石油与天然气地质 ›› 1981, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1): 57-65.doi: 10.11743/ogg19810107

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盛国英, 范善发, 刘德汉, 粟能先, 周鸿名   

  1. 中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所
  • 出版日期:1981-03-25 发布日期:2012-01-16


Sheng Guoying, Fan Shanfa, Liu Dehan, Su Nengxian, Zhou Hongming   

  1. Guiyang Iustitute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica
  • Online:1981-03-25 Published:2012-01-16


岩石和原油中正烷烃的分布已成为广泛应用的有机地化指标,正烷烃的重量分布曲线形状、碳数分布范围、最大值碳数以及 OEP 值(或 CPI 值),已有效地应用于石油勘探中,成为划分原始成油母质类型、成熟度、运移以及原油对比、油源对比的实用参数。


The even-odd predominance shown in n-alkanes has been recognized in Tertiary source rocks and crude oils in North China.The characteristics ofthe distribution of the n-alkanes with such predominance are that the rangeof even-odd predominance is between n-C22 and n-C34,in which the mostabundant constituents are the alkanes n-C26,n-C28 and n-C30,with the ma-ximum value at n-C28(the OEP value is 0.48-0.51).It is worthy to be noted that the curve of the n-alkanes with even-oddpredominance of some samples is quite coincident to that with odd-evenpredominance of other samples in this region and that the even-odd peak C28 coincides well with the odd-even peak C27.This indicates that both ofthem belong to low-maturity organic matter.Microscopic examinations of thin sections and infrared spectra of aroma-tic hydrocarbons also demonstrate that both the n-alkanes with even-oddand odd-even predominance belong to the same organic matter,i.e.theyboth originate from terrigenous organic matter of lipid-rich higher planttype. Samples with even-odd predominance occur in a geological environment where evaporates,gypsum and carbonate rocks are associated.Like odd-even predominance,the even-odd predominance can also serveas a geochemical indicator in studying the origin,migration and matura-tion of petroleum as well as for oil-to-oil and oil-to-source rock correla-tion.The maturation of the organic matter with even-odd prdominancemay probably proceeds somewhat more slowly than that with odd-even predominance.