Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 467-471.doi: 10.11743/ogg20040419

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Reservoir space characteristics and evolution of the Palaeozoic reservoir rocks in Shuguang buried hills,Liaohe fault basin

Wei Xi1,2, Zhu Yongjun2, Zhao Guochun1, Song Bairong3, Wang Yunzhe4   

  1. 1. Earth Science and Resources College, China University of Geosciences, Beijing;
    2. The South China Sea Oil and Natural GasExploration Company of Liaohe Oilfield, Panjin, Liaoning;
    3. Research and Exploration Institute of Liaohe Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Panjin, Liaoning;
    4. The Second Oil Production Plonz of Jilin Oilfceld, Songyeuui, Jilin
  • Received:2004-07-20 Online:2004-08-25 Published:2012-01-16


The reservoir rocks in Shuguang buried hills, Liaohe fault depression are mainly composed of both sandstone and carbonate rocks. A large proportion of reservoir space is secondary, including vugs and fractures. In Shuguang buried hills the medium-high buried hills are characterized by the so-called "fracture development in upper part but vug development in lower part", that is, the tectonic fractures are common in the upper part of buried hills without so-lutional voids, whereas the large numbers of solutional voids most likely to occur in the lower part of buried hills. The development belt of fracture and secondary pores is also present in gentle buried hills, but its buried depth is deeper than that in medium-high buried hills. The distribution of reservoir rocks in buried hill is related to the following factors:(1) a vast amount of solution vug and fracture formed by crust uplift, compressional strike-slip orogenesis, weathering and denudation during the late Paleozoic-Mesozoic era; (2)new fissures formed by the progressively deep burial of reservoir rocks in Shuguang buried hills during the Cenozoic strike-slip extension; (3)redistribution and reworking of the existing pores and fissures in Shuguang buried hills due to the steady burial diagenesis of overlying strata.

Key words: reservoir rock, pore character, pore evolution, Paleozoic era, Shuguang buried hills, Liaohe fault basin

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