Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 484-490.doi: 10.11743/ogg20040502

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Progress in continental sequence stratigraphy and its application in petroleum exploration and development

Gu Jiayu, Zhang Xingyang   

  1. Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina, Beijing
  • Received:2004-09-13 Online:2004-10-25 Published:2012-01-16


Sedimentation in continental basins has been controlled by many factors and the main control factors in basins of different types are not the same.All these would lead to various sedimentation types,frequent facies changes,poor lateral continuity and large variation of sequence thickness.Frequent alternating of lake transgression and regression results in frequent change of cyclothems.The formation,structure and model of continental sequence stratigraphy would,therefore,be more complex and more difficult to study.According to the boundary characteristics of both continental basins and system tracts,initial and maximum flooding surfaces and existence of slope-break zone,Chinese geologists have established sequence stratigraphic frameworks and models of depression basin and faulted basin,which tally with the reality of basin fills in China.Development of continental stratigraphic sequence has mainly been controlled by lake level fluctuation,tectonic movement,climate,base-level change and provenance supply,especially tectonic movement and climate are quite important,because they directly control the fluctuation of lake level.Methodologies for studying sequence stratigraphy in continental basins include outcrop sequence study,experimental observation and analysis,logging and seismic sequence stratigraphic analyses,and numerical simulation of sequence stratigraphy.Sequence stratigraphy can play an irreplaceable role in play exploration stage,prospect exploration stage and development stage.

Key words: continental sequence stratigraphy, system tracts, model, exploration and development, influence factor

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