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    28 February 2013, Volume 34 Issue 1
    Correlation of light hydrocarbons between source rock and crude oil: an example from Dongying and Zhanhua depressions in Jiyang subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin
    Wang Peirong, Xu Guanjun, Zhang Dajiang, Xiao Tingrong, Ren Dongling
    2013, 34(1):  1-10.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130101
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    An in-house designed and manufactured on-line analyzing device consisting of vacuum ball milling,heating releasing,helium purging and liquid nitrogen trapping was used to study the light hydrocarbon fractions(C5-C13) of scattered organic matter in source rocks.Ten source rock samples and saturated hydrocarbon samples of their extracts as well as 15 oil samples from the Eocene Shahejie Formation in Dongying and Zhanhua depressions of Shengli oilfield were first analyzed by GC and GC-MS.Then oil-source and oil-oil correlation and classification of light hydrocarbon(nC6-nC9) were performed.The results in combination with the biomarkers and geological background were finally used to perform comprehensive study,leading to four conclusions.(a)The light hydrocarbons in the scattered organic matter of the source rocks in the upper Es4,lower Es3 and Es1 are different in chemical compositions.(b)The chemical components of C5-C13 light hydrocarbons are related to the salinity of water column during deposition,which is consistent with that of the oils.(c)Among the 15 oil samples,8 samples contain light hydrocarbons mostly originated from the lower Es3 source rocks,while 4 samples from the upper Es4 source rocks,the rest are mixed oil.(d)The on-line device provided a new way for study the characteristics of light hydrocarbons(C5-C13)in the scattered organic matter in source rocks and their application in petroleum geochemistry.

    Characteristics and gas content of the Lower Cambrian dark shale in Well Yuke 1, Southeast Chongqing
    Xie Chen, Zhang Jinchuan, Li Yuxi, Wang Xiaohong
    2013, 34(1):  11-15.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130102
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    Lower Paleozoic marine shale is widely distributed in Southeast Chongqing and features in large thickness,shallow burial depth and high organic abundance.The information from Well Yuke 1 helps us to well understand the characteristics and gas potential of the dark shale.The thickness of dark shale in the Cambrian Niutitang Formation is 50.2 m in total.Our studies reveal that the shale has favorable hydrocarbon accumulation conditions,with an average total organic carbon content(TOC) of 5.63% and an average vitrinite reflectance(Ro) of 3%.Calculation through logging analysis,isothermal adsorption test and linear regression shows that the total gas content of the shale is within the range of 1.0-3.5 m3/t.Well Yuke 1 demonstrates that the Niutitang Formation dark shale is characterized by high organic content,high maturity and large gas content,indicating great potential of shale gas resources.

    Occurrence and thermostability of absorbed organic matter on clay minerals in mudstones and muddy sediments
    Lu Longfei, Cai Jingong, Liu Wenhui, Tenger, Wang Jie
    2013, 34(1):  16-26.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130103
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    To study the occurrence of absorbed organic matter in clay minerals,the bounding of organic matter and clay minerals,and thermostability of the organic matter,we took samples from the argillaceous hydrocarbon source rocks of the Neocene Shahejie Formation in Jiyang Depression and from mud on surface of the East China Sea continental shelf.Clay components (<2 μm) were obtained from theses samples for sequential treatments including soxhlet extract,base hydrolysis and acid hydrolysis.The original clay samples and their absorbed organic matters as well as that obtained during base hydrolysis and acid hydrolysis were compared in respects of microscopic shape (SEM),specific surface area (BET),X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal gravity/differential thermal gravity (TG/DTG).Results show that extracted organic matter mainly occurs on the outer surface and in micro-pores of clay minerals,base hydrolysed organic matter can be found near broken bound on margin of clay minerals,and acid hydrolayse organic matter mainly occurs in inter-layers of expandable smectite in clay minerals.The former is free organic matters with physical adsorption or bound and the latter two are the combined organic matter with chemisorption.The various associative relations between the organic matter and clay minerals caused difference in their thermostability and further affected the hydrocarbon generation in the area.A study on the absolute and relative contents of organic matters with various occurrences is therefore considered significant for understanding the hydrocarbon origin and its primary migration.

    Maturity of light oil and its significance in indicating oil source in Hetianhe gas field, Tarim Basin
    Cui Jingwei, Wang Tieguan, Hu Jian, Li Meijun
    2013, 34(1):  27-36.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130104
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    GC and GC-MS analysis was performed on compounds possibly containing information on maturity in four light oil samples selected in Hetianhe gas field.Maturity indexes including heptane index,isoheptane index,methyldiamantane index,MPI,methyldibenzothiophene(MDBTs)and Ts/(Ts+Tm) indicate that the light oil in Hetianhe gas field is at high maturation stage(gas condensate).In contrast,methylnaphthalene,C29 sterane 20S/(20S+20R) and C29 sterane ββ/(αα+ββ) suggest that the source rocks have not entered peak oil generation stage.Indexes such as light hydrocarbon show that high maturity of the light oil is consistent with its physical properties.The anomalies of naphthalenes may be the result of weak biodegradation,while the low sterane indexes may be the result of overturning at the end of evolutionary balance.Comprehensive analyses of the maturity indexes reveal that the light oil is at the end of maturation-high maturation stage.Furthermore,comparison with the typical local source rocks indicates that both the light oil and natural gas are generated by the Cambrian source rocks,a conclusion supported by oil-source correlation based on sterane and terpane.

    Gas accumulation conditions of the Permian Taiyuan Formation in Shenmu gas field, Ordos Basin
    Meng Xiaoling, Zhang Hongbo, Feng Qianghan, Zhang Baoguo, Wang Caili, Wang Zhunbei
    2013, 34(1):  37-41.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130105
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    In order to further reveal natural gas reservoir forming conditions and its main controlling factors in Shenmu gas field,Ordos Basin,this paper systematically analyzed the hydrocarbon generation conditions,reservoir characteristics,reservoir and seal conditions,source-reservoir-cap assemblage and key controlling factors of gas accumulation in the Taiyuan Formation by using theories of petroleum geology and hydrocarbon accumulation in combination with geochemical characteristics.The results indicate that Benxi Formation,Taiyuan Formation and coal seams in the 2nd member of Shanxi Formation are high quality source rocks for the Taiyuan Formation reservoir,and have high organic content which is favorable for hydrocarbon generation.The shale in the 2nd member of Shanxi Formation has dual sealing mechanisms (i.e.capillary seal and hydrocarbon concentration seal) with strong sealing capacity,which are favorable for hydrocarbon preservation.The reservoir lithology of the Taiyuan Formation is dominated by quartz sandstone and lithic quartz sandstone with low porosity and low to extra-low permeability due to the control of both provenance and sedimentation.However,local high-yield pay zones still exist due to the development of quartz sandstone reservoirs.Physical properties are the main factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation of the Taiyuan Formation in this area.Mapping quartz sandstone distribution is the key to reduce drilling risk and to ensure high yield of gas wells.

    Characterization of the sedimentation of the Leikoupo Formation and the weathering crust reservoirs at the top of the formation in the western Sichuan Basin
    Tang Yu
    2013, 34(1):  42-47.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130106
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    Before the uplifting in the late Ladinian age of the Indosinian,the Leikoupo Formation of the Middle Triassic in Sichuan Basin was an evaporite platform intermittently submerged by epicontinental sea.The overall paleogeographic pattern of the platform was high in the east and low in the west.The secondary uplifts and depressions developed in the platform acted as the basement for lagoon and salinized salt lake.The depocenter of the salt lake moved with the evolution of the paleogeographic pattern to areas along Chengdu and Nanchong in central and western Sichuan Basin during the deposition of the third and fourth members of the Formation.The Sichuan sea was uplifted as a whole due to the early Indosinian movement in late ladinian age,leading to the development of a wide-spreading paleo-weathering crust at the top of the Formation.In western Sichuan Basin,the crust is mainly located at the top of the fourth member.Exposed dissolution and deep burial dissolution led to the development of fractured-vuggy reservoirs within the crust.It is observed that the development of vuggy-fractured reservoirs is one of the major factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.A big breakthrough of gas exploration has been made with the well Chuanke-1 at the top of the Formation in the Xiaoquan structure of western Sichuan Basin.The analysis of the genesis of weathering crust and the main controlling factors for reservoir development shows that the top of the Formation is the potential exploration targets in western Sichuan Basin.

    Reservoir characteristics of low-permeability pyroclastic sandstones and their influences on petroleum development in A'nan oilfield of Erlian Basin
    Liang Guanzhong, Jiang Zhenxue, Liu Zhong, Yin Zhijun, Shen Baohua, Ma Junheng
    2013, 34(1):  48-57.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130107
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    The reservoir rocks of A'nan sandstone oilfield are dominated by feldspar lithic sandstone,and are proximal subaqueous fan deposits with prominent influences of volcanic activity.They feature in high content of pyroclastic debris and tufaceous cements,low composition maturity and structure maturity.Although their burial depth is shallow,epidiagenesis such as compaction and cementation are intense,leading to the poor development of primary porosity.As the major secondary pores,the dissolution pores feature in micro-pore throat and poor sorting of pore throat,resulting in poor storage capacity and permeability.Therefore,A'nan oil reservoir is typical low permeable pyroclastic sandstone reservoir.The pore structure deteriorates during water flooding due to various factors such as water sensitivity and velocity sensitivity.As a result,the displacement-pressure increases,while water-free oil recovery and ultimate oil displacement efficiency decrease.During waterflooding,water injection pressure increases continuously,and pressure buildup is significant,but well deliverability is commonly low.Several measures such as layer-subdivision and infill drilling are carried out to improve oilfield development.

    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy and coal sedimentary modes of Member 2 of Shanxi Formation in Zizhou and its adjacent areas,the Ordos Basin
    Yang Yong, Lei Bianjun, Feng Yongjiu, Meng Kun, Chen Bo, Ye Wu
    2013, 34(1):  58-67.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130108
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    The Shanxi Formation of Ordos Basin is regarded as an exploratory target for it is rich in both coal and natural gas.The second member of the Formation (Shan-2) pertains to delta sedimentary system of a lake basin.The distributary channel sandbodies in the Shan-23 sub-member are the major pay zones of the Zizhou gas field.The Shanxi Formation in the gas field and its adjacent areas can be divided into 2 long-term basal level cycles;4 medium-term basal level cycles and 8 short-term basal level cycles.The structures of 5 short-term basal level cycles have been identified.During the division of medium-short term cycles,the writers not only employed identification methods of sequence boundary,lake flooding surface,and deposition cycles,but also took into conside-ration the positions of coal beds from delta sedimentary system in high-resolution sequence stratigraphy.Shoreline trajectory analysis was combined with research of coal sedimentary mode to exactly reconstruct the evolution of the coal deposition environment in the Shan-23 sub-member in the areas.The Shan-23 sub-member is the product of delta deposition environment with intermittent lake transgression-regression as the feature.There had been 4 short periods of lake transgression-regression and created environments for the deposition of 4 coal layers in the lower deltaic plain.Among the 4 short-term transgression-regression cycles,the last one is the most extensive and during the time the lower deltaic plain turned to swamp peat,forming the thick 5# coal-bed that is distributed almost in the whole study area.

    Sequence stratigraphic framework and play fairways in Block B of the South Sumatra Basin
    Tian Shicun, Liu Guochen, Tang Lei, Chen Hui, Sun Junshu
    2013, 34(1):  68-76.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130109
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    South Sumatra Basin is a Cenozoic back-arc rift basin experienced four tectonic evolution stages and a full cycle of transgression-regression.As a result,the basin presents a unique sequence stratigraphy and sedimentray filling pattern and contains diversified depositional systems:lacustrine,fluvial,delta,shallow marine shelf carbonates,organic reef and etc.The Block B in the basin was studied in detail and its sequence stratigraphic framework was established.The Cenozoic strata in the block were divided into eight third-order sequences with Sq1 to Sq4 as the key exploration targets.Based on its paleo-geomorphic characteristics,four structural units with different sedimentary characteristics and exploration target were identified.Vertically,four plays were identified within the sequence stratigraphic framework based on summation of each structural evolution stage.Laterally,the hydrocarbon accumulation conditions were comprehensively analyzed by using structure overlapping method after structure interpretation of each stage,leading to the identification of five prospective structural zones.The study offers a sound foundation for further exploration and development of the block.

    Fine exploration of tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation, Hexingchang-Fenggu area,the western Sichuan Basin
    Lin Xiaobing, Liu Liping, Tian Jingchun, Fu Ju, Wu Ling, Yang Yingtao
    2013, 34(1):  77-84.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130110
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    A set of fine exploration technologies had been developed and applied to improve exploration success rate in the tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Hexingchang-Fenggu area,western Sichuan Basin.Guided by geological understandings and based on seismic data,the technologies are employed to study the tight sand gas reservoirs through fine division and correlation of sand groups as well as integration of dynamic performance with static geological features.The gas reservoir characteristics were described and the main controlling factors were identified.Sweet spot prediction and well emplacement were carried out through strengthening seismic prediction,drilling tracing,testing layer selection as well as comprehensive geologi-cal study during stimulation.The success rate of exploratory drilling has been greatly improved through real-time modification of drilling program during drilling operation.Fine exploration of the Hexingchang-Fenggu area reveals that the gas reservoir has the characteristics of water-soluble gas.It can be classified as paleo-structural-lithological trap,with paleo-structural high controlling gas accumulations.Four play fairways were identified:the wellblocks of CH148-CH137-GM3 and GM2-CG561 with the second member of Xujiahe Fm as the target,and the wellblocks of GM2-CG561-GM4 and CF563-CF175 with the fourth member of the Formation as the target.

    Sedimentary characteristics and geophysical responses of sublacustrine fan in the Junggar Basin:a case study on the Lower Urho Formation of the Permian in the Wuba block,Karamay oilfield
    Wu Tao, Zhao Changyong, Wu Caixi, Su Yanli, Zhou Zuoming, Zhang Shuncun, Shi Jian
    2013, 34(1):  85-94.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130111
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    Sublacustrine fans were identified firstly in the Junggar Basin through integrated methodology of geology and geophysics.Data gathered from core sampling,testing,logging,and 3D seismic analysis of the Wuba block in Karamay Oilfield of Juggar Basin,show that the fans develop well in the lower Urho Formation of the Permian in the area.Study on the sedimentary facies,petrology and texture reveals that the fans have Bouma sequence and grain size distribution typical of turbidite deposits.Forward seismic modeling confirms the sensitive responses of the fans.The spatial distribution of fans was finely described with several seismic technologies including seismic multi-attributes,spectrum decomposition and seismic slices.The sandbodies in the fans occur as chaotic reflection,oblique reflection and lenticular reflection on seismic profiles.On plane view,they are widely distributed in clusters with good sandstone and mudstone combinations,while in space,they show lens shapes.These sandstone reservoirs and source rocks are close and in good combination,favorable for forming litholohic traps.These fans bear great significance to the exploration of lithologic reservoirs in the region.

    Seismic sedimentology of the 9th sand group in the 4th member of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Xinchang area of the western Sichuan Basin
    Zhang Xihua, Chen Hongde, Hou Mingcai, Yang Jingdong, Lin Liangbiao, Chen Anqing, Qian Lijun
    2013, 34(1):  95-101.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130112
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    The 90°phase conversion and slicing techniques are two important seismic sedimentology research approaches.However,tracing and correlation of small-scale isochronal seismic interfaces are challenging in reality,as the 90? phase conversion technique could not correctly reflect the relationship between lithology and seismic responses.The solution to the problem is to use SpecDecomp technology to trace the small-scale isochronal seismic interfaces and then improve seismic resolution with drilling-constrained mix-phase wavelet deconvolution technology while ensuring a rational signal-to-noise ratio.During the process,the seismic section is dephased and geological information is extracted from seismic responses.The new approach had been applied to the study of the 9th sand group of the fourth member of the Xujiahe Formation (T3x4(9)) in Xinchang area of western Sichuan Basin.The result shows that sandbodies are well developed inside the group and are superimposed with one another as the underwater distributary channels moved and shifted frequently.According to the extension direction of the sandbodies,the authors judge that the Longmengshang island group in the north is the provenance.The central Xinchang area contains the thickest sandbody of all as a result of the superimposition of multiple phases of underwater distributary channels.As the compaction resistance of conglomerate can protect the pores of sandstone,the sandbodies in areas with superimposed underwater distributary channels have favorable physical properties,therefore are considered potential exploration targets.

    Estimation of three-dimensional distribution of fissures according to fissure traces on outcrops
    Ni Chunzhong, Liu Chunxue, Zhang Shitao
    2013, 34(1):  102-106.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130113
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    Two-dimensional information of fissure traces is gathered from outcrops through digital imaging to study the occurrence of fracture surfaces within rocks and simulate the spatial distribution of fissure networks inside rocks.These studies are of great significance to the prediction of subsurface resources (especially fluid resources) and the evaluation of stability subsurface space.Fissures within rocks can be divided into several groups according to their clustering patterns.It is assumed that the fissures in each group spread around a central value.The relations between occurrences of fissure surface and wall surface and dip of fissure trace are defined with the included angle between lens direction and normal line of the wall and are used to estimate the occurrence of a given fissure surface.Random function is used to define fissure distribution based on the Fisher distribution.Dips of fissure traces are used to delineate the three-dimensional distribution of fissure surfaces.The final step is to develop a consistent method for solving the inverse problem and controls the calculation error under 5% by using simulated annealing method.The method had been applied to the investigation of fissures on outcrop in Gaosong ore field in GeJiu tin deposit.The fissures were divided into two sets with average dips of 49.0° (SD of 0.38) and 128.2° (SD of 0.32) respectively and their occurrences were estimated.The first set has a mean dip direction of 171.1°and a mean dip angle of 75.1° and the second has a mean dip direction of 338.3° and a mean dip angle of 3.9°They fit well with field data.Simulation of fissure network was carried out based on the concept and yielded very positive results.Overall,the method shows great potential for direct estimation of 3D distribution of fissures according to fissure trace direction on outcrop.

    Chronology evidence of ESR dating for the late movements of the Piqiang fault in the Tarim Basin and its geological implication
    Wang Penghao, Tang Liangjie, Qiu Haijun, Chen Xuyun, Zhang Yuhang
    2013, 34(1):  107-111.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130114
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    The Piqiang fault is a NW-trending strike-slip fault in the Keping uplift on the north margin of Tarim Basin.Satellite images of the fault show a left-lateral strike-slip faulting structure with local right-lateral characteristics in the south.The Piqiang fault and Selibu fault on the Bachu uplift in the basin shows well spatial matching relationship.Therefore,chronology evidence of ESR dating of the Piqiang fault bears great significance to the study of late deformation of Tarim Basin.Field surveys shows that the fault offset the Paleozoic in the Keping uplift and dragged it to the surface.The Ordovician in the area is dominated by carbonates and contains well-developed large calcite veins due to faulting and late fluid filling and crystallization.The dating of calcite veins in the fault belt indicates that the age recorded by the Piqiang fault at late stage is 62-66 ka,and that recorded by the middle part of the fault is 3 583?350 ka.The similar chronological age data of the southern and northern parts shows that the Piqiang fault has the characteristics of synchronous activity during the later period.Based on the genetic analysis of the big age differences of the calcite veins in the Piqiang fault,it is suggested that the Keping uplift still possibly experienced vertical uplifting even after overthrusting of Keping Uplift in SW direction.The vertical uplifting in turn is the result of differential modification at the south and north ends of the Piqiang fault.

    Impact of the northern South America Plate boundary evolution upon petroliferous basins
    Cheng Xiaodao, Li Jianghai, Gao Weiyan
    2013, 34(1):  112-119.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130115
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    This article correlated the evolution history of the northern South America Plate and its typical petroli-ferous basins(Maracaibo Basin and East Venezuela Basin).In the early of evolution,the northern South America Plate was in the passive margin stage when quality marine source rocks were deposited in these petroliferous basins.In the late of evolution,the east-to-west oblique subduction of the Caribbean Plate under the South American Plate resulted in the sequential tectonic evolution of the petroliferous basins in northern South America.i.e.tectonic evolution of the basin in the west was prior to that in the east.Correspondingly,the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons obeyed similar order to that of basins.The subduction resulted in the formation of many clastic-filled wedges,which are wonderful reservoirs.Hydrocarbons migrated from north to south along compression stress direction and faults and were eventually preserved within structural traps.Moreover,the oblique character of subduction brought certain strike-slip properties to the thrust faults.Many strike-slip faults were developed and imposed little late damages to the accumulation of oil and gas,leading to better preserve conditions for the oil and gas in northern South America.

    Modification of the DAK method for natural gas Z-factor calculation
    Hu Jianguo, Guo Fenqiao, Xu Jinjin
    2013, 34(1):  120-123.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130116
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    DAK method for natural gas Z-factor calculation can yield relatively more accurate result compared with other methods and therefore is widely used in the petroleum industry.However,our analysis shows that the method generates results with large errors when both pressure and temperature are high.The paper presents a modification of the method based on optimization.Also presented here is an analysis of the relative errors of the calculation results on a two-dimensional plane consisting of isobars and isotherms.The results indicate that,compared with the original DAK method,the revised method can further improve the accuracy of Z-factor for natural gas.

    Analysis on oil well productivity of low-permeability reservoirs with stress-sensitivity being taken into considerations
    Liu Feng, Wang Yuliang, Chen Xiaofan, Su Yunhe, Wang Yue
    2013, 34(1):  124-128.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130117
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    Stress-sensitivity is one of the main factors that affect single well productivity in low-permeability rese-rvoirs.It is common sense that wells tend to produce less after certain volumes of reservoir fluids were recovered as that would cause drop-down in formation pressure,porosity and permeability and increase of effective stress.The authors modified the previous productivity function of low-permeability oil wells that only considers the influences of permeability decrease by incorporating the influences of stress on porosity,established a new stress-sensitive productivity function with both porosity and permeability being taken into consideration,and proposed the concept of productivity-stress-sensitivity index.Along with the intensifying of stress-sensitivity of low-permeability reservoirs and increase of stress-sensitivity constant,the productivity-stress-sensitivity index also enlarges,and daily oil production quickly shrinks.The new function simplifies the calculation process and improves the accuracy.Practices show that the productivity-stress-sensitivity index exerts a strong influence upon the productivity of wells in low-permeability reservoirs.As the index increases,the decreasing of open flow capacity of oil wells slows down.Compared with the old function,the new one reflects better the actual production of low-permeability reservoirs and therefore could be used to guide their development.

    Logging data normalization based on frequency spectral decomposition
    Xiao Dianshi, Lu Shuangfang, Chen Haifeng, Lu Yanping, Li Zhandong, Zhou Juan
    2013, 34(1):  129-136.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130118
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    Well log normalization can effectively reduce systematic errors during logging data interpretation,therefore has been used to improve the accuracy of formation parameter calculation and reservoir prediction.However,lack of a stable marker bed makes the marker-based normalization method too rigid to be adapted to continental sedimentary sequences with rapid variation of lithology.This paper analyzes the geological meaning of spectral decomposition,determines the contributions of different cycles to sedimentary formations,and then regards the superimposed formation of low-frequency cycles which represents the background values of formation as a macro marker bed with stable lateral distribution.The extreme value of low-frequency component was selected as characteristic value and the marker bed values were determined through trend surface analysis.Then translation correction and scale correction were carried out on the low-frequency and high-frequency components of the curves.Finally,log normalization can be achieved.This method had been applied to the normalization of logs of the Putaohua Formation in Daqing central uplift in Songliao Basin,and the correlation coefficient of core porosity and normalized curves was significantly higher than that of core porosity and original curves.This demonstrates that the log normalization method based on spectrum decomposition can be effectively applied to the continental sequences without stable marker beds.

    Using P-wave azimuthal anisotropy to predict fractures in carbonate reservoirs of the ZY block
    Sun Wei, Li Yufeng, He Weiwei, Hei Jihu, Kong Kaibo
    2013, 34(1):  137-144.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130119
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    One of the key technologies used to predict fractured carbonate reservoirs is to locate fractures with seismic data.The paper introduces an approach of fracture prediction based on P-wave azimuthal anisotropy of HTI medium and its application in the ZY block.Pre-stack seismic data were used to predict fracture distribution in carbonate reservoirs.P-wave azimuthal anisotropy in relation with attenuation reveals that the fracture growth in the study area is closely linked with the distribution of faults and the fracture azimuths are dominated by NE direction,followed by NNE direction.The prediction is confirmed by image logging and core data.Industrial oil flow was successfully tested in wells emplaced according to the prediction results.The practice shows that the approach can be used to accurately predict the distribution of fractures and therefore it is considered an effective way to improve the prediction of fractured reservoirs.