石油与天然气地质 ›› 1988, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1): 77-83.doi: 10.11743/ogg19880110
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余庆云, 马连喜, 戴学荣
Yu Qingyun, Ma Lianxi, Dai Xuerong
济阳坳陷内沙一段超覆尖灭线以上的高凸起的面积超过3000 km2。按基岩岩性不同,凸起可分为以下古生界碳酸盐岩为主的义和庄型和以中生界及孔店组砂泥岩为主的林樊家型两类,各有不同的地震反射特征和主要油气藏类型,都有良好的含油气前景。
There are several secondary uplifts in the Jiyang Depression.The uplif tsare overlaped by the Shahejie Formation and the formations younger than that.The total area of high uplift on the binch-out line of the first member of the Shahejie Formation is greater than 3000 km2, and the buried depth generallyless than 1400 m.Now oil and gas have been found in the overlap beds ofsome uplifts.The uplifts can be divided into two species according to their base mentrocks:the Yihezhuang type is dominated by Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks and the Linfanjia type consists of sandstones and mudstones of the Mesozoicand Kongdian Formation.The paleotopography of the former ones undulated strongly, while the later ones were relatively gentle, as a result, the shapes and occurrences of the sandbodies in the overlap beds were different,thus forming different type pools.1.The Yihezhuang type:Oil-bearing sandstones in the overlap beds distribute around the tops of the uplifts and form stratigraphic-overlap pools.In the lower part of the uplifts, structural-lithological and structure draping pools mayform in the upper parts of secondary high points on the survival mounts ofthe basement rocks.2.The Linfanjia type:sandbodies in the overlap beds are generally wide-gentle lens, they often form stratigraphic-lithological pools.
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