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    28 April 2013, Volume 34 Issue 2
    Identification and its petroleum geologic significance of the Fengcheng Formation source rocks in Hala'alt area,the northern margin of Junggar Basin
    Zhang Shanwen
    2013, 34(2):  145-152.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130201
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    The petroleum geological conditions are very complex in the northern margin of the Junggar basin,imposing great challenges to petroleum exploration.Based on the research of the tectonic attribute,stratigraphic distribution and exploration potential of the basin recently,it is concluded that the sedimentary environment in the Early Permian was an semi-enclosed remnant sea that was formed on the background of rifting and extensional tectonics movements and associa-ted with volcanic activity,providing favorable conditions for the deposition of high-quality source rocks.Influenced by the tectonic movements of the Late Hercynian and Indosinian,the Hashan thrusted towards to the basin,resulting in the superimposition of multi-phase thrust nappes in the Lower Permian and extensive uplifting and erosion of the Upper Per-mian.As a result,the present boundary of the basin is significantly smaller than that of the depositional period.The structure interpretation model of thrust nappe and later strike-slip of Hala'alt is established with the technology of fault-fold structural analysis.Source rocks of the Fengcheng Formation are identified in the Hala'alt nappe structure belt.And it is believed that the source rocks can extend northward to the Daerbute fault,enlarging the distribution area of source rocks by 1 000 km2.The source rocks have high organic content and moderate thermal maturity,and their oil-source correlation reveals that the oil in the Cretaceous,Jurassic,Permian and Carboniferous all are derived from this set of source rocks.The identification of this source sequence underlying the Lower Permain thrust nappe enlarges the area of exploration and even is of great significance for hydrocarbon exploration in the whole northern Junggar Basin.

    Reservoir types and distribution characteristics of large marine carbonate oil and gas fields in China
    Wang Zecheng, Zhao Wenzhi, Hu Suyun, Jiang Hua, Pan Wenqing, Yang Yu, Bao Hongping
    2013, 34(2):  153-160.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130202
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    Recent analysis of marine carbonate oil and gas fields in Tarim Basin,Sichuan Basin and Erdos Basin reveals that carbonate traps and reservoirs in China can be classified into 4 major categories (i.e.structural traps,lithologic traps,stratigraphic traps and hybrid traps) and 21 types.The paper focuses on only stratigraphic and lithologic traps as they are more common trap types in the country.The lithologic traps can be further classified into bioherm traps,grain bank traps and diagenetic traps.The stratigraphic traps can also be classified into fault-block buried hill traps,peneplain erosion paeleogeomorphologic traps,monadnock buried hill fracture-vuggy traps,quasi-bedded fracture-vuggy traps,stratigraphic wedge traps and stratigraphic onlap pinchout traps.The paper points out that the marine carbonate oil and gas fields on China mainland are mainly of stratigraphic and lithologic reservoirs with moderate to low abundance.The bioherm reservoirs and grain bank reservoirs develop and distribute in a bead-like shape along platform margin,while the peneplain erosion palaeogeomorphologic reservoirs present as the shape of crumbs;the fractured-vuggy reservoirs are distri-buted widely in the quasi0bedded shape.The large ancient uplift,slope zone and platform margin,are considered favorable areas for cluster distribution of lithologic and stratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs and therefore are regarded to have great potential for hydrocarbon exploration.

    Hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and prospecting potentials of carbonate rocks in the Upper Es4 of Bonan Sag
    Lin Huixi, Peng Suping, Du Wenfeng, Kong Xiangxing
    2013, 34(2):  161-166.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130203
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    A lacustrine carbonate sequence composed of limestone,marl,lime mudstone and gypsiferous mudstone is developed widely in the upper Es4 (the 4th member of the Paleogene Shahejie Fm) and acts as important source rocks in Bonan Sag of northern Huanghe Delta.The source rocks are 20 m to100 m thick with the maximum thickness at Kenxi and Yidong.Rich in sapropel-type organic matters,the rocks are of excellent quality.The source rocks generated hydrocarbon earilier than that of mudstone at the same sequence and reached hydrocarbon generation peak when Ro is about 0.6%.The crude samples show a feature of high homohopane (C35/C34) ratio and high abundance of 4-methylsterane and sulfur content.There were two important stages for oil accumulation:the end of Ed to Ng and the end of Ng to Nm.It is suggested that the carbonates of the upper Es4,the fan-delta and beach-bar sandstoneas well as the lower Es4 in juxtaposition the oil source rocks in the deep sag,be considered favorable exploration targets.

    Overpressure genesis and evolution of sandstone reservoirs in the 3rd and 4th members of Shahejie Formation,the Dongying Depression
    Hao Xuefeng
    2013, 34(2):  167-173.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130204
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    The sandstone reservoirs within the 3rd and 4th members of Shahejie Formation in Dongying Depression, the Bohai Bay Basin are moderately to strongly overpressured with the maximum pressure coefficient of 2.0 and the maximum excessive pressure of 40 MPa calculated based on the measured pressures.Analysis indicates that oil-bearing properties of the reservoirs correlate to the development degree of overpressure,and current reservoir overpressure is mainly caused by the overpressured fluids from source rocks.Integrated with basin modeling and fluid inclusions analysis,this paper reconstructed the geo-pressure evolutionary history of the sandstone reservoirs in the 3rd and 4th member of Shahejie Formation.The first stage reservoir overpressure was mainly caused by the rapid subsidence during the deposition of the 3rd member of Shahejie Formation to the end of Dongying Formation that blocked pore fluid discharging.The overpressure might be released to hydrostatic pressure along with the tectonic uplifting during the late Dongying Formation to early Guantao Formation.From the late Minghuazhen Formation to the present,the bulk of the source rock is still at peak oil generation and large amount of oil/gas-bearing overpressured fluid generated by the source rocks charge into the sandstone reservoirs,leading to the second stage overpressure.

    Geological characteristics of the Triassic tight sandstone oil and gas reservoirs in Luoyang-Yichuan area
    Du Jianbo, Tian Jingchun, Hu Junqing, Cao Jiankang
    2013, 34(2):  174-178.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130205
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    Research of the petroleum geological conditions indicates that Luoyang-Yichuan area is located in the same large depressed lacustrine basin with Ordos Basin in the Triassic.They have similar source-reservoir-caprock associations,thick and extensive source rocks,tight reservoir and active hydrocarbon shows in the Triassic.Therefore,the Luo-yang-Yichuan area has the geological conditions for accumulation of tight sand oil/gas.In combination with the analysis of industrial gas flow from the Upper Triassic Chunshuyao Formation in Well Tun 1,we believe that the Triassic reservoirs of the Luoyang-Yichuan area are pre-existing tight sandstone oil/gas reservoirs with low permeability,abnormal pressure,inverted oil-gas contact with oil in the upper and gas in the lower.The Triassic tight sandstone reservoirs are the main targets of petroleum exploration in Luoyang-Yichuan area in the future.

    Relationship between formation water characteristics and hydrocarbon accumulation in Hongshangzui oilfield in the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin
    Ren Guoxuan, Hou Dujie, Shi Yuling, Lu Xiuqin, Yang Zhidong, Li Hong
    2013, 34(2):  179-184.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130206
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    The paper describes the plane distribution and vertical variation of formation water of the Hongshangzui oilfield in the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin for the purpose of investigating the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation patterns.Crude oil in Hongshanzui oil field was sourced from the Permian Fengcheng Formation and Wuerhe Formation and migrated along the unconformity and of the nearly S-N trending fault zone that was formed during the Yanshanian movement.Correlation of reservoir distribution with chemical feature of formation water indicates that the environment formation water preservation is an direct indicator of the setting of hydrocarbon accumulation and all of the sealed environments indicated by formation water have oil/gas discoveries.The strata from the Carboniferous to the Cretaceous were faulted by the Yanshanian Movement.The comparison of formation water properties between the hanging wall and foot wall shows that the N-S trending faulted zone formed after the Yanshanian movement is open and the northern segment of the Hongche fault belt has poor sealing condition resulting in loss of hydrocarbon and local light oil reservoirs.Analysis of relationship between crude oil density distribution and saturated hydrocarbon gas chromatography shows that a heavy oil zone was formed in the northern segment of the Hongche fault belt by washing and biodegradation.In contrast,the sou-thern segment of the fault belt has good reservoir preservation conditions due to the sealing of the huge thick mudstone in the Baijiantan Formation.Good fault block reservoir can be formed under the sealing of the E-W trending fault.

    Reservoir characteristics and its main controlling factors of the Pinghu Formation in Pinghu structural belt,Xihu Depression
    Hu Mingyi, Shen Jiao, Hu Die
    2013, 34(2):  185-191.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130207
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    Based on comprehensive analysis of various data such as core observation,casting thin sections,scanning electron microscope,physical property analysis,mercury penetration and production test,we studied the characteristics and the main controlling factors of the sandstone reservoirs in the Pinghu Formation of Pinghu tectonic belt in Xihu depression.The results show that the reservoir rocks are dominated by feldspathic quartz sandstone with good sorting and roundness,moderate compositional maturity and high texture maturity.The reservoir is characterized by low porosity and low permeability or moderate porosity and moderate permeability,as well as a good correlation between porosity and permeability.The pores are dominated by intergmular dissolution pores and relic primary intergmular pores,the pore throats are mainly of necking throat,laminated throat and curved lamellar throat,and the pore-throat assemblages are dominated by moderate pore-coarse throat.The main controlling factors of reservoir development in the research region were studied in respects of sedimentary facies,diagenesis and abnormal high pressure.Sedimentary facies is one of the main factors controlling the reservoir quality.The sandstone reservoirs of delta plain distributary channel facies are the best in physical properties,followed by delta front underwater distributary channel facies.Compaction and cementation are destructive to reservoir physical property,while dissolution is constructive to reservoir physical property as it can generate secondary porosity.The existence of abnormal high pressure is also constructive to reservoir physical property,for it is helpful to the preservation of the original intergranular pores and to the improvement of dissolution of the early carbonate cement,resulting in intergranular dissolution pores and improving the reservoir physical properties.

    Application of principal component analysis in carbonate lithology identification: a case study of the Cambrian carbonate reservoir in YH field
    Liu Aijiang, Zuo Lie, Li Jingjing, Li Rui, Zhang Wei
    2013, 34(2):  192-196.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130208
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    Log-based direct identification of complex lithology is still challenging in complex reservoir evaluation due to the ambiguity and uncertainty of results.The principal component variables constructed based on logging curves and having an accumulative variance contribution ratio more than 85% were selected to represent the inputs of multidimensional variables.This method can simplify the data structure and solve the problem of carbonate lithology identification through replacing the original multidimensional variables with a small amount of comprehensive variables while keeping the original information as much as possible.Five comprehensive variables including F1-F5 are constructed by using the measured GR,CNL,DEN,AC and RT of the Cambrian carbonate reservoirs in YH field.Among these variables,the F1 and F2 principle variables account for 87.73% of the total contribution ratio,so they can replace the multidimensional variables efficiently.The case study shows that the lithology of carbonates can be effectively identified through analysis on crossplot of of F1 and F2.This method has been successfully applied to identify the lithology of the Cambrian carbonates in YH field.

    Sequence stratigraphic architecture and play fairways of the Neogene on the north slope of Baiyun Sag,Pearl River Mouth Basin
    Yi Xuefei, Zhang Changmin, Li Shaohua, Du Jiayuan, Zhou Fengjuan, Yuan Cai
    2013, 34(2):  197-201.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130209
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    The north slope of Baiyun Sag is one of the important areas for the oil-gas exploration in Pearl River Mouth Basin. Based on cores,seismic,log and paleontological data,14 third-order sequences were identified in the Neogene of the study area by the former researcher. Under an isochronous stratigraphic framework,this paper analyzed the sequence architecture of key sequences on the north slope of Baiyun sag,and predicted the play fairways. From north to south,4 types of sequences,including H type,TH type,T type and L type,were developed successively. Among them,the H type and L type were favorable for reservoir development,while T type was favorable for development of source rocks. Moreover,the joint control of multiple geologic conditions led to the development of various types of delta in the Neogene on the north slope of Baiyun sag. Alternating shelf-margin delta,inner-shelf delta and mid-shelf delta may occur successively in a single sequence. The L type sequence is mainly composed of shelf-margin delta,canyon channel and turbidite fans;the T and TH type sequences are dominated by inner-mid shelf delta and shelf system;and the H type sequence consists minaly of mid-shelf delta and shelf system. As a result,distributary channel sandbodies in the inner- or mid-shelf delta in the northern part of Baiyun sag,as well as the underwater distributary channel,river mouth bars,distal bars,canyon channel and turbidite fans were all favorable for oil & gas accumulation in the study area.

    Application of seismic fault detection to carbonate reservoir prediction in southern Tahe oilfield
    Liu Qun, Li Haiying, Deng Guangxiao
    2013, 34(2):  202-206.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130210
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    The Ordovician Yijianfang carbonate reservoirs in southern Tahe oilfield are characterized by thin oil layer,complicated oil-water contact and control of fault on reservoir and hydrocarbon accumulation.The accuracy of seismic fault detection determines the accuracy of prediction of fault-controlled reservoir and the effects of exploration and deve-lopment.Based on the new reacquired high quality 3D seismic data,the Eigen coherent and ant tracking techniques are applied to detect faults on the south slope.The results of detection are combined with seismic profiles to perform fine interpretation of faults.The interpreted plane fault polygon is overlaid over the amplitude variation rate map from carbonate reservoir prediction to perform prediction of fault-controlled reservoirs.Two types of hydrocarbon enrichment patterns associated with fault are identified in the southern Tahe oilfield,namely major fault up-dip sealing type and branch fault up-dip sealing type.Exploration and development programs deployed according to these two patterns are successfully.

    Structural characteristics and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation of the Kongdian Formation in the Wangjiagang structural zone,Dongying Depression
    Song Guoqi, Li Jiyan, Jia Guanghua, Wang Dongxu
    2013, 34(2):  207-214.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130211
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    The Kongdian Formation in Wangjiagang structural zone in Dongying depression is complex in structural characteristics,and its tectonic evolution process is still poorly understood.To solve these problems,various data including seismic,logging and core were integrated to analyze the structural characteristics of Kongdian Formation,summarize its regularity of formation and evolution,and reveal the control effect on hydrocarbon accumulation with rose diagram of faults,balanced cross section and fault-sealing analysis methods.The following results were obtained.Most faults were formed in the DongyingKongdian period.Owing to the differences of formation mechanisms,faults with different trends are different in timing and configurations.On plane view,the faults show configurations such as comb-like,parallel or echelon.While on sectional view,they show configurations such as step,"Y" shape or roof-like.Folded belts which were controlled by Tan-Lu fault zone and basement strike slip fault system have undergone three evolutionary stages including formation stage,intensification stage and finalization stage.During this period,the folded belts were cut by earlier or growth faults,resulting in moniliform fault-nose distribution.The structural zone controlled hydrocarbon pooling.It is the most favorable destination of hydrocarbon migration and has better physical properties of reservoir in the axial region than those in two wings.Fault sealing and carrier beds are the key factors controlling hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.The length of fault,the width of folded zone and reservoir physical property determine the plane distribution area of oil/gas,while the fault configuration and amplitude of fold zone jointly control the spatial distribution of oil/gas.

    Deformation characteristics and forming mechanism of the Well Yubei 1 anticline belt in the Tarim Basin
    Yun Jinbiao, Zhou bo, Wang Shurong
    2013, 34(2):  215-219.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130212
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    Interpretation of the development process and forming mechanism of Well Yubei 1 anticline belt in the Tarim Basin is an important part of study to map the carbonate reservoirs.Analysis of faults and axial planes of the anticlines reveals that two structural styles occur in the study area.One is positive flower structure which runs through the anticline belt in N-S direction.The other one shows significant difference in structural style between upper and lower structural layers.The upper layer is a symmetry anticline and is controlled by a high angle strike slip fault.The lower layer is a dissymmetry anticline and is controlled by a thrust fault developed along the Cambrian gypsiferous mudstone layer.Well Yubei 1 anticline belt was finalized in the mid-Caledonian period,and experienced at least two regional deformations in the late-Caledonian and late-Hercynian.However,the anticline belt changes along the inclination of the anticline,and is converted from a thrust structure to a strike-slip structure in N-S direction.The anticlines are most highly developed at the intersection of two main faults.The Cambrian gypsiferous mudstone was deposited at its core,resulting in a shear-compression anticline.On this basis,we believe that the Ordovician carbonate sequence not only experienced two stages of uplifting and erosion in the Caledonian and early Hercynian and the high angle and low angle fractures developed in the anticlines formed by shear-compression all which provided good conditions for the karstification.

    Characteristics of deep structural segmentation and transformation of the Yaziluo fault zone
    Wang Xinwei, Guo Tonglou, Wo Yujin, Zhou Yan, Wu Lizhi, Zhang Rongqiang, Li Shuangjian
    2013, 34(2):  220-228.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130213
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    The study on deep structural segmentation and transformation of the Yaziluo fault zone is of great significance for understanding the tectonic evolution,sedimentation and hydrocarbon accumulation of the basins on its two sides.Based on comprehensive analyses of gravity,magnetic,electric and seismic data,this paper divided the Yaziluo fault zone into three segments along its strike.The structural transformation is characterized by four deep faults in the northwest segment (Wei-ning segment),two deep faults in the middle segment (Guanling segment),and one deep fault in the southeast segment (Ziyun segment).The major dip direction of the normal faults changes from southwestward to northeastward.Meanwhile,the Yaziluo fault zone controls the migration of the Paleozoic deposits from the northwest segment to the southeast segment,i.e.the northwest segment controls the limit of the Silurian deposition,the northwest to the middle segments control the Devonian onlap boundary to the Qianzhong uplift and the Carboniferous deep basin sedimentation,and the southeast segment controls the Permian deep-water sedimentary belt.The tectonic evolution of the middle segment (Guanling segment) of the Yaziluo fault zone experienced five stages,namely the initial extension during the Devonian,the extensional faulting during the Carboniferous,the rifting during the Permian,the tectonic inversion during the Triassic and the inland contraction since the Jurassic.Its deformation style is characterized by a fan-shaped back thrusting structure resulted from reversing of the boundary faults of the Late Paleozoic graben.The shortening rate of structural profile is up to 51.68%.

    Structural characteristics and post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Changling Rift
    Hu Chunxin
    2013, 34(2):  229-235.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130214
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    Three deep major faults are well developed in Changling rift and they significantly control the post-Cretaceous sedimentary and tectonic evolution.Zircon U-PB dating of the volcanic rock samples from wells reveals that the interme-diate-mafic volcanic rocks in Changling rift were formed in the early Yingcheng period,and the overlying acidic volcanic rocks were formed in the late Yingcheng period.The strata between these two sets of volcanic rocks should be deposited during the middle Yingcheng period.During rifting,two rifted lacustrine basins occurred in the Huoshiling and Yingcheng periods respectively and their distributions and controlling factors are different.During the Huoshiling period,the NE-trending major axis direction of the Changling rift was controlled by Xin'anzhen-honggang fault in the west and Changchun-da'an faults in the east,,and the discovered resource abundance is high.In contrast,during the Yingcheng period,the NS-trending major axis of the Changling rift was jointly controlled by the early faults and the concordant faults in dipping axis direction,and the discovered resource abundance is low.Under the joint control of the pre-existing deep major faults and cap rocks,the complex structures in the study area are characterized by harmonization and diversity in space,and unity and order in time.

    Control of continent-continent collision on hydrocarbon generation in South Asia
    Wu Yiping, Pan Xiaohua, Tian Zuoji, Fa Guifang, Li Fuheng, Hou Ping
    2013, 34(2):  236-241.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130215
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    The main body of the South Asian region is the Indian Plate,which was a part of the East Gondwanaland during the Rift Period (4570-166Ma) and then drifted from south to north for a long distance after the Late Jurassic (166Ma).Since the Eocene (49Ma),the Plate began subducting towards the Eurasian Plate,causing the Himalayas and India-Myanmar Mountains rapidly uplifting from the Early Miocene (16Ma) to the present and the formation of five tectonic units.The passive margin sedimentary in northern Indian Plate had been destroyed in the pre-Late Cretaceous,while the east,west and southern parts of the Plate were subjected only to minor elevation and denudation,therefore hydrocarbons there were better preserved.During the Rift Period,the interior of the Plate only experienced weak subsidence,and during the late Collision Period,hydrocarbon source rocks were immature.Hydrocarbons were mainly concentrated in the passive continental margin,the foreland basins,the fore/back arc basins and the aborted rift systems along the edge of the Indian Plate,with the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks as the main reservoirs.Typical hydrocarbon migration and accumulation patterns are thought to be the composite sandbody's pattern,fold-thrust pattern,the fault-depression pattern and the fault-lithological pattern.

    Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation in the east part of Shaleitian Sailent,western Bohai Sea
    Shi Wenlong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Peng Wenxu, Wang Baoquan, Guo Tao
    2013, 34(2):  242-247.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130216
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    Shaleitian salient is an exposed paleo-buried hill underwent long-term weathering and erosion with several structural highs.It is separated into the east part and the west part by early strike-slip faults.Several hundred-million-tons of OOIP have been discovered in the east part of the salient.Under the control of the early tectonic strike stress in basement,four NE-trending strike-slip faults were developed in the east part of the salient,affected by which the ancient channels were formed on the basement surface.The Neogene was draped on the buried hill.Due to the impact of later dextral strike-slip faulting,a series of NNE-trending or nearly EW-trending faults were formed in the Neogene.These en echelon faults have significant control on the accumulation of hydrocarbon in the area.The paper establishes the hydrocarbon accumulation pattern of the Neogene and determines the hydrocarbon exploration potential by analyzing the structural evolution characte-ristics of the east part of the salient,providing theoretical support for the progressive exploration and reserve growth.

    Kinetics of sedimentary process response to thrusting in the thrust belts of foreland basins in southern and northern Tianshan
    Gao Zhiyong, Feng Jiarui, Li Xiaopei, Zhao Xuesong, Guo Meili, Mei Jialuo
    2013, 34(2):  248-256.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130217
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    A brief analysis of vertical uplifting height and horizontal shortening on the thrust belt in foreland basins of the central and western China reveals that there are two types of forces that controlled the deposition of thrusting belt,one is the horizontal progress force and the other is the vertical uplifting force.The vertical lifting force gave birth to thrust faults.The vertical displacement by the force resulted in the uplifting of mountains and lowering of basins the thrust faults and created accommodation.The horizontal progress force generated strike-slip faults.The horizontal displacement by the force pushed mountains and provenance forward.Based on this understanding,the thrusting during the Paleogene-Neogene in southern margin of Junggar and Kuqa foreland basins can be divided into 5 stages that correspond to three sets of coarse grain deposits and two sets of fine grain deposits respectively.Among them,the conglomerate at the bottom of the Palaeogene was the product of terrigenous clastic deposition in the stage dominated by horizontal progress force (together with auxiliary vertical uplifting force) and also marks the existence of a over-thrusting in the early Himalaya movement;the conglomeratic coarse-grained deposits at the bottom of the Neogene were the result of thrusting under the dominant horizontal progress force in the early thrusting loading period and also marks the renewal activity of over-thrusting during the early-middle Himalaya orogeny;and the conglomeratic coarse-grained deposits at the bottom of the Kuqa-Dushangzi Formation at the top of Neogene were formed during the middle-late Himalaya orogeny when the base rebound and provide large amount of sediments and caused sandbody progradation under horizontal progress force.While another two sets of Paleogene and Neogene lacustrine mudstone deposits were formed in a period with vertical uplifting force predominant when mountain uplifting caused piedmont flexural subsidence being enhanced and lake level rising.

    Strike-slip movement and its genetic mechanism in Yakela faulted salient, the Tarim Basin
    Luo Xiaolong, Tang Liangjie, Xie Daqing, Qiu Haijun, Jiang Huashan, Yang Yong, Chen Xuyun, Zhang Yuhang
    2013, 34(2):  257-263.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130218
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    The Yakela faulted salient is a key area in the Tarim Basin where some economically important oil and gas have been discovered.The 3D seismic interpretations,in combination with the regional geological data,demonstrate that strike-slip movement occurred in the area.On plane view,many small faults are developed near the major faults,including concordant shear faults and extensional faults.These faults consist of echelon fault systems with a low-angle with the major movement direction and a limited length.The fault system along the Yanan fault is characterized by a left-step pattern,whereas a right-step pattern is shown along the Luntai fault.On sectional view,they consist of a negative flower-like structure with obvious dolphin and ribbon effects.The strike-slip movement initiated in the late Yanshanian,culminated in the early Himalayan,and terminated in the late Himalayan.The left-lateral transtensional stress from the joint action of the left-lateral shear stress and the tensile stress resulted in the strike-slip movement of the Yakelafult-salient and the deve-lopment of the associated extensional structures during the Middle-Late Yanshanian to the Early Himalayan.

    A new productivity calculation method for fractured reservoirs with high saturation pressure
    Zhu Chan, Shen Kaiyuan, Tong Yubao, Jiang Wu, Qian Qiaoya, Li Wenmiao
    2013, 34(2):  264-266.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130219
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    As fractured carbonate reservoirs with high saturation pressure are strongly sensitive to stress,the conventional productivity prediction methods are not applicable.Beginning with the study on the variation of flow coefficient with pressure,this paper presents a new productivity prediction method for reservoirs with high stress sensitivity and high saturation pressure based on the theory of darcy flow and in combination with the production practices.Comparison with the mea-sured inflow performance relationship (IPR) curves from three wells shows that the calculated and measured values are in good agreement with an average error of only 4.1%.When bottom hole flowing pressure is lower than a given value output may decrease correspondingly,causing difficulty in productivity prediction with conventional method.The new method can be used to solve this problem,thus is of great significance for the development of the fractured reservoir with high saturation pressure.

    Productivity evaluation of low porosity and low permeability reservoirs using differential pressure method:an example from the Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in Dabei area,the Tarim Basin
    Yang Ning, Wang Guiwen, Lai Jin, Li Jianlun, Zhao Bin, Jiang Qijun, Wang Zhi
    2013, 34(2):  267-273.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130220
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    The Lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in Dabei area of Tarim Basin is a typical fractured tight sandstone reservoir with dual porosity structure consisting of low porosity and permeability matrix and fractures.This kind of dual porosity structure results in complex gas-water contact in the reservoir.It is always difficult to evaluate the productivity of this kind of reservoir by using the traditional geological and logging methods.Based on the theory of seepage mechanics,we believe that the formation pressure difference and capillary pressure are the parameters controlling productivity.The fluid can be produced from the porous media only when the formation differential pressure overtakes the resistance of capi-llary pressure generated by reservoir fluids of different phases.Based on analysis of a large amount of mercury injection data,we built a model through multiple regression analysis for calculating average pore throat radius with porosity and permeability.The capillary pressure of each phase and equivalent differential pressures can be estimated according to the distribution patterns of each phase in porous media.Finally,a model was built to predict productivity and fluid properties with the "Differential Pressure Method".Five tested layers in 3 wells were chosen to verify the accuracy of this model.The results show that the evaluation results are basically consistent with the test results.

    Exploration potential of shale gas in Cen'gong block,southeastern Guizhou province
    Nie Yongsheng, Leng Jigao, Han Jianhui, Sun Li, Shen Chungui
    2013, 34(2):  274-280.  doi:10.11743/ogg20130221
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    The shale gas resources are rich in the Upper Yangtze platform,especially the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation.Cen'gong shale gas block is located within the Niutitang shale gas play on the Upper Yangtze platform.This paper systematically studied the structure,source rocks and reservoirs characteristics of the Niutitang Formation in Cen'gong block through stratigraphic correlation,laboratory test of reservoir rock sample and geochemical analysis of source rock samples and in combination with previous study results.The distribution of Niutitang Formation,reservoir physical property and thickness of source rocks were mapped.Further more,the resource volume of shale gas was calculated by using the gas content data obtained from testing in well Cenye 1 that the following results were obtained.The organic matters of the Niutitang Formation are mainly of typeⅠand typeⅡ1.The average organic matter content of the source rock is as high as 3.38%.The average Ro is calculated to be 3.56%,which reflects the source rock has entered high maturation stage.The reservoirs are characterized by low porosity-ultralow permeability and large specific surface area.The recoverable resource volume of shale gas is estimated at 7.19 billion cubic meters.The Minhe,Yangqiao and Daping areas of the Cen'gong block can be selected as favorable shale gas play fairways for further exploration and evaluation.