontinental basin. The second stage began in the Late Paleozoic, chasmic troughs and small oceanic crusts between them were developed on the western edge of Yangtze landmass along with the spreading of Paleo-Tethys, resulting in the formation of extensional and fractured continental margin and the development of turbidite sedimentary basin on the western and/or southern edge of Songpan-Aba area. In Late Triassic, the extensional and fractured continental margin was inverted during Indosinian movement along with the closure of the Paleo-Tethys, resulting in the formation of Indosinian folded orogen. Later, this area was uplifted together with Qinghai-Tibet plateau along with the subduction and consumption of Neo-Thetis and collision of Indian plate with Eurasia. Affected by the Longmenshan intracontinental subduction, an intracontinental folded orogen was developed in the eastern part, and finally formed the present tectonic framework. Therefore, the sedimentation types and tectonic evolution of the basins are characterized by their multicyclic features. As a whole, Songpan-Aba area is in the early stage of over-mature and begins to generate large amount of methane, thus it has gas potential. The available geochemical and non-seismic geophysical exploration results show that Norgai depression has the most favorable conditions for hydrocarbon preservation and is a favorable play in Songpan-Aba area.

    Sedimentary mechanism of shelf-type fan delta and genesis of coarsening-upward sequence in Shuanghe oilfield
    Zhang Changmin, Yin Taiju, Zhang Shangfeng, Li Shaohua, Dan Weidong
    2005, 26(1):  99-103,113.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050113
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    Fan deltas in the 3rd member of Hetaoyuan Formation in Shuanghe oilfield have the characteristics of shelf-type fan deltas, where the strtigraphic sequences, as a whole, are developed in anticyclic sequences, but the single layer appear to be in positive rhythm. This kind of sequences are neither typical fluvial deposits, nor typical river mouth bar deposits. They are deposited as a result of axial efflux from river channel to lake basin under the condition of shelf-type fan delta with midly sloping lake floor. The energy and speed of axial efflux gradually decrease toward the axial direction and both sides, and the grain sizes of sediments decrease along with lowering of water flow energy, the deposits get thinner and evolve from subaquous distributary channel deposits into distributary mouth bar deposits. The deposits in the leading edge of mouth bar spread out and become sheet sand. In fact, the river mouth bar is a complex composed mainly of river mouth bar,and 6 microfacies, including core, lateral margin, margin,front edge,sheet sand and interbar. The bars get higher vertically and migrate laterally when the main stream line or location of channel migrate, resulting in plenty of sequence patterns.

    Distribution pattern of oil and gas in Pinghu structural zone in Xihu depression, East China Sea
    Gu Huirong, Ye Jiaren, Hao Fang
    2005, 26(1):  104-108.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050114
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    There are four oil types in Pinghu structural zone, i.e. normal condensate, abnormal condensate, light crude oil and normal crude oil. Natural gas is mainly of pyrolysis product-condensate gas. Hydrocarbons produced from Pinghu structural zone are mainly of condensate gas,and then to be followed by crude oil. Reservoirs in the Huagang Formation are mainly of anticlinal type, and most of them have been cut by faults. Reservoirs in the Pinghu Formation are mostly fault block and semi-anticlinal condensate gas pools controlled by contemporaneous faults.

    Determination of Cenozoic uplift-cooling event in Qinshui basin
    Ren Zhanli, Xiao Hui, Liu Li, Zhang Sheng, Lei Liqing, Qin Yong, Wei Chongtao
    2005, 26(1):  109-113.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050115
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    ission-track analyses of apatite and zircon show that an uplift-cooling event occurred in Qinshui basin 26.2-11.5Ma ago. It occurred earlier in the northern and southern parts, and later in the central part. Qinshui basin experienced a large uplift-cooling event from Oligocene to Miocene, as a result, the formation temperature decreased and the hydrocarbon generating process in the Permo-Carboniferous coal measure strata ceased.

    Comparison of tectonic evolutions and petroleum geological conditions in Tazhong and Tabei palaeohighs in Tarim Basin
    Xu Guoqiang, Liu Shugen, Li Guorong, Wu Hengzhi, Yan Xiangbin
    2005, 26(1):  114-119,129.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050116
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    Comparison of tectonic evolutions and petroleum geological conditions between Tazhong and Tabei palaeohighs shows that,in Middle Caledonian, Tazhong area was uplifted, resulting in the absence of Middle Ordovician and well developed weathered residuum and karst,while the Upper Ordovician source rock and reef flat reservoirs facies were limited on the palaeohigh. Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment, Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete,lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed, and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed. In Middle-Late Caledonian, 3 anticlinal structural belts were developed in Tazhong area due to strong movement, and weathered residuum and karst were developed only in carbonate outcrops on top of the anticlines. Whereas Tabei area was overall uplifted, then weathered residuum and karst were undeveloped, because carbonates had not been cropping out. In Late Caledonian, large amount of hydrocarbons accumulated in Tazhong area, since the palaeohigh had been formed; while only sporadic charging of hydrocarbons occurred in Tabei area. In Early Hercynian, the eastern part of Tazhong area was relatively elevated, leading to the palaeohigh to have a topography of high in the east and low in the west. The Donghe Formation sandstone was deposited in the west-central part, while multiple small residuum-karst reservoirs were developed in the eastern buried hill zone. Tabei area was strongly uplifted, and carbonates in the nose structure had wholly been cropped out, resulting in the development of large residuum-karst system. After Early Hercynian, Tazhong palaeohigh became a residual palaeohigh along with elevation and subsidence of the basin, and the topography of high in the east and low in the west made it possible to collect and accumulate hydrocarbons in Awati sag through fracture belt Ⅰ. The strong and continuous uplifting of Tabei area made it to be an inherited palaeohigh and became the major directed area of hydrocarbons mirgration from Manjiar sag.Considering the situation the mentioned above, it is suggested that the petroleum exploration in Tabei area can be extended to the southern slope, while that in Tazhong area can be extended to the western slope, and the explortion in the southeast periphery area should be target at the Late Caledonian fossil oil accumulations.

    Logging constrained inversion of seismic data in Peng No.2 structure in Bodong sag
    Zhu Wei, Ma Pengshan, Tan Chengjun, Cheng Zhe
    2005, 26(1):  120-124.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050117
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    Velocity contrast of sandstone and mudstone and the corresponding seismic reflecting horizons in the targeted Guantao Formation are analyzed based on core and lithofacies data and velocity statistics. Through detailed velocity study and seismogeological model analysis, as well as multiple wavelet extractions and repeated and detailed calibrations, the conventional geologic interface profile is inverted into a stratigraphic-lithologic profile. Four low wave impedance intervals are identified which correspond to the following 4 reservoir intervals:(1) 3150-3170m, log interpreted water-and oil-bearing interval in Peng xl2 well; (2) 3215-3250m, log interpreted main oil-bearing interval in Peng xl2 well; (3) 3300-3400m, log interpreted water-oil-bearing interval in Peng xl2 well; (4) 3465-3495m, log interpreted water-oil-bearing interval in Peng xl2 well.

    Dynamic division of flow units:taking Xianhezhuang oilfield as an example
    Wang Zhigao, Jin Yanxin
    2005, 26(1):  125-129.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050118
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    The 2nd member of Shahejie Formation in He 43 block is divided into 5 flow units according to productivity index per meter of single layer production during water-free oil production period, distribution characteristics and the corresponding characteristics of air-permeability and relative permeability. Permeability of type Ⅰ flow unit is the best, that of type Ⅱ is relatively good, type Ⅲ medium, type Ⅳ relatively poor, and type Ⅴ poor. Laterally, the major subzones with thickness of over 3.5m are mainly of type Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ flow units, while the non-major subzones with thickness of less than 3.5m are mainly of typeⅣ and Ⅴ flow units. Vertically, the distribution of flow units are complex, and even all of the five types of flow units can exist concurrently in a single well. This characteristic shows that the reservoirs in the 2nd member of Shahejie Formation in He 43 block have strong heterogeneity. Different flow units have different relative permeability characteristics. Oil-phase relative permeability in flow units with good poroperm characteristics decline slowly, while water-phase relative permeability goes up quickly. On the contrary, oil-phase relative permeability declines quickly, while water-phase relative permeability goes up slowly.