Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 164-177.doi: 10.11743/ogg20230113
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qian DING1,2,3(), Jingbin WANG1,2,3, Leilei YANG4,5, Dongya ZHU1,2,3, Wenbin JIANG6,7, Zhiliang HE1,3,8(
Zhiliang HE
CLC Number:
Qian DING, Jingbin WANG, Leilei YANG, Dongya ZHU, Wenbin JIANG, Zhiliang HE. Exploring the mineral dissolution-precipitation processes in fracture-fluid-rock systems based on simulation experiments[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(1): 164-177.
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Table 2
Initial ion concentrations in fluid under different temperatures and pressures"
样品编号 | pH | 离子浓度 | |||||
[H+]/(10-3 mol·L -1) | [Ca2+]/(10-4 mol·L -1) | [Na+]/(mol·L -1) | [K+]/(10-3 mol·L -1) | [HCO3-]/(10-3 mol·L -1) | [Cl-]/(mol·L -1) | ||
RS3-1, (50 ℃, 10 MPa) | 3.667 0 | 0.529 2 | 0.309 6 | 2.481 0 | 0.421 7 | 0.529 2 | 2.481 0 |
RS3-7, (80 ℃, 20 MPa) | 3.134 0 | 0.575 1 | 0.259 9 | 2.746 0 | 0.775 7 | 0.575 1 | 2.746 0 |
RS3-9, (110 ℃, 30 MPa) | 3.205 0 | 0.678 5 | 0.321 2 | 3.120 0 | 0.304 1 | 0.678 6 | 3.120 0 |
RS3-16, (140 ℃, 40 MPa) | 3.272 0 | 0.853 7 | 0.394 1 | 3.038 0 | 0.303 2 | 0.853 8 | 3.038 0 |
RS3-12, (170 ℃, 50 MPa) | 3.332 0 | 1.053 0 | 0.392 8 | 2.788 0 | 0.282 0 | 1.053 0 | 2.788 0 |
RS3-10, (200 ℃, 60 MPa) | 3.718 0 | 1.292 0 | 0.146 7 | 2.955 0 | 0.288 3 | 1.293 0 | 2.955 0 |
Table 5
Changes in permeability and porosity of 6 sample sets before and after the reaction"
样品编号 | 反应前X轴方向渗透率/(10-3 μm2) | 反应后X轴方向渗透率/(10-3 μm2) | 渗透率变化率/% | 反应前孔隙度/% | 反应后孔隙度/% | 孔隙度变化率/% |
RS3-1 | 12.391 9 | 21.579 0 | 74 | 1.52 | 2.39 | 57 |
RS3-7 | 2.431 6 | 66.592 5 | 2 639 | 0.62 | 2.61 | 321 |
RS3-9 | 12.311 5 | — | — | 1.63 | 1.99 | 22 |
RS3-16 | 6.805 1 | 6.246 6 | -8.2 | 1.56 | 1.91 | 22 |
RS3-12 | 22.294 7 | 901.302 0 | 3 943 | 2.33 | 4.38 | 88 |
RS3-10 | 5.846 7 | — | — | 1.83 | 3.25 | 76 |
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