Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 992-1006.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240407
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Minghe ZHANG1(), Xiangfeng WEI2, Bo GAO3, Jia RONG3, Zhujiang LIU2, Jihong YAN2, Qihang YANG1, Jiale WANG1, Huiping LIU1, Lang YOU1, Ziliang LIU1(
Ziliang LIU
CLC Number:
Minghe ZHANG, Xiangfeng WEI, Bo GAO, Jia RONG, Zhujiang LIU, Jihong YAN, Qihang YANG, Jiale WANG, Huiping LIU, Lang YOU, Ziliang LIU. Developmental models of organic-rich shales in the Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in the piedmont zone of northern Sichuan Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2024, 45(4): 992-1006.
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Table 1
Classification of sedimentary areas with organic-rich shales in the piedmont zone of northern Sichuan Basin"
类别 | 富有机质页岩TOC平均值/% | 富有机质页岩厚度/m | 主要岩相类型 | 地区 | 代表剖面/井位 | 评价 |
Ⅰ类 | >3.5 | >60 | 纹层状/层状强脆性硅质页岩相 | 广元朝天、南郑—镇巴西一带 | 云雾山、SZY1井 | 优势沉积区 |
Ⅱ类 | 2.5~3.5 | 20~60 | 纹层状/层状强脆性硅质页岩相 | 旺苍—南江一带 | 花街村、代弓村 | 中等沉积区 |
Ⅲ类 | 2.0~2.5 | <20 | 层状中等脆性黏土混合质页岩 | 汉中宁强、镇巴 | 黄家营、小洋 | 差沉积区 |
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