石油与天然气地质 ›› 1984, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 102-112.doi: 10.11743/ogg19840203
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段威武, 雷作淇
Duan Weiwu, Lei Zuoqi
The Cenozoic sediments in Zhujiangkou Basin disclosed in 7 offshore wells are dominated by clastic rocks with intercalations of combustible organic deposits in its lower and middle parts,the maximun thickness totals 3,350m.Ac-cording to the lithological characters and microfossils they contain,the Tertiarysediments can be divided into six stratigraphical units,in ascending order,theyare the Baoan Formation,Zhuhai Formation,Zhujiang Formation,Hanjiang Formation,Yuehai Formation and Wanshan Formation.The Baoan Formation and Zhuhai Formaton are characterized by abundant sporopollen,which may be distingushed into Taxodiaceaepollenites-Gothanipollis and Ostryoipollenites-Pinuspollenites assemblages aged to Oligocene.The Lower Miocene Zhujiang Formation contains calcareous nanofossils belonging to Sphenolithus belemnos zone and Helicosphaera ampliaperta zone,and Foraminifera of Globoro-talia jiaweiensis-Cassigerinella chipolensis assemblage.The calcareous nanofossils recovered in the Middle Miocene Hanjiang Formation are members of Triquetror-habdulus rugosus zone and Catinaster coalitus zone,which occur along with Foraminifera of Turborotalia siakensis zone.Abundant sporo-pollens belonging to two assemblages are also recovered in the Hanjing Formation,namely(in ascending order):Florschuetzia trilobata-F,semilobata,F.levipoli-Zonocostites of.ramonae.The Upper Miocene Yuehai Formation is characterized dominantly by coarse clastics,containing nanofossils of Discoaster quinqueramus zone and Amaurolithus amplificus zone,and Foraminifera of Ammonia altispira(nearshore) or Globigerina nepenthes zone(offshore). The nanofossils in the Pliocene Wanshan Formation are mainly preserved inits mid-lower parts,represented by Sphenolithus abies zone and Discoaster tamaliszone.The simultaneous Foraminifera is characterized by Globorotalia multicamerata-Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina assemblage.Owing to regression,the upper part of the Wanshan Formation lacks calcareous nanofossils,but the benthic Foraminifera and Ostracoda are well developed.
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