Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 528-537.doi: 10.11743/ogg20160409

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Characterization of petroleum pooling patterns in dense flower-like fault belts: Taking the middle and shallow layers in Nanpu Sag of Bohai Bay Basin as an example

Hu Ming1, Jiang Hongjun2, Fu Guang1, Li Na1, Chen Yajun1   

  1. 1. School of Earth Sciences, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318, China;
    2. Qian'an Oil Producer, PetroChina Jilin Oil Field Co., Ltd., Qianan, Jilin 131400, China
  • Received:2016-03-23 Revised:2016-06-14 Online:2016-08-08 Published:2016-09-06

Abstract: A study was carried out to investigate oil and gas pooling patterns in belts with densely-distributed flower-like faults in the middle and shallow layers of Nanpu Sag,Bohai Gulf Basin.Methods such as composite profile comparison and tracing,cumulative uplift amplitude and cap rock juxtaposition thickness analyses and etc.,were resorted to analyze or establish oil pooling patterns and disparities across (horizontally and vertically) the belts based on seismic and drilling data as well as previous studies.The results indicate that (1) flower-like faults,mostly antiformal faults,are well developed and densely distributed in NE-trending belts of the Sag; (2) horizontally,oil and gas mainly enrich in the inner (containing more pools) and marginal parts of the belts,with enrichment degree being higher in the inner part than in the marginal part and higher in the antiformal dense flower-like fault belt than in the synformal belt,and uplift amplitude controls the upper limits of oil and gas pooling in the antiformal flower-like dense fault belt; (3) vertically,oil and gas pooling is conditioned by cap rock juxtaposition thickness-the juxtaposition thickness of E3d2 and N1+2g (both cap rocks) in the Sag were observed to have a control over the oil and gas pooling in the middle and shallow layers in belts with densely-distributed flo-wer-like faults; (4) areas in the antiformal dense flower-like belts with larger cumulative uplift amplitude and juxtaposition thickness of the E3d2 being less than 90m~95m are considered potential exploration targets in the Sag.

Key words: flower-like fault, dense fault belt, cumulative uplift amplitude, pooling pattern, Napu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

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