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    21 November 2022, Volume 43 Issue 6
    Petroleum Geology
    Has the Ordos Block, a cratonic block been reactivated?
    Dengfa He, Hongping Bao, Baize Kai, Yanhua Xu, Renqi Lu, Caili Zhang, Liubing Wei, Xiang Cheng
    2022, 43(6):  1271-1291.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220601
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    The activity of a cratonic block during its evolution is the key in studying the continental preservation. Cratonic block reactivation of diverse scales is in close relation to mineral deposits such as oil, gas, coal, uranium and salt, and controls the intra-plate earthquake activity, thus has been one of the hot topics in the field of energy, resource, and environment researches. The Ordos Block located in western North-China craton (NCC), is taken to reveal its tectonic activities, referring to as “reactivation” in the study. The analysis of deep boreholes and high-resolution reflection seismic profiles, indicates that the reactivation of the Ordos Block can be shown in six aspects as follows. First, five stages of rifting or extension in or around the block occurred during the Mesoproterozoic, the Cambrian to Early Ordovician, the Carboniferous to Early Permian, the Middle to Late Triassic, and the Cenozoic; second, there were six stages of magmatism in the block during the Middle to Late Proterozoic, the Ordovician, the Late Carboniferous, the Middle to Late Triassic, the Early Cretaceous, and the Late Miocene to Quaternary, with the magmatic events coming to peak during the Changchengnian Period and the Early Cretaceous; third, there were seven stages of faulting and development of faulting-related folds; fourth, there are ten regional unconformities developed including the Ch/AnCh, Jx/AnJx, Z/AnZ, C?/AnC?, O/AnO, C/AnC, T/AnT, J/AnJ, K/AnK, and Q/AnQ; fifth, the block underwent four tectonic subsidence cycles of the Middle to Late Proterozoic, the Early Paleozoic, the Carboniferous to the Triassic, and the Jurassic to Cretaceous, with a marked migration of the subsiding centers; and sixth, a number of strong earthquakes occurred along the peripheries and the interior of the Ordos Block with the interior uplifting while the periphery rifting and rapidly subsiding during the Cenozoic. The evolution of the Ordos Block is predominantly controlled by the adjoining plate tectonics and the deep tectonic activities, to some extent with a possible large-scale thinning of the lithosphere in the Early Cretaceous, and also the reactivation and thinning of the lithosphere in northern part of the Ordos Block during the Late Cenozoic, which is resulted from the anti-clockwise rotation of the block, and thus the upward intrusion of the partial molten melts of the upper mantle along the weak zones of the graben systems around. The Ordos Block therefore took typical properties of reactivation, which may have played a profound role in the basin formation, the hydrocarbon generation, and the pool-formation in the block.

    Research procedure of astrostratigraphy and case study of Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
    Jun Peng, Ledan Yu, Tianyu Xu, Haodong Han, Yiming Yang
    2022, 43(6):  1292-1308.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220602
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    Astrostratigraphy is to study the sedimentary sequence formed by the periodic changes of the Earth's orbit based on the Milankovitch cycle theory. It has been developing rapidly since its inception and is widely applied. However, the application of indicators and methods of data processing have always been the focus and difficulty in cycle stratigraphy research. Based on the division of astronomical cycles in the third and fourth members of Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Sag (Es3 and Es4), as well as research results gained from both home and abroad, we know that the alternative parameters of sedimentary stratigraphic sequences in astrostratigraphy research at present include paleontological parameters, geophysical and geochemical parameters, etc. The astronomical cycle identification methods mainly include lithology-based visual identification and time series analysis. While the orbital period ratio method, astronomical modulation method and hypothesis testing method are for checking and tuning the results of cyclotrons. The issues in need of attention in the current astronomical cycle stratigraphic research mainly include: the comprehensive application of alternative indicators of sedimentary stratigraphic sequences, the optimization of multiple time-frequency analysis methods, the calibration of cycle division results, and the establishment of astronomical age scales. In this study, a relatively systematic set of astronomical cycle division schemes is sorted out including the selection of alternative indicators of depositional sequences, the optimization of time series analysis methods, and the verification of cycle results. It will be of value to studying the sub-Milankovitch cycle with fine subdivision of the stratum to the millennium and 10,000-year-old level, and of referential value for researchers interested in astronomical age scales, facilitating the development of astrostratigraphy.

    The control of Paleogene peat swamp destruction and reconstruction on the formation of coal-type source material in the Qiongdongnan Basin
    Zengxue Li, Ying Liu, Xiaojing Li, Gongcheng Zhang, Rui Sun, Dongdong Wang, Lusheng Yin, Jiamin Liu
    2022, 43(6):  1309-1320.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220603
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    Coal systems and coal seams have been widely valued as an important type of hydrocarbon source rocks for oil and gas reservoirs. Taking the Qiongdongnan Basin of the South China Sea as an example, this study analyzes the genetic relationship between the destruction and reconstruction of peat swamps and terrigenous marine hydrocarbon source rocks, and summarizes the characteristics of the peat swamp destruction as well as the formation and accumulation of peat substances. It is suggested that storms are one of the main dynamic factors for the formation of different land coal and terrigenous marine hydrocarbon source rocks, and this leads to the proposition of a sedimentation mode for the peat storm in the edge of the South China Sea Basin. The results have shown that an unstable and complex interactive relationship exists between the destruction and reconstruction of peat swamps and the formation, decentralization and aggregation of peat substances. The destruction caused a full or partial decomposition and transportation of the peat substances, while the rebuilding restored the development of peat swamps under the suitable climatic conditions. Storms is behind all these destruction and long-distance transportation of peat substance in the swamps in the Cenozoic basins, South China Sea. With storms violently invading and disturbing the coastal peat swamps, large amount of peat clasts were rooted up and carried away by seawater, transported along with storm gravity flow and turbidity flow, and eventually deposited within source rocks as terrigenous marine organic matter.

    Evolution and reservoir characteristics of the “Chengbei-Kendong” structural transfer zone in the Bohai Bay Basin
    Zhiping Wu, Meng Zhang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Di Wang, Yanjun Cheng
    2022, 43(6):  1321-1333.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220604
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    The “Chengbei-Kendong” structural transfer zone in the Bohai Bay Basin has been geometrically characterized and dynamically analyzed to reveal the temporal and spatial differences between the zone and flanking depressions for clarifying the internal evolution and defining the characteristics of hydrocarbon accumulation. The results show that the “Chengbei-Kendong” structural transfer zone exhibits a NW-trending convex concave pattern, which is offset and transformed by NNE- and NEE-trending faults. It has both similarities and differences with the Jiyang Depression controlled by NEE-trending extensional faults and the Bozhong Depression controlled by NNE-trending extensional strike-slip faults. The NW-trending Chengbei-Wuhaozhuang fault is a pre-existing basement fault within the Cenozoic basin, which plays a decisive role in the formation of the zone. Under a tectonic setting of nearly SN regional extension during the Paleogene, the zone experienced differential evolution due to the different degrees of influence by the strike-slip movement of the Tan-Lu fault zone. The structural transfer zone is a favorable zone for the development of buried-hill oil/gas reservoirs. The differential evolution during the Paleogene controls the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Chengbei, Zhuanghai-Zhuangxi, Changdi-Gudong-Kendong areas within the zone. The results and understanding of this study have theoretical and practical significances for structural analysis and hydrocarbon exploration in the Bohai Bay Basin.

    Characteristics of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic transformation and its control on the formation of large-scale reservoirs in the Archean buried hills in Bozhong 19-6 area, Bohai Bay Basin
    Deying Wang, Xiaojian Liu, Hui Deng, Yongjiang Liu, Deyu Li
    2022, 43(6):  1334-1346.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220605
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    There are few studies on the relationship between tectonic transformation in North China since the Meso-Cenozoic and the origin of traps and reservoirs in buried hills in the Bohai Bay Basin. The data of core, seismic and thin section observation, coupled with understanding on the regional tectonic background, are applied to clarify the characteristics of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic transformation in Bozhong 19-6 area and its influence on buried-hill strata, traps and the Archaean reservoirs. It is shown that the buried-hill structure in Bozhong 19-6 area underwent tectonic transformations from the pre-Indosinian to Indosinian, from the Indosinian to Yanshanian and from the Yanshanian to Himalayan under the interaction of North China, South China and paleo-Pacific plates, resulting in four fault systems trending NW, NE, near NS and EW. The NW-trending faults formed in the period of Indosinian tectonism controlled the overall trap and stratigraphic distribution of the Archean and Paleozoic; The NW- and near NS-striking faults developed in the period of Yanshanian movement made the buried-hill traps more complex, and overall structure of the buried hills was finalized with the fault depression in the Himalayan period. Multi-episode tectonic movements are of great significance to the formation of large-scale fractures in the Archean buried hills, and the Indosinian overthrusting was critical to the formation of large-scale fractures in Archean. The Yanshanian tectonic activities further expand the scale of the Archean fractured reservoirs developed, and the Himalayan tectonic transformation has a significant impact on the "reactivation" of early fractures. Multi-stage spatiotemporal tectonic transformation is the key to the development of large-scale reservoirs in the Archean. The correlation mechanism between the Meso-Cenozoic tectonism and origins of buried-hill trap and reservoir in eastern China proposed in this study, provides a more effective method for mapping of buried-hill reservoirs in eastern China, and is of great significance to guiding buried-hill petroleum exploration in similar basins.

    Characteristics of strike-slip transition zone in southern Liaozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin and its control on large/medium-sized oilfields
    Bingjie Wang, Deying Wang, Xin Wang, Guanzhou Hui, Mingwang Xue
    2022, 43(6):  1347-1358.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220606
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    The strike-slip transition zone developed in the southern Liaozhong Sag is a favorable position for the formation of large- and medium-sized oilfields. The study analyzes the characteristics of the strike-slip transition zone, as well as accumulation factors of the formation of structural traps, distribution of the Paleogene sand bodies and vertical hydrocarbon migration based on the interpretation results of three-dimensional seismic data, coupled with exploration practice. As indicated by the results, the study area develops three types of fault-edge transition zone, fault-overlapping transition zone and fault-terminal transition zone along five main strike-slip faults, each of which can be subdivided into transpressional subtype and transtensional subtype, corresponding to structural traps of the pressure buildup type and the pressure relief type produced thereby. Second, the structural traps developed in a transpressional strike-slip transition zone are large in scale (that is, the structural traps of the pressure buildup type are large in area), favorable for the formation of large- and medium-sized oilfields. Third, the Paleogene sand bodies in the strike-slip transition zone show obvious migration under strike-slipping, resulting in a wider lateral distribution, capable of accepting oil charging from different source rocks; thus the area features hydrocarbon enrichment in multiple structures on map view. Fourth, the strike-slip transition zone associated with the development of adjustment faults, is conducive to the vertical hydrocarbon migration, ultimately resulting in oil enrichment in multiple horizons and multiple fault blocks. In all, the strike-slip transition zone in southern Liaozhong Sag controls the basic hydrocarbon accumulation factors in the formation of large- and medium-sized oilfields, including the formation of large-scale structural traps, the lateral distribution of the Paleogene sand bodies, and the vertical hydrocarbon migration.

    Development pattern of en echelon fault transition zone in Weixi′nan Sag, Beibu Gulf Basin and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation
    Desheng Hu, Liyuan Gong, Xiao Man, Yining Dai, Zhixuan Liu
    2022, 43(6):  1359-1369.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220607
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    The No.2 fault zone of the Weixi′nan Sag in the Beibu Gulf Basin is composed of a group of en echelon normal faults, with a large transition zone formed at the contact parts of faults in overlapping. However, there has been a lack of systematic study on the effect of the transition zone on hydrocarbon accumulation. Based on 3D seismic and drilling data, this study systematically analyzes the distribution pattern and evolution of No. 2 fault transition zone, and its role in controlling hydrocarbon enrichment. As affected by two stages of extensional activities since the Cenozoic, the development of No.2 fault transition zone featured resurrection of basement faults in the early Eocene as controlled by NW-SE transtensional stress, resulting in a continuous single fault of large scale; while in the mid-to-late Oligocene, the transtensional stress turned to strike SN, accompanied by weakened basement fault activities, resulting in segmented en echelon faults developed in the upper caprock, and the contact parts of faults growing to be transition slope serving to control the development of gravity flow deposits in the first member of Liushagang Formation (Liu 1 Member) of B low. At the sedimentary period of Liu 1 Member, the large-scale delta sourced from the NW entered B low through the transition slopes of the segmented faults and formed sand-rich sub-lacustrine fan under the secondary transportation with gravity. In addition, drilling data confirm that the gravity flow deposits in B low is mainly of sandy debris flow, trending NE in parallel with the No.2 fault zone in en echelon arrangement. The understanding provides theoretical guidance in the exploration of lithologic traps in the study area with good effects achieved in exploration.

    Gas charging and overpressure evolution history of the Neogene Huangliu Formation reservoir in Ledong 10 area, Yinggehai Basin
    Caiwei Fan, Aiqun Liu, Yunpeng Wu, Jingxian Hou
    2022, 43(6):  1370-1381.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220608
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    The abnormal high pressure of the Huangliu Formation reservoir in the Yinggehai Basin is quite common with a pressure coefficient reaching up to 2.3. The development and evolution of overpressure are closely related to natural gas accumulation. This study focuses on the relationship between gas accumulation and reservoir pressure evolution, based on the petrographic observation of fluid inclusions, coupled with the trapping pressure of gas inclusions in the Huangliu Formation reservoir revealed by microscopic temperature measurement of fluid inclusions and Laser Raman spectrometry. The reservoir of Huangliu Formation in Ledong 10 area of Yinggehai Basin develops pure-CO2 gas inclusions, CH4-rich gas inclusions, as well as mixed CO2 and CH4 gas inclusions, corresponding to CO2 and hydrocarbon gas charging of two stages respectively. The two-stage CO2 charging occurred 2.0 Ma and 1.0 Ma ago from now, respectively, and the CO2 is of inorganic origin as shown by the carbon isotopes in the inclusions. The two-stage hydrocarbon gas charging occurred 1.8 Ma and 0.4 Ma ago from now, later compared with the CO2 charging. The overpressure of Huangliu Formation reservoir experienced a process of increasing first and then decreasing. From 2.0 Ma to 1.0 Ma, the two-stage CO2 and one-stage natural gas charging gradually increased the reservoir pressure of the study area. As the second-stage CO2 charging occurred in the formation, the maximum pressure coefficient reached 2.43. The residual pressure and pressure coefficient in the reservoir during the second-stage hydrocarbon gas charging are lower than the second-stage CO2 charging, which may indicate that natural gas leak might happen after the second-stage CO2 charging, which functions to reduce the reservoir pressure around 1.0 Ma to 0.4 Ma. The relationship between natural gas charging and pressure evolution of the Huangliu Formation reservoir in Ledong 10 area of Yinggehai Basin is of great significance to understanding the pattern of natural gas accumulation.

    Fault-fracture body growth and hydrocarbon enrichment of the Zhenjing area, the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin
    Guilin Yang, Zhanli Ren, Faqi He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Baojiang Wang, Kai Qi
    2022, 43(6):  1382-1396.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220609
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    Faults and fractures play a key role in hydrocarbon accumulation. The Zhenjing area has been taken as study subject as it contains numerous faults and fractures resulted from intensive tectonic movements due to its location at the intersection of different tectonic units in the southwestern Ordos Basin. Based on the fine interpretation of faults and fractures in the Zhenjing area fully covered by 3D seismic acreage, this paper makes an deep study on the combination style, formation period and characteristics of fault-fracture bodies composed of faults and associated brittle fracture zone as well as the modified tight (with low permeability) sandstone. There are mainly five structural combination styles of fault-fracture bodies. On a sectional view, including graben horst, ladder, graben, flower and tight translation types, corresponding respectively to broom, en echelon, parallel straight-line, pull-apart graben and straight-line combinations on a plane view. Different combination styles have different stress background. Through seismic interpretation and C-O isotope analysis, it is suggested that there are mainly three stages of tectonic activities in the fault-fracture body belt in the study area: Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan periods. The Yanshanian period is the most important period for the formation of fractures, while the Himalayan and Indosinian periods are less important. By means of K?Ar isotope analysis, temperature measurement of inclusions and thermal evolution history analysis, it is clear that the hydrocarbon accumulation in fault-fracture bodies in Chang 8 member of the Yanchang Formation occurred mainly in the middle and late of Early Cretaceous. The three-dimensional description of fault-fracture bodies was combined with the determination of temporal relationship between the formation period of the fault-fracture and the hydrocarbon accumulation to analyze the reservoir control mechanism of different combination styles of the Chang 8 member in the study area. The results show that the en echelon ladder is the most favorable to hydrocarbon enrichment, followed by the pull-apart flower-shaped graben and broom-like graben horst, and the parallel straight-line graben and straight-line tight translation style are the least favorable to hydrocarbon enrichment.

    Sequence architecture, sedimentary evolution and controlling factors of the Permian Shan-1 Member, Qingyang gas field, southwestern Ordos Basin
    Hui Xia, Long Wang, Daofeng Zhang, Jiping Wang, Qianqian Fan, Min Feng, Yan Wang
    2022, 43(6):  1397-1412.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220610
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    The Qingyang gas field in the Ordos Basin is the most promising for reserve growth and production addition, with the first member of Permian Shanxi Formation (Shan-1) being the main pay zone. However, a lack of understanding to the sedimentary evolution and controlling factors of the member hinders further exploration and development of the field. A systematic study was then carried out on the development and evolution of sedimentary sequences of the member as well as its response to palaeogeomorphology, paleocurrent and lake level changes based on analyses of 3D seismic, logging, core and test data through logging wavelet transform, INPEFA and Fischer plots. The results show that the member contains a third-order sequence of a full transgressive-regressive cycle. The sequence can be further divided into the low stand, transgressive and high stand system tracts. Depositional systems are recognized to be shallow-water deltas and lacustrine systems. Fischer plots reveal that the lacustrine level change during deposition of the member experienced a rapid transgression to a slow regression, accompanied by the secondary lake-level fluctuation. The stacking succession recording PA (progradation to accretion) to R (retrogradation) then to AP (accretion to progradation) corresponds to the migration and evolution of sedimentary facies and the changes in accommodation space. The delta sandstone reservoirs, widely developed in ancient landform slope area during the low stand system tracts, are considered the potential targets for exploration and development of gas in the field.

    Reservoir characteristics and development model of the Middle Permian Mao-1 Member in eastern Sichuan Basin
    Jianping Fan, Jinmin Song, Qingchun Jiang, Shugen Liu, Yuehao Ye, Shipeng Huang, Jiarui Wang, Wang Su, Liji Li, Xin Jin, Yuxiang Feng
    2022, 43(6):  1413-1430.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220611
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    Significant exploration discoveries have recently been made in unconventional argillaceous limestone of the first member of the Middle Permian Maokou Formation (Mao-1 Member) in the eastern Sichuan Basin. An integration of field outcrop and core observation, thin section identification, petrophysical analysis, X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption, Ar-ion field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), TOC measurement and CT scanning, as well as well logging data interpretation, is applied to the study of reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of the Mao-1 Member argillaceous limestone. It is shown that micrite, micritic bioclastic limestone, bioclastic micritic limestone and argillaceous bioclalstic micritic limestone dominate the Mao-1 Member with intergranular pores (fractures), organic pores, dissolved pores (fractures), fractures and talc shrinkage pores (fractures) well developed as reservoir spaces. The micrite and micritic bioclastic limestone, among others, are low in porosity and organic matter content, and with poor storage capacity. While bioclastic micritic limestone and argillaceous bioclastic micritic limestone, are high in porosity and organic matter content, and of good reservoir capacity. The Mao-1 Member reservoirs in the eastern Sichuan Basin are under the joint control of sedimentary lithofacies, organic matter abundance and diagenetic process. The bioclastic micritic limestone and argillaceous bioclastic micritic limestone microfacies are the most favorable reservoirs rich in pores and clay minerals. The clay micropores and organic pores generated from clay mineral transformation function as the main storage space in the Mao-1 Member; besides, the pores related to dissolution and dolomitization contribute another part of the reservoir space. Finally, the reservoir development model of the Mao-1 Member in the eastern Sichuan Basin is established. During the sedimentary period, due to the differences in original fabric, the bioclastic micritic limestone and argillaceous bioclastic micritic limestone have original pores well developed; during the medium to deep burial phase, sepiolite underwent diagenetic transformation, forming a large number of clay micropores and organic pores, meanwhile releasing Mg2+-enriched diagenetic fluid and resulting in dolomitization; and during the deep burial period, under the modification of acid fluid, high-quality reservoirs formed in bioclastic micritic limestone and argillaceous bioclastic micritic limestone formations.

    Characteristics and main controlling factors of water vapor adsorption in marine shale: A case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shales in southern Sichuan Basin
    Yan Zhang, Dong Hui, Jian Zhang, Deliang Zhang, Rui Jiang
    2022, 43(6):  1431-1444.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220612
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    All shales contain a certain amount of water, and in-depth understanding of the occurring mechanism of water in shale pore system is of great significance to the efficient development of shale gas. Typical shale samples taken from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the southern Sichuan Basin are applied to quantitatively study the occurrence characteristics of water in shale pores and analyze the main factors controlling water adsorption within shales. The study is carried out by means of the isotherm adsorption and desorption curves of vacuum water vapor generated by gravimetric adsorption instrument, coupled with parameters of shale compositions and pore structures. The results indicate that the isothermal curves of water vapor adsorption for the shale samples present three typical stages: single-layer adsorption, multi-layer adsorption and capillary condensation. The water vapor hysteresis loop can be divided into two stages of the “convex type” in medium-low relative pressure stage and the “flat type” in the whole relative pressure stage. The formation of the hysteresis loop in medium-low relative pressure zone mainly lies in reluctant interlayer dehydration of clay minerals. GAB and FHH models can effectively describe the characteristics of the adsorption curves. Furthermore, there is a significant positive correlation between the clay mineral content and the water adsorption amount, and it is believed that the strong hydrophilic property of clay minerals is the main factor controlling the amount of water vapor adsorption. While a negative correlation between carbonate mineral content and the water adsorption amount is observed. High carbonate mineral content is not conducive to the occurrence of water. For organic-rich shales, the adsorption capacity of water vapor has a strong correlation with the TOC content. Inorganic minerals and organic matter components jointly control the occurrence behavior of water molecules. The organic pores of kerogen can provide storage space for the adsorption of water molecules, and the larger the specific surface area and pore volume of the sample, the stronger the water adsorption capacity. However, for the clayey shale with low TOC content, the strong physicochemical interaction between clay minerals and water is key to large occurrence of water.

    Geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon resources potential of source rocks in Babei Sag, Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin
    Yiwen Gao, Shiyan Hao, Qing Wang, Weibo Wang, Shaojing Jiang, Qingxiong Fan, Zhijun Chen, Ye Zhou
    2022, 43(6):  1445-1458.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220613
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    The source rocks and reservoirs in the Babei Sag, Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin, are assessed for geochemical characterization, effective source rock mapping and hydrocarbon potential analysis based on data from rock pyrolysis experiments of 1 143 mudstone samples and systematic tests of 38 mudstone samples from two local wells. The results show that potential source rocks are developed in mudstones of the Yingen Formation (K1y), Suhongtu Formation (K1s), the third, second and first members of the Bayingob Formation (K1b3, K1b2 and K1b1), and Carboniferous-Permian (C-P) systems in the sag. Among them, the latter four (K1b3, K1b2, K1b1 and C-P) have higher organic matter abundance with type Ⅱ2-typeⅢ kerogen of maturity and over-maturity. Higher plant made significant contribution to the organic carbon content in the source rocks and a weak reducing—weak oxidizing environment together with brackish water provided a setting for the source rocks to deposit. The source rocks in the sag are deemed effective when their TOC is no less than 0.80 % and threshold depth for hydrocarbon generation is 1 100 m. Based on these criteria, effective source rocks in the sag are mainly developed in K1b3, K1b2, K1b1 and C-P and have the largest thickness in two sedimentary centers (northern subsag and southern subsag). Good source rock conditions and active hydrocarbon shows indicate that the study area has good hydrocarbon exploration potential.

    Methods and Technologies
    On the development technology of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs:A case study on Tahe oilfield and Shunbei oil and gas field
    Bingyu Ji, Songqing Zheng, Hao Gu
    2022, 43(6):  1459-1465.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220614
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    The new-type fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin feature rapid decline in production, low oil recovery and low producing/proved reserve ratio in oilfield development. The study discusses in-depth the geological characteristics and challenges faced in oilfield development in the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs of Tahe and Shunbei oilfields, Sinopec, and systematically summarizes the technical progress Sinopec has made in reservoir characterization, oilfield development, production capacity construction and EOR. Meanwhile, suggestions on the future technology researches are put forward targeting different stages of oilfield development. The fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs having undergone multiple stages of tectonic movement, karstification and hydrocarbon charging are characterized by strong heterogeneity and complex oil, gas and water distribution, which bring multiple challenges to reservoir characterization, geological modeling, reserve evaluation, economic production capacity construction, water and gas injection, drilling engineering, acid fracturing, gas lifting and so on. After 20-year development practice, Sinopec Northwest oilfield has developed technologies for volume characterization, fine fault interpretation, karst system characterization based on geophysics, for geological modeling under karst facies constraint, and for targeted acid fracturing and enhancing oil recovery via water/gas injection. To achieve efficient development of Shunbei oilfield, it is necessary to study hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics based on fault analysis, facies-constrained geological modeling based on geophysical analysis, fluid phase behaviors and oil properties at high pressure, composition numerical simulation of reservoirs, coupling of reservoir geomechanics and numerical reservoir simulation, integrated simulation of reservoir and gas lifting, optimization of well location and drilling trajectory, and so on. To achieve the goal of greatly improving oil recovery in Tahe oilfield, it is necessary to further carry out researches on fracture-vug architecture description, karst genetic system, producing reserve estimation, mechanism and law of water/gas injection, network simulation with fracture, vug and well as nodes, and dynamic monitoring system.

    Practice and effect of geology-engineering integration in the development of ultra-deep fault-controlled fractured-vuggy oil/gas reservoirs, Shunbei area, Tarim Basin
    Yu Zhang, Haiying Li, Xiuping Chen, Xuqiang Bu, Jun Han
    2022, 43(6):  1466-1480.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220615
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    The targeted ultra-deep fault-controlled fractured-vuggy oil and gas reservoirs in the Shunbei area, Tarim Basin is highly heterogenous with great burial depth and lithological complex overlying strata as well as multi-phase faulted fracture zones, all posing drilling and completion challenges with no ready-made experience to draw on. To deal with the problem, an geology-engineering integrated management platform based on exploration-development collaboration, integrating geological research, engineering design and implementation, is established to address the geological characteristics and engineering difficulties in developing the reservoirs. An integrated technical system featuring “high-yield well design” (including reservoir modeling and well type selection, reserve assessment and well pattern construction, well trajectory optimization) and “drilling and completion engineering” (including risk forecast and optimal fast drilling, staged acid fracturing and support completion, reservoir description and tailer-made stimulation) have been set up to shorten well completion cycle and enhance productivity. As a result, two hundred-million-ton-reserve zones (No.4 and No.8 faulted zones) have been discovered, verifying the technical strength of the system for the exploration and development of the Shunbei oil and gas field. References can also be gained from the implementation of the system for the development of other ultra-deep oil and gas reservoirs.

    Improvement of method for timing of hydrocarbon migration along source rock-rooted faults and its application: A case of the South Dagang fault in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
    Guang Fu, Jiajing Li, Tong Yu
    2022, 43(6):  1481-1488.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220616
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    Timing of hydrocarbon migration along source rock-rooted faults is critical for understanding the contributions made by the faults to hydrocarbon accumulation. The previous timing has been based only on the activating periods of the related faults, or on both the related faults’ activity period and hydrocarbon expulsion period, and the results obtained often cannot reflect the actual situation underground. In the study, we improve the method for timing of hydrocarbon migration along the source rock-rooted faults by defining the overlapping time of the faulting and hydrocarbon accumulation inside and outside the source rocks, coupled with study on hydrocarbon migration mechanism of source rock-rooted faults. Then a case study on South Dagang fault in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, is carried out to comparatively analyze the effects of both the original and improved methods. The results show that the South Dagang fault is estimated as being active in hydrocarbon migration during the depositional period of the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation according to the improved method, which is much shorter than the deposition period of Guantao Formation to Minghuazhen Formation of the Neogene as confirmed to be hydrocarbon migration period of the fault by the original method. Compared to the original one, the hydrocarbon migration period of the South Dagang fault determined with the improved method is more reasonable in explaining the oil and gas distribution discovered in the first member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation (Es1) near the South Dagang fault. It proves that the improved method is better consistent with the hydrocarbon migration mechanism of the source rock-rooted faults underground.

    Valuation methods of mineral rights of blocks with diverse exploration maturity
    Chaoying Liu, Jun Li, Baohua Wang, Linjie Zhao
    2022, 43(6):  1489-1496.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220617
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    As the reform of China’s oil and gas management system and mechanism gets deepening, the competitive transfer of oil and gas mineral rights has been promoted in an all-round manner. The transfer of exploration blocks has changed from the original ‘application first followed by registration according to law’ to the open competitive transfer of ‘bidding, auction and listing’. The acquisition of mineral rights is facing challenges such as fierce competition and difficulty in block evaluation and selection. How to seize the opportunity to valuate oil and gas blocks in a quick and effective manner, has become a hot topic among major oil companies that want to take the initiative in the process of mineral rights bidding. The study systematically reviews the current estimation methods of block value both at home and abroad, analyzes the applicable conditions and advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and puts forward the valuation methods suitable for blocks with diverse exploration maturity. In application, the newly-proposed methods are comparatively proved with the original ones. The results are of technical support to oil and gas mineral rights bidding across the world.

    Quantitative characterization of micro heterogeneity of tight reservoirs by large-view FE-SEM splicing technology
    Wenhao Li, Shuangfang Lu, Min Wang, Nengwu Zhou, Zehu Cheng
    2022, 43(6):  1497-1504.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220618
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    High-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the most intuitive method to study the heterogeneity of tight reservoirs, though the problem of representation of view area is yet to be solved. The tight reservoir of the third member of the Hetaoyuan Formation in the Biyang Sag is taken to quantitatively reveal the micro heterogeneity of tight reservoirs of diverse types with large-view splicing technology of field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The results show that the main types of tight sandstone reservoir space in the study area include intergranular pores and intragranular pores, together with a few micro-fractures, and the shale reservoir space types are also dominated by intergranular and intragranular pores, with relatively few organic pores or micro-fractures. The micro heterogeneity of minerals and pores in tight reservoir rocks such as mudstone, shale, argillaceous siltstone and sandstone are discussed by combining FE-SEM technology with statistical method. The view area of a square with a side length of 160 μm, 300 μm, 300 μm and 1 000 μm can be regarded as representative view area of mineral micro heterogeneity of the four lithological types of tight reservoirs mentioned above, and the view area of a square with a side length of 200 μm, 300 μm, 300 μm and 800 μm can be used as the representative view area of their pores' micro heterogeneity respectively. Thus it can be seen that there are marked differences in micro heterogeneity among different types of tight reservoirs, that is, the micro heterogeneity of sandstone, that of argillaceous siltstone and shale, and that of mudstone ever decreasing in order. Considering the micro heterogeneity of minerals and pores, the view area of a square with a side length of 200 μm, 300 μm, 300 μm and 1 000 μm can be used, respectively, as the representative view area of micro heterogeneity of the mudstone, shale, argillaceous siltstone and sandstone reservoirs in the study area.

    Physical simulation and distribution prediction of karst cave collapsing in deep carbonate reservoirs
    Xinrui Lyu, Xingwei Wu, Jianfang Sun, Dongling Xia, Yanpu Li, Yanzhi Ding, Bin Wang
    2022, 43(6):  1505-1514.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220619
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    Large paleokarst caves constitute important storage space in deep carbonate reservoirs. Drilling data reveal that many such caves are filled to some extent by collapsed breccia. A better understanding of their collapse mechanisms, modes and distribution would be helpful in the highly efficient development of such reservoirs. This study applies the similarity theory to the making of unfilled, sand/mud-filled and water-filled spherical caves using the molten wax cavity method to simulate the large karst caves in the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs for geomechanical physical model test of karst cave collapsing. Collapse modes are established based on the revealed collapse mechanism, morphology and damage zone of simulated karst caves of different filling types and the possibility of seismic prediction is also explored based on the seismic reflection characteristics of the collapsed karst caves during the tests. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of using physical model test to analyze the karst cave collapsing in deep carbonate reservoirs under in-situ stress in the Tahe area. Being more visualized and real than traditional methods, the test reveals that compaction and shearing are the main causes of cave collapsing, during which the roof and surrounding rock of the cave sink in, with a shear-slip damage zone of 2 to 3 times larger than the cave diameter. The sand/mud-filled cave is shown to be more stable than the water-filled cave, and the unfilled cave is the least stable. Two cave collapse modes are established: Type Ⅰ being mainly affected by overlying gravity and type Ⅱ by shear stress. Their seismic reflections show local differences. If combined properly with colored inversion and GR inversion as well as seismic attribute like frequency division energy and coherent energy gradient, and etc., the reflection differences can be used to map the two types of collapsed karst caves. The prediction of collapsed karst caves shows a good correspondence with oil well productivity.

    A method for evaluating the thermal maturity of marine shale based on graptolite reflectance and Raman spectroscopy: A case from the Lower Palaeozoic Wufeng‒Longmaxi Formations, southern Sichuan Basin, SW China
    Jianghui Meng, Peixi Lyu, Wei Wu, Renfang Pan, Yiqing Zhu
    2022, 43(6):  1515-1528.  doi:10.11743/ogg20220620
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    The marine shale of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations is one of the main targets of the Lower Palaeozoic shale gas exploration in southern Sichuan Basin. The thermal maturity is a vital indicator for source rock and shale gas evaluation. Due to the lack of vitrinite, it has been difficult to establish a method to accurately evaluate the thermal maturity of Lower Palaeozoic marine shale. In total, 33 core samples were selected from the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations in southern Sichuan Basin to observe the optical characteristics of solid bitumen and graptolites and measure random reflectance. Simultaneously, Raman spectroscopic parameters of kerogen were also used to quantitatively analyze the change of thermal maturity. The results show that compared with solid bitumen, non-granular graptolites are more suitable for reflectance measuring because they have a single source, larger particle size and obvious characteristics, and the random reflectance (GRor) values of non-granular graptolites on sections perpendicular to bedding are more concentrated. The characteristics of Raman spectroscopic parameters of kerogen show that the relationship between GRor and the equivalent vitrinite reflectance (EqRo) is not a single linear relationship in the whole process of thermal evolution. By using Raman spectroscopic parameters of kerogen as mediators, a method for calculating EqRo by GRor was established. The calculation results show that the maturity of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations in Changning, Luzhou-Dazu and Weiyuan areas decreases successively, their EqRo falls in the range of 2.99 %-3.91 %, 2.87 %-3.54 % and 2.46 %-3.03 %, and the average EqRo is 3.44 %, 3.22 % and 2.77 % respectively. There is an abnormally high maturity area in the western Changning that calls for evaluation of its impact on shale gas exploration.