Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 1720-1735.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240617
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shengxian ZHAO1,2(), Yong LIU3, Bo LI1,2(), Xin CHEN1,2, Dongchen LIU1,2, Meixuan YIN1,2, Ying CHANG1,2, Rui JIANG1,2
CLC Number:
Shengxian ZHAO, Yong LIU, Bo LI, Xin CHEN, Dongchen LIU, Meixuan YIN, Ying CHANG, Rui JIANG. Characteristics and patterns of the pore connectivity in shale gas reservoirs in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formations, Luzhou block, Sichuan Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2024, 45(6): 1720-1735.
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Table 1
Connectivity characteristics of and diagrams showing pore connectivity in the shale reservoirs in the Luzhou block"
孔隙结构分类 | 定性评价 (孔隙结构描述) | 定量评价 (连通孔隙体积分布范围) | 孔隙连通性模式示意图 |
A类储层 | 多为气胀状连通有机质孔, 大量矿物粒间孔缝 | 连通孔隙体积>0.006 7 cm³/g, 连通孔隙度>1.75 % | |
B类储层 | 部分为连通气胀状有机质孔,多为大小均一的孤立有机质孔,大量矿物粒间孔缝 | 连通孔隙体积0.005 7 ~ 0.006 7 cm³/g, 连通孔隙度1.55 % ~ 1.75 % | |
C类储层 | 多为不发育有机质孔,无机矿物孔较少 | 连通孔隙体积<0.005 7 cm³/g, 连通孔隙度<1.55 % |
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