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    19 January 2020, Volume 41 Issue 1
    Distribution, genetic mechanism and control factors of dolomite and dolomite reservoirs in China
    Zhiliang He, Yongsheng Ma, Juntao Zhang, Dongya Zhu, Yixiong Qian, Qian Ding, Daizhao Chen
    2020, 41(1):  1-14.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200101
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    China is one of the few countries in the world where dolomites were developed throughout its geological age. Various types of dolomites can be found from the Proterozoic in North China to the Quaternary salt lake sediments, but the distribution of dolomites is uneven along stratigraphy and across region, with also a great variety in types. The dolomites are widespread in the Lower Paleozoic but become more local features in the Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The types of dolomitization mainly include microbial (biological), Sabkha, reflux seepage, hydrothermal and mixing zone dolomitization. Because dolomitization is a complicated, long term or intermittence process, even dolomites of the same strata would undergo multiple stages of dolomitization with several types superimposed. Dolomite reservoir is an important oil and gas reservoir in China, featuring variety in types and large time span. In the deep and ancient marine strata series, dolomite is more prone to generate high-quality oil and gas reservoirs compared with limestone. So its importance is even more prominent. Lacustrine dolomites formed in the Late Paleozoic and Meso-Cenozoic are also good in reservoir properties, serving as important reservoirs of unconventional oil and gas. The formation and preservation of dolomite reservoirs are jointly controlled by structure, sequence, lithofacies, fluid, and time.Altogether four types of controlling factors are identified herein:sedimentary facies-controlled para-syndepostional dissolution, ground surface-controlled shallow karstification, fault-controlled reformation in deep burial and deeply buried hydrocarbon dissolution.In all, the factors mentioned, together with different reservoir space generation and accumulation mechanisms, collectively decide the wide type spectrum and the complicated distribution patterns of dolomite reservoirs.

    Characteristics of intra-platform rift in ancient small-scalecratonic platform of China and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration
    Anjiang Shen, Yana Chen, Jianyong Zhang, Xinfeng Ni, Jingao Zhou, Xingning Wu
    2020, 41(1):  15-25.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200102
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    The intra-platform carbonate rock is another potential for hydrocarbon exploration in addition to reef-shoal at the platform margins.The study focuses on the elucidation of petroleum geologic characteristics and origin of intra-platform rifts in the Deyang-Anyue area during the Upper Sinian-Lower Cambrian, Sichuan Basin, and analysis of analogues of the intra-platform rifts such as the Tarim Basin during the Nanhua Period and the Ordos Basin during the Changcheng Period, based on the outcrop, core, and thin section observation, as well as single-well, seismic and testing data.The results show that (1) the breakup of Rodinia Pangaea provides the regional geological setting for the development of Deyang-Anyue intra-platform rifts.Tensional or strike-slipping faulting and differential subsidence are key to the formation of intra-platform rifts; (2) The Deyang-Anyue intra-platform rifts have gone through four stages of evolution, namely, the erosional stage during the deposition of the 2nd member of Dengying Formation, the rifting stage during the 4th member of Dengying Formation, the rifting climax-filling stage during the Maidiping -Canglangpu Formations, and the development of ramp-platform during the deposition of Longwangmiao Formation.In turn, the rift controlled the development of two sets of source rocks (Qiongzhusi and Maidiping Formations) and two reservoirs (the 4th member of Dengying Formation and Longwangmiao Formation); (3) Two types of hydrocarbon accumulation assemblages formed according to the spatial configuration of source rocks and reservoirs, with reservoir either alongside the source rock on the same depth level or above it; (4) The intra-platform rifts in the Tarim Basin during Nanhua Period and in the Ordos Basin during Changcheng Period share similar geological features with those in Deyang-Anyue area, indicating good hydrocarbon exploration potential.These results suggest that the region of hydrocarbon exploration can be extended from platform margin to intra-platform.This may shed a guiding light to the hydrocarbon exploration of marine carbonate reservoirs in ancient small-scale cratonic platforms in China.

    Characteristics of and main factors controlling the dolomite reservoir of Gaoyuzhuang-Wumishan Formations in the Jixian System, the north of North China
    Pengwei Li, Zhiliang He, Ping Luo, Tingfu Jin, Ying Zhang, Jianyun Feng, Jinmin Song, Shilin Xu
    2020, 41(1):  26-36, 49.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200103
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    The dolomite reservoirs of Gaoyuzhuang-Wumishan Formations in North China are characterized by strong variety in reservoir rock types and pore space types, which are controlled by complex factors and caused strong heterogeneity in reservoir quality. They in turn seriously hinders the exploration and development of oil-gas and geothermal resources in this area. The study comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of dolomite reservoirsand main factors controlling the formation of high-quality reservoirs in this area. Observations and studies are carried out on both outcrops and cores through large number of field geological surveys and core observation, thin section identification and physical property analyses. The results show that the reservoirs dominated by microbiological dolomites with complex textures and structures were developed herein, among which the coniform stromatolites and thrombolites are the most favorable rocks for reservoir. According to the pattern of reservoir space assemblages, the reservoirs could be categorized into 3 types:composite pore-cavity-fissure reservoir, fissure-pore reservoir and pore reservoir. Among them, the Wumishan Formation in the Jixian System are dominated by the composite pore-cavity-fissure type, relatively better in physical property. Whereas the Gaoyuzhuang Formation are of typical fissure-pore and pore types, relatively poorer in reservoir property. In conclusion, multiple factors contribute to the formation of large-scale high-quality dolomite reservoirs in the study area, with the microbiological reef-shoal facies, as well as the Indosinian tectonic uplifting, fracturing and dissolution, as the main factors leading to better reservoir quality.

    Application of laser in-situ U-Pb dating to reconstruct the reservoir porosity evolution in the Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation, Tarim Basin
    Anping Hu, Anjiang Shen, Feng Liang, Jianxin Zhao, Xianying Luo, Yuexing Feng, Ting Cheng
    2020, 41(1):  37-49.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200104
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    The Laser Ablation (LA)Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) technique, co-developed by the CNPC Key Laboratory of Carbonate Reservoir and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, has huge potential to overcome the difficulty in sampling and dating ultra-low concentration U-Pb minerals in ancient marine carbonates that are relatively smaller in diameter in diagenetic fabric, which was untenable by the conventional isotope dilution (ID) methods. The in-situ analysis by LA combined with MC-ICP-MS has been applied to the study on the diagenesis and porosity evolution of the Cambrian Xiaoerbulake reservoir, Tarim Basin.By dating of dolomitic and calcitic cements from filled vugs, matrix pores and fractures in different stages, we suggested that the burial diagenetic history of dolomite reservoir in the Cambrian Xiaoerblake Formation mainly features the filling of primary pores and vugs generated under karstification. The filling of vugs mainly occurred during the early Caledonian, while the filling of matrix pores mainly occurred in the middle Caledonian and Indosinian. Fractures activated during the Caledonian and Indosinian served as the channels for hydrothermal migration, providing the materials to cement the vugs and pores; while the residual vugs, pores and fractures with no filling of dolomite, calcite and siliceous cements were the main reservoir space. The diagenesis and porosity evolution history of dolomite reservoir in the Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation, Tarim Basin, was hence established. The understandings mentioned above are highly consistent with the tectonic-burial history and basin thermal history in the study area, which may be effective tools to date the ancient marine carbonate reservoir cements, to reconstruct diagenesis and porosity evolution history, and to evaluate effective pores before hydrocarbon migration in the ancient marine carbonates.

    Timing of hydrothermal alteration on the Lower Qiulitag Group dolomites of the Upper Cambrian, western margin of Tarim Basin: Palaeomagnetic constraint
    Daizhao Chen, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiqiang Zhou, Shaofeng Dong
    2020, 41(1):  50-58.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200105
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    Timing of fluid activity during diagenetic process keeps to be a difficult problem, notably in carbonate successions. The Lower Qiulitag Group dolomites of the Upper Cambrian in the Tarim Basin experienced extensive hydrothermal alteration through fracturing, crystallization and saddle dolomite precipitation; however, the timing of hydrothermal alteration was poorly constrained. To solve this problem, the extensive remagnetization data are used to constrain the timing of hydrothermal alteration on the Upper Qiulitag Group dolomites. We drilled 43 oriented plugs from saddle dolomite veins of the Lower Qiulitag Group in Keping and Yong'anba in the western flank of Tarim Basin, from which 64 samples were prepared for paleomagnetic analysis and 29 samples for rock maganetic studies. The magnetism of most samples cannot be washed out at a temperature over 580℃, and only some samples can yield saturation isothermal remanent magnetism in a high magnetic field, which resides in the high-coervicity, high-unblocking temperature magnetic carrier minerals, i.e., hematite. However, the other samples can rapidly reach saturation isothermal remanent magnetism in a low magnetic field, which is likely yielded by the low-coervicity, high-temperature magnetic carrier such as magnetite. Although many samples yield discrete demagnetization data, minor samples do yield bimodal fractions on the demagnetization curve. The paleomagnetic polar positions calculated from the characteristic high-temperature, remanent magnetism fractions from the two sampling sites (Keping and Yong'anba) agree well with those of the Early Permian and Late Permian in the study area, respectively. Considering that the measured samples are mainly obtained from hydrothermal dolomite veins, the high-temperature characteristic remanent magnetism fractions apparently resulted from chemical remagnetization induced by hydrothermal activity, which was temporally linked to the intense Permian large igneous province (LIP) activity in the Tarim block initiated in the Early Permian.

    Integrated seismic and geological prediction of ultra-deep dolomite reservoir in Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
    Zongjie Li, Peng Wang, Xuyun Chen, Yingtao Li
    2020, 41(1):  59-67.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200106
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    Aiming at understanding the geological characteristics and seismic responses and identifying the play fairway of dolomite reservoirs in Shunnan area, the core, logging and test data of wells in Shunnan and its adjacent areas were integrated to study the petrological characteristics of the Lower Yingshan Formation(Ordovician)-Upper Cambrian. The micro-cracks/fractures and dolomite intercrystalline (dissolved) pores were identified to be the main reservoir space in the dolomite, and the formation of the dolomite reservoir was jointly controlled by various factors, including sedimentary facies and paleogeomorphology, deep hydrothermal modification, faulting and fracturing. The petrophysical parameters of limestone, dolomite, calcarenite, micrite and dolomitic limestone were obtained through a statistical analysis of cores and well logging data in the Lower Yingshan Formation of the Ordovician-Upper Cambrian. A seismic geological model of the target reservoir in the area was established in combination with 3D seismic data and geological calibration to the drilling data. A comparison analysis of the forward modeling results and actual seismic data with seismic geological model revealed that the seismic facies featuring low frequency, medium high amplitude and good continuity are markers of play fairway of dolomite reservoir. The combination of feature analysis of seismic wave forms and energy attribute prediction can be applied to effectively identify dolomite reservoirs, thus providing a basis for target evaluation and exploratory well emplacement in Shunnan area.

    Diagenetic fluid evolution of dolomite from the Lower Ordovician in Tazhong area, Tarim Basin: Clumped isotopic evidence
    Jiaqing Liu, Zhong Li, Mengke Yan, K.Swart Peter, Liu Yang, Chaojin Lu
    2020, 41(1):  68-82.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200107
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    Based on the relationship between the relative abundance of 13C and 18O bonds and temperature, carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) has the special characteristic of indicating temperature even in the absence of knowledge about the chemical and isotopic composition of the fluid from which the carbonates precipitated.This property hence makes the technique an excellent temperature proxy in the study of diagenetic fluids.As such, this study employs clumped isotopes to examine the origin of diagenetic fluids in deep and ultra-deep subsurface settings and we assess their impact on the development of reservoir quality.This study considers both the matrix and associated cements.Three episodes of diagenesis are revealed. In the first stage, the fluids formed in a shallow-to-medium burial environment and the matrix was altered to have a powder-crystal to finely-crystalline texture.The range of Δ47 derived temperatures ranges from 69 to 94℃, and the δ18Ow values are from +1.81‰ to +5.19‰ SMOW.These data suggest that the fluid is modified seawater.The second diagenetic episode was influence by a brine after the sequence was deeply-bured.Here, the matrix was altered to a me-dium-crystalline texture and the Δ47 derived temperatures range from 111 to 113℃, and the δ18Ow values range from +8.46‰ to +8.95‰ SMOW, indicating that a substantial water-rock interaction occurred.The third diagenetic episode was induced by hydrothermal fluids, likely travelling along faults and fractures, which yielded abundant saddle dolomite.Here, Δ47 derived temperatures varies from 130 to 147℃ and the δ18Ow values from +7.93‰ to +9.42‰ SMOW.The vug-and vein-filling carbonates have a wide range of δ18Ocarb and δ13Ccarb values.The δ18Ocarb values span -17.38‰ to -5.84‰ VPDB, and the δ13Ccarb values from 3.57‰ to -1.33‰ VPDB, indicating multiple stages of fluid modification.Both the cores and photomicrographs demonstrate excellent reservoir quality for the Lower Ordovician Tazhong dolomites.

    Genesis and geological significance of siliceous rock in Penglaiba Formation in Well Tashen 6, Tahe oilfield
    Yongli Liu, Donghua You, Lijun Gao, Weifeng Zhang, Chengfei Xie
    2020, 41(1):  83-91.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200108
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    Restricted platform facies is common in the Penglaiba Formation of the Lower Ordovician in the Tarim Basin. This is especially true in Tahe area, where the early drilling data reveal that the Penglaiba Formation is mainly composed of moderate-to-thick-bedded very fine to fine crystalline dolomites. However, drilling data of Well Tashen 6 in the southwest of Tahe area reveal that the Penglaiba Formation is quite heterogeneous in terms of lithology in this area and is mainly composed of intraclast dolostones, dark gray brecciated siliceous rocks and light gray laminar siliceous rocks, within which a set of light gray laminar siliceous rocks of nearly 60 m in thickness was developed. Through core observation, conventional thin section examination, well logging and seismic facies analyses, we identified that the sedimentary setting of Penglaiba Formation in Well Tashen 6 is locally low within the restricted platform, about 300 m long from north to south and 200 m wide from east to west, with a higher relief up to hundreds of meters. Therefore, the collapse therein could produce a mixed accumulation of brecciated siliceous rocks and intraclast dolostones, and form homogeneous laminar siliceous rocks constructed by shallow-water silicogenic organisms, quite different from the thick-bedded dolomite assemblage of the surrounding restricted platform typical in the area. The laminar siliceous rocks are characterized by medium porosity and lower permeability as well as reservoir space dominated by massive micropores with a diameter of 1-6 μm. And traces of ancient microorganisms such as hyphae are seen therein. In conclusion, it can be confirmed that the siliceous rocks in the Penglaiba Formation in Well Tashen 6 are mainly of mechanical collapse origin induced by the special topography and shallow-to-semi-deep water biogenesis. This is of great significance to enriching and deepening understanding of the Ordovician sedimentary evolution and reservoir genetic mechanism in the Tarim Basin.

    Genetic mechanism of multi-type dolomite reservoirs in Ordovician Yingshan Formation, Tarim Basin
    Donghua You, Zicheng Cao, Mingjun Xu, Yixiong Qian, Shi Wang, Xiaolin Wang
    2020, 41(1):  92-101.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200109
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    The Ordovician Yingshan Formation is one of the most important targets of petroleum exploration in the Tarim Basin. The genetic mechanism of well-developed dolomite reservoirs of multiple types has always been a focus of study here. The micropetrologic and geochemical characteristics of various dolomite reservoirs, including shallow buried, karstified and hydrothermal modification types, are revealed through analyses of tectonic-sedimentary setting, thin section observation and scanning electron microscopy, combined with in-situ carbon-oxygen isotopes, whole-rock carbon-oxygen-strontium isotopes, and fluid inclusion data. The dolomite reservoir of shallow-buried type is characterized by obvious euhedral crystals, and the consistent carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of mineral dolomite with different occurrences, reflecting the similar source of dolomitization fluids. The dolomite reservoir of karstified type is characterized by dedolomitization, calcite cementation of meteoric water origin, and negative δ18O values and rich radiogenic 87Sr. The dolomite reservoir of hydrothermal modification type is typically characterized by such hydrothermal minerals as fluorite and quartz. Its hydrothermal fluids are typically high in temperature and salinity, and the dolomite and calcite cements are characterized by negative 18O and Eu positive anomaly in forming the reservoir space. The multiple origins of dolomite reservoirs determine that their development and distribution are controlled by many factors including lithofacies, local structural locations, and fluid properties.

    Diagenesis and pore evolution of dolomite reservoir in the 5th member of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation, central Ordos Basin
    Qingqing Luo, Bo Liu, Weimin Jiang, Jinxin Yu, Shiqi Liu, Yuanchong Wang, Liubin Wei, Zhenghong Cai
    2020, 41(1):  102-115.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200110
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    The study focuses on the dolomitization, cementation, dissolution, compaction and pressure-solution of the 5th member of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation in the central Ordos Basin, by means of core and thin section observation, as well as analyses of catholuminescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy spectrum and geochemistry. The diagenetic process of the dolomite reservoir in the study area thus can be divided into two stages:a near surface-shallow burial stage and a medium-deep burial stage. The dolomite reservoir in the study area can be categorized into three types:micritic-microcrystalline dolomite, crystalline-grained dolomite and dolomite grainstone. The dissolution in the near surface environment during the penecontemporaneous period serves as the key for pores' development. Dolomitization is a significant factor conducive to porosity preservation, while cementation is a major diagenesis detrimental to early-developed pores. The micritic with gypsum nodules and gypsum clumps have developed gypsum-moldic and irregular dissolved pores under the impact of meteoric water during a short period of exposure caused by temporary sea level fall; then dolomitization during the shallow-burial period enhanced the compaction-resistance of the limestones, being favorable for pore preservation; but the cementation during the medium-deep burial period occluded part of the pore spaces.The grainstone developed intergranular pores during deposition, and their residual inrergranular pores were preserved after cementation during the penecontemporaneous period and dolomitization during shallow-burial period, resulting in high-quality reservoirs.

    Pore structure and controlling factors of the ultra-deep Middle Permian dolomite reservoirs, northwestern Sichuan Basin
    Tianbo Yang, Zhiliang He, Zhenkui Jin, Juntao Zhang, Shuangjian Li
    2020, 41(1):  116-131.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200111
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    The Middle Permian dolomite reservoirs in the piedmont of Longmen Mountain, northwestern Sichuan Basin, were deeply buried and experienced long-term diagenetic evolution during burial, but abundant reservoir space is still well preserved at present, and even porous dolomite gas reservoirs have been discovered in such ultra-deep reservoirs. However, these reservoirs feature high heterogeneity, and the formation and preservation mechanism of reservoir space still need further study. Three types of pore structures are recognized via physical property analysis, mercury injection porosimetry and CT scanning. TypeⅠ is dominated by large pore and coarse throat with large pore-throat coordination number and high connectivity. Type Ⅱ has two sets of pore-throat combinations (larger pore-medium throat and medium pore-medium throat), and shows higher pore throat heterogeneity. Type Ⅲ is characterized by small pore-fine throat combination resulting from strong pressure solution. The difference in pore-throat structures is mainly controlled by rock fabric of precursor limestone and the overprint of various kinds of diagenesis. Type Ⅰ and Ⅱ reservoirs, usually originating from porous grainstones, went through thorough dolomitization, and were well developed in planar, automorphic-hypautomorphic dolomites. Nevertheless, in comparison with Type Ⅱ reservoirs, Type Ⅰ reservoirs are stronger in modification by burial dissolution at middle-late stages but weaker in over-dolomitization. Furthermore, relict dolomite and non-planar, xenomorphic dolomite are most likely to form Type Ⅲ reservoirs due to their weaker anti-pressure-solution capacity and stronger late over-dolomitization.

    Pattern of hydrothermal dolomitization in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation, eastern Sichuan Basin, and its alteration on reservoirs herein
    Tao Zhang, Juanhua Lin, Yueqing Han, Zeyu Wang, Jun Qin, Rongqiang Zhang
    2020, 41(1):  132-143, 200.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200112
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    Based on the distribution of abnormal dolomites in the Maokou Formation, eastern Sichuan Basin, we analyzed the identification markers and timing of hydrothermal dolomitization (HTD), and discussed its genetic model and reservoir modification by means of petrological description of cores, geochemical testing, as well as comprehensive interpretation of seismic and logging data. The results indicate that the main identification markers include irregular dolomite distribution, medium-to-coarse crystalline matrix dolomite, saddle dolomite and quartz-saddle dolomite in the earlier tensile fractures and cavens. The homogenization temperature of dolomite fluid inclusions(115-145℃)being higher than the host formations, more negative oxygen isotope (δ18O(VPDB)-5.4‰-7.1‰), and increased strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr 0.707 947-0.708 458) are the main geochemical indicators of hydrothermal activities. HTD mainly occurred near tensional or transtentional fault systems, and its stratification is controlled by original sedimentary facies. The limestone formations near the fracture/fault zones were also altered by hydrothermal fluids. The main stage of HTD alteration is the Late Permian-Middle Triassic after the shallower burial and karstification via uplifting and explosion of the Maokou Formation and the deposition of the Wujiaping Formation. The eruption of Emei basalt served as heat source for hydrothermal fluids, and the factors such as faults, sedimentary facies and the intrusion of hydrothermal fluids are coupled in time and space, resulting in the development and various distribution patterns of hydrothermal dolomites. The effect of HTD on reservoir modification is complex.The newly-generated pore space is not remarkable in lower-permeability limestones under HTD, while the high-energy beach facies with initial pores may preserve certain porosity and permeability under HTD.

    Dolomite reservoir prediction with lithology factor in the Maokou Formation, Fuling area, Sichuan Basin
    Ling Liu, Yujin Wo, Tao Zhang, Wei Sun
    2020, 41(1):  144-156.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200113
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    Large P-wave impedance difference exists between the Maokou Fm.carbonates and overlying carbonaceous mudstones at the bottom of the Wujiaping Formation in Fuling area, southeastern Sichuan Basin, resulting in a continuous strong reflection interface(TP2), which shields the seismic response of the underlying dolomite reservoirs.Due to the superimposition of the P-wave impedance between dolomite and limestone in the Maokou Formation, post-stack seismic prediction of the dolomite reservoir is difficult.In addition, the effective angle of the original CRP gather is only 20°, and the lacking of high-angle information is unfavorable for the calculation of pre-stack elastic parameters.On the basis of the CRP gather optimization, superimposed near-and medium-angle data were formed with the technology of multi-wavelet decomposition and reconstruction.Then, the ray elastic impedance of the two superimposed data volumes was obtained by Bayesian sparse pulse inversion.The lithology factor was built by coordination rotation to identify dolomite reservoirs via the ray elastic impedances of near-and medium-angle information.Multi-wavelet decomposition and reconstruction can effectively suppress the strong inference of the carbonaceous mudstone, and highlight the seismic responses of dolomites, thus improving the accuracy of reservoir prediction.The lithology factor obtained can be applied to avoid problems relating to the lack of high-angle CRP gather and the difficulty in elastic parameter calculation.In conclusion, the dolomite reservoirs in the Mao 3 member are distributed in blocks along basement-rooted faults, the thickness out of seismic prediction by lithology factor is in good agreement with actual drilling data, indicating that the technology could be applied to the effective prediction of dolomite reservoirs, and is of promotional value in practice.

    Probability body-constrained geomodeling of reef-shoal reservoir in Changxing Formation, Yuanba area, Sichuan Basin
    Xiangyang Hu, Wenbo Zheng, Yuchun You, Guoping Liu
    2020, 41(1):  157-163.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200114
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    The reef-shoal reservoir of the Changxing Formation in Yuanba area, Sichuan Basin, is rich in lithofacies types. Organic reef and shoal bodies are distributed discretely, and the reservoir and physical parameters are highly heterogeneous. The reservoir architecture is quite bizarre, and the distribution of water cut is complicated. Given these features, the existing modeling methods can hardly characterize the heterogeneity within the reef-shoal reservoir in a high resolution manner, and cannot meet the demand of gas reservoir development and production. Based on the researches on gas reservoirs of reef-shoal facies in terms of geology, geophysical prospecting, well logging and production performance, the study put forward the idea of geological model constrained modelling, integrating multiple information, including reservoir architecture, geology and seismic probability body. The geological model of the reservoir of organic reef and bioclast shoal facies was established by hierarchical facies control and sequential indication simulation, and the attribute model by facies control and sequential Gaussian random simulation. The models constructed through the method can finely characterize the inner architecture of the reef-shoal reservoir, the heterogeneity characteristics of its physical parameters, and the 3-D distribution of the reservoir of organic reef and bioclast shoal facies and attribute parameters, laying a solid foundation for the efficient development of gas reservoirs.

    Discovery of non-hydrothermal saddle-shaped dolomite in Leikoupo Formation, Western Sichuan Basin and its significance
    Guorong Li, Zhengzhong Liu, Zixiao Xie, Yongmin Duan, Sai He, Meizhou Deng, Yuchen Wang, Yong Li, Zhangzhi Wu
    2020, 41(1):  164-176.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200115
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    Since saddle-shaped dolomites are usually formed by hydrothermal fluid, multiple scholars have considered the saddle-shaped dolomite in the Leikoupo Formation, Western Sichuan Basin, as hydrothermal origin and ascribed the reservoir therein as a product of hydrothermal process. The study made an in-depth analysis of the petrology and geochemistry of saddle-shaped dolomite in the area, in order to further identify the origin of the dolomite and the genetic mechanism of the dolomite reservoir. Two origin types of saddle-shaped dolomite were identified-the hydrothermal saddle-shaped dolomite and the non-hydrothermal one. The former developed inside tectonic fractures emits bright orange red light or is non-luminant under cathodoluminescence, featuring relatively high content of δ18O and Sr-K-Fe-Mn elements, rich rare-earth elements, and negative-Eu abnormality. It's quite different from the matrix rocks, and may be a product of post-magmatic hydrothermal processes following intermediate to acidic magma activities in depth. However, the latter is a product of the dolomitization of medium-to-deep fluids inside the dolomite reservoir. Its saddle-shaped dolomite plaques in limestone and the saddle-shaped dolomite precipitates in dissolved pores or cavities in dolomite emit rose-bengal light under cathodoluminescence, featuring relatively lower content of δ18O and Sr-K-Fe-Mn elements, as well as deficiency in rare-earth element and Eu abnormality. They are quite similar to the surrounding dolomites, indicating that dolomitization fluids and substance have originated from within the same reservoir. The fact of limited distribution of the saddle-shaped dolomite of hydrothermal origin and wide distribution of the saddle-shaped. dolomite of non-hydrothermal origin in the Leikoupo Formation, indicates that the Leikoupo reservoir is not of hydrothermal origin. The relatively subdued activities of formation and hydrothermal fluids in burial have led to good preservation of effective reservoir space.

    Characteristics, distribution and origin of dolomite reservoir in the upper Lei 4 member of the Middle Triassic, Pengzhou gas field, western Sichuan Basin
    Lingfang Zhou, Yixiong Qian, Xiaobo Song, Bo Cao, Donghua You, Yong Li
    2020, 41(1):  177-188.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200116
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    Microbiological and micritic-calcisiltic dolomites have been regarded as the dominant reservoir lithology in the upper section of the 4th member of the Leikoupo Formation in Pengzhou gas field. Multiple analytical and statistical methods are applied to study the pore types, physical properties, and pore structure parameters, as well as their impact on lithofacies (especially for microbialite) and crystal size of the dolomites. Besides, four types of reservoirs and the tight zones (interlayers) are identified. The main factors controlling pore formation and distribution are hereby proposed. The results show that dolomites with various microbial textures account for nearly 3/4 of the total formation, most of which are silty-micritic and calcisiltic dolomites. In a high-frequency cycle, the dolomite textures vary upwards from algal clot, to algal spheroid (or algal arene), to algal lamina, and then to laminated silty types. In terms of grain size, a cycle is composed regularly of grained, very fine-(fine-) crystal, micritic, and silty dolomites from the bottom to the top. A dry, hot and alkaline sedimentary environment of hypersalinity prevailed during the Middle Triassic, favorable for the development of microbialites. The meter-scale shallowing-upward cycles of thin (algal) laminae, that is, from the thrombolites and stromatolites in the upper part of the subtidal zone to the intertidal algal laminae-stromatolites, and then to the thin (algal) laminae in the supratidal zone, caused the well development of zones of high porosity and permeability in the upper and middle parts of the sequence. In addition, factors including rapid seepage reflux dolomitization and meteoric freshwater dissolution, early hydrocarbon charging in the shallow burial stage, and multi-stage tectonic fracturing, all play an important role in pore development and preservation.

    Geochemical tracing of isotopic fluid of dolomite reservoir in the Middle Jurassic Buqu Formation in southern depression of Qiangtang Basin
    Youli Wan, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, Dong Wang
    2020, 41(1):  189-200.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200117
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    This paper presents study on the properties and evolution of genetic fluids in the dolomite reservoir of the Buqu Formation in the southern depression of Qiangtang Basin. Petrological classification is performed on the dolomite and genetic fluids tracing is carried out through isotopic analysis of carbon, oxygen, and strontium (C, O, Sr) in carbonate minerals of various ages. The results show that:(1) the Buqu dolomite in the study area experienced multiple-stage superimposed modification by dolomitization fluids, the genetic fluids of dolomite and crystalline-grained dolomite with original structure of precursor limestone are contemporaneous seawater. The isotopic (C, O, Sr) composition has a certain inheritance to the precursor limestone. (2) With the increase of burial depth, the crystalline structure of dolomite changed gradually. The oxygen-isotope (δ18OPDB) gradually became more negative:from micro-fine-crystalline dolomite (-3.81‰), to fine-crystalline and automorphic dolomite (-4.34‰), to fine-crystalline and hypautomorphic dolomite (-6.10‰), and to medium-to-coarse-crystalline and xenomorphic dolomite (-7.36‰). (3) Genetic fluids of saddle-shaped dolomite is meteoric water which flows through the underlying clastic formations into the Buqu Formation. The primary heat source was related to tectonic hydrothermal events and lasts 78-64 Ma. (4) Fine-to-medium-crystalline and automorphic dolomite cements, intercrystalline dolomite pore-filled calcites may have been developed at the end of shallow burial stage. The genetic fluid is contemporaneous seawater. The bright calcite veins are developed after the saddle-shaped dolomite, and its genetic fluid may be meteoric water related with the uplifting of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The superposition of multi-stage dolomitization fluids, meteoric water leaching and dissolution affected the formation and distribution of dolomite reservoirs in the Buqu Formation, and further controlled the quality of dolomite reservoirs herein.

    Origin of Qianjiang Formation dolostone in Qianjiang Sag, Jianghan Basin
    Shiqiang Wu, Fengling Chen, Zaixing Jiang, Xiangxin Kong, Chen Chen, Wenjing Guan
    2020, 41(1):  201-208.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200118
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    The Paleogene Qianjiang Formation of Qianjiang Sag in central Jianghan Basin is characterized by 193 cyclothems composed of alternating organic-rich dolomites and evaporites. However, the origin of dolomites in the Qianjiang Formation has always been controversial, limiting the further exploration of unconventional resources. The main objective of the study lies in the origin of inter-salt dolomite-rich lithofacies in the formation through the analyses of sedimentary characteristics of inter-salt lithofacies and minerals. Three main lithofacies combinations are identified based on the observation of sedimentary features (in terms of core and thin section) and mineral composition, that is, the thin-bedded-to-lamellar dolomicrite, the lamellar marlstone bearing dolomite, and the lamellar dolomicrite interbedded with glauberite. The first two combinations show obvious laminated characteristics with alternating organic and inorganic lamellars, indicating deposition in a relatively deep and reducing environment. The calcite and dolomite crystals within these two combinations have pores resulted from organic degradation, and the dolomite crystals coexist with organic films and pyrite crystals, both of which just indicate that the origin of the two combinations may have something to do with microbial activities. Planktons and phytobenthos serve to control the precipitation of calcite and dolomite minerals respectively. Therefore, the two lithofacies combinations feature a higher content of organic matters. The third combination contains more evaporitic minerals and terrigenous clasts, indicating deposition in relatively shallower waters. The relatively higher salinity and large amount of terrigenous material inputs are not conducive to the preservation of organic matters. In addition, the formation of dolomite minerals in saline lakes is controlled by both microbial activities and evaporation environment, and the origin plays an important role in sedimentary characteristics of lithofacies and accumulation of organic matters.

    Characteristics and origin of dolostones in the Miocene Meishan Formation in Well Xike 1, Xisha Islands, South China Sea
    He Yin, Yahui Wang, Juan Liu, Zhiqiang Shi, Daojun Zhang
    2020, 41(1):  209-222.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200119
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    Cenozoic carbonate platform was well developed in South China Sea, and dolostones are quite common in carbonate sequences of Xisha Islands. The characteristics of the Miocene Meishan dolomite is described by studying the macro-and micro-scopic features of dolostones, the carbon and oxygen isotopes, and main/trace elements in Well Xike 1. Mainly four categories of dolostones were developed in the Meishan Formation in Well Xike 1, which are different in thickness, color and porosity. Sucrosic dolomites, commonly distributed under the ancient exposed surface, can be seen in thick-bedded dolostones. While thin-bedded dolostones feature loose consolidation and incomplete dolomitization.The dolomite crystals are dominated by subhedral-idiomorphic flat surfaces, and bright edge and foggy center are seen in some dolomites of very fine to fine-crystallized crystals. The carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonate rocks in the Meishan Formation show certain correlation, while the correlation of carbon and oxygen isotopic values in the dolostones is insignificant. The paleosalinity value of dolostones is calculated to be slightly higher than that of contemporaneous seawater. The oxygen isotopic value of dolostones is positive, indicating that the dolomitization was not affected by magmatic hydrothermal fluids and organic acid solution.Most thin-bedded dolomites in the Meishan Formation are calcareous dolostones, low in Fe, Sr and Mn concentrations, suggesting that the source of magnesium ions is mainly seawater. The rare earth elements (REE) are characterized by low Ce and Eu. In conclusion, the dolomitization in the study might have been caused by seepage reflux, and is characterized by high porosity and permeability as a result of geothermal warming, implying good reservoir potential.

    Simulation experiment of carbonate reservoir modification by source rock-derived acidic fluids
    Qian Ding, Zhiliang He, Jingbin Wang, Dongya Zhu
    2020, 41(1):  223-234.  doi:10.11743/ogg20200120
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    The deep and ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs are the major targets of exploration, but their prediction is quite complicated due to the poor understanding of their formation and maintenance mechanism. It is essential to perform hydrocarbon generation and dissolution simulation experiments to quantitatively and qualitatively clarify the evolution process of source rocks and carbonate reservoirs in deep layers. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted with the limestone samples from the Ordovician Yingshan Formation in the Tarim Basin, and the low maturity source rock samples from Luquan County, Yunnan Province, via self-designed hydrocarbon generation and dissolution simulation equipments. The controlling factors accounting for the alteration of carbonate reservoirs and dissolution modification process by the complex acidic fluids associated with hydrocarbon generation in medium-to-deep burial environments were investigated using petrographic and geochemical methods. In the meantime, the transformation mechanism of surrounding carbonate reservoirs during hydrocarbon generation process of source rocks was explored. The results show that: during the medium-deep burial stage, acidic fluids including organic acid and CO2 associated with thermal evolution of source rocks could dissolve carbonate reservoirs, expanding their reservoir space, and thus improving porosity. Dissolution would decrease with the increasing burial depth. Whether the migrating fluids could improve the physical properties of reservoir largely depends on such factors as calcium carbonate saturation, fluid velocity, water/rock ratio, and original pore structure. The study can provide a theoretical basis for prediction of high-quality carbonate reservoirs in deep and ultra-deep formations.