石油与天然气地质 ›› 1981, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3): 265-275.doi: 10.11743/ogg19810307

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  1. 江汉石油学院
  • 出版日期:1981-09-25 发布日期:2012-01-16


Wang Ningguo   

  1. Jianghan College of Petroleum
  • Online:1981-09-25 Published:2012-01-16


多年来,国内外广泛地开展同生(同沉积)断层和逆牵引构造(Reverse dragstructre)的研究,从理论和实践上都证实这种构造是一种较好的含油气同生构造[1]。由于上述研究工作主要集中于板块拉张区或重力—张力构造环境,如中国东部第三纪断陷盆地、北美的墨西哥湾和西非的尼日利亚等地,这样就很容易把以正断层形式出现的同生正断层与同生断层等同看待,如啥定(F.R.Hardin)等人在1961年就认为“同生断层都是正断层”[2]。国内外发表的许多论文,也普遍把同生正断层和同生断层(Synsedimentary fault)等同[3、5]。作者在中国西部柴达木盆地工作时,调查过大量以逆断层形式出现的同生断层,并在中国西部其它压性或压扭性盆地(如酒泉、塔里木和准噶尔等)中也都见到,从而认为同生断层应当分为同生正断层和同生逆断层二种。在此基础上提出一种与同生逆断层密切有关的同生构造——正牵引构造。


The occurrence of anticlinal structures in coincidence with synsedimentary thrusts have been usually seen in Qaidam basin.The author thus proposeda new type of contemporaneous structure—normal drag structure.The normal drag structures appear to be similar to the reverse dragstructures(rolling anticlines)in shape,but the scale of the former is muchbigger than the latter,the character of faults and their dynamical mechanismare also completely different to reverse drag structures.The faults,distributing in bands,may usually reach to and is controlled by the basement rock,therefore,the fault plane is smooth,its dip-angle usually exceeds 45°.In comparison with the downthrown sides,the strata on the upthrown sides is thinner and itsgrain-size is coarser,and besides the fault displacement increases with depth.The normal drag anticlines,in general,are developed on upthrownsides,being confined in between two thrusts in a shape of reverse chinese character “丷”.The anticlines are characterized by thinner strata and coar-ser grain-size on thier tops,steep dip angle in the deeper part and gentledip angle in the shallower,as well as the vertical congruence of antictinal heightsat v arious depths with the basement rises.There are some post-depositional anticlines,with thicker strata on itstop and steeper dip-angle in upper beds,superim posing on the earlier con-tamporaneous normal drag anticlines.This fact shows that in different stages of the anticlinal development,we must analyse and distinguish themthroughly.Normal drag structure is a contemporaneous anticline controlled by thesynsedimentary fault in basement rock under continuous horizontal compres-sion of block-fault,crust-wave and folding movements during deposition in Meso-Cenozoic periods.According to the data of Qaidam basin,the normaldrag structure may be mainly divided into two types:normal drag anticlineand wedge-like anticline.Experience has demonstrated that normal drag structures are favour able to oil and gas accumulation and usually constitute some oil and gas accu-mulation zones.There are various types of oil and gas pools in normal dragstructures.Exploring for normal drag structure along synsedimentary thrustsis always a effective approach for oil and gas exploration.The author believes that more and more normal drag structures wouldbe continually discovered in the oil and gas-bearing basins which formedin the compressive zones in western China.