Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 236-247.doi: 10.11743/ogg20190203
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Li Zhiming1,2,3, Tao Guoliang1,2,3, Li Maowen1,2,3, Jiang Qigui1,2,3, Cao Tingting1,2,3, Liu Peng1,2,3, Qian Menhui1,2,3, Xie Xiaomin1,2,3, Li Zheng4
CLC Number:
Li Zhiming, Tao Guoliang, Li Maowen, Jiang Qigui, Cao Tingting, Liu Peng, Qian Menhui, Xie Xiaomin, Li Zheng. Favorable interval for shale oil prospecting in coring Well L69 in the Paleogene Es3L in Zhanhua Sag,Jiyang Depression,Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2019, 40(2): 236-247.
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