Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 209-222.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200119
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He Yin1(), Yahui Wang2, Juan Liu2, Zhiqiang Shi1,*(
), Daojun Zhang2
Zhiqiang Shi
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He Yin, Yahui Wang, Juan Liu, Zhiqiang Shi, Daojun Zhang. Characteristics and origin of dolostones in the Miocene Meishan Formation in Well Xike 1, Xisha Islands, South China Sea[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(1): 209-222.
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Table 1
Range of major and trace element concentration values in different units of the Meishan Formation in Well XiKe 1, Xisha Islands"
白云岩层位 | 件数 | CaO/% | MgO/% | Sr/10-6 | TFe/10-6 | Mn/10-6 |
第1套厚层 | 10 | 34.06~37.19/345.64 | 15.08~18.66/18.06 | 45.0~152.0/118.6 | 37.0~362.0/139.0 | 3.6~19.0/7.4 |
第2套厚层 | 6 | 33.30~39.00/34.85 | 14.10~19.00/16.89 | 139.0~226/184.5 | 15.0~210.0/80.3 | 7.1~17.0/11.5 |
薄层 | 4 | 33.70~36.80/34.90 | 18.55~18.70/17.02 | 90.0~159.0/140.3 | 19.0~210.0/92.3 | 9.0~16.0/13.3 |
第3套厚层 | 7 | 33.90~38.62/35.60 | 14.13~18.59/17.02 | 127.0~242.0/166.5 | 14.0~248.6/96.7 | 10.0~20.1/15.4 |
Table 2
Range of carbon and oxygen isotope values at different units of the Meishan Formation in Well XiKe 1, Xisha Islands"
白云岩层位 | 件数 | δ13C(PDB)/‰ | δ18O(PDB)/‰ |
第1套厚层白云岩 | 10 | 2.626~3.051/2.789 | 2.293~4.619/3.484 |
第2套厚层白云岩 | 6 | 2.670~3.146/2.901 | 0.892~3.290/1.831 |
薄层白云岩 | 4 | 1.800~2.180/1.969 | 0.987~4.070/2.568 |
第3套厚层白云岩 | 7 | 2.167~2.340/2.228 | 2.173~3.303/2.603 |
灰岩 | 48 | -4.788~2.951/0.959 | -7.021~1.444/-2.110 |
灰质云岩 | 8 | 1.214~2.944/2.061 | 0.802~4.105/2.278 |
云质灰岩 | 6 | 1.546~2.034/1.777 | -2.761~1.980/-0.339 |
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