Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 189-200.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200117
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Youli Wan1,2(), Jian Wang1,3,*(
), Xiugen Fu1,2, Dong Wang1,2
Jian Wang
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Youli Wan, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, Dong Wang. Geochemical tracing of isotopic fluid of dolomite reservoir in the Middle Jurassic Buqu Formation in southern depression of Qiangtang Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(1): 189-200.
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Table 1
The C, O and Sr isotopic values of each type of the Buqu dolomites from Well QZ12 in southern depression of Qiangtang Basin"
样品编号 | 深度/m | 岩石类型 | δ13C(PDB)/‰ | δ18O(PDB)/‰ | 87Sr/86Sr |
16D-13 | 75.22 | 泥晶灰岩 | 1.19 | -8.25 | 0.707 765 |
16D-20 | 130.83 | 泥晶灰岩 | 1.96 | -8.62 | 0.707 763 |
16D-21 | 131.46 | 亮晶砂屑灰岩 | 2.57 | -7.47 | 0.707 850 |
16D-07 | 58.24 | 微粉晶白云岩 | 3.74 | -4.22 | 0.707 747 |
16D-14 | 96.21 | 纹层状白云岩 | 3.42 | -3.84 | 0.708 176 |
16D-25 | 198.13 | 微粉晶白云岩 | 4.23 | -3.37 | 0.707 654 |
16D-06 | 57.31 | 细晶、自形白云石 | 4.11 | -4.56 | 0.707 525 |
16D-15 | 100.63 | 细晶、自形白云石 | 3.64 | -4.33 | 0.707 667 |
16D-17 | 102.02 | 细晶、自形白云石 | 3.18 | -4.23 | 0.707 572 |
16D-22 | 143.12 | 细晶、自形白云石 | 3.33 | -4.25 | 0.708 037 |
16D-23 | 151.71 | 细晶、自形白云石 | 3.83 | -4.31 | 0.707 686 |
16D-02 | 26.57 | 细晶、半自形白云石 | 4.42 | -5.87 | 0.707 432 |
16D-03 | 30.24 | 细晶、半自形白云石 | 4.18 | -6.26 | 0.707 609 |
16D-05 | 43.43 | 细晶、半自形白云石 | 3.95 | -6.23 | 0.707 990 |
16D-16 | 101.12 | 细晶、半自形白云石 | 3.28 | -5.56 | 0.707 780 |
16D-24 | 190.37 | 细晶、半自形白云石 | 2.72 | -6.57 | 0.707 593 |
16D-01 | 24.29 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 3.24 | -7.22 | 0.707 303 |
16D-04 | 43.43 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 4.05 | -7.65 | 0.707 884 |
16D-10 | 67.73 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 3.92 | -8.22 | 0.707 752 |
16D-12 | 72.73 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 3.85 | -6.56 | 0.707 234 |
16D-18 | 107.14 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 4.14 | -8.16 | 0.707 593 |
16D-27 | 581.62 | 中-粗晶、它形白云石 | 3.68 | -6.37 | 0.707 865 |
16D-19 | 122.84 | 细-中晶、自形白云石胶结物 | 3.02 | -5.31 | 0.708 147 |
16D-08 | 60.65 | 鞍形白云石胶结物 | -0.09 | -10.41 | 0.708 518 |
16D-09 | 60.64 | 鞍形白云石胶结物 | 3.38 | -9.58 | 0.708 876 |
16D-11 | 69.33 | 鞍形白云石胶结物 | 1.27 | -9.25 | 0.708 562 |
16D-26 | 580.95 | 鞍形白云石胶结物 | 1.86 | -8.56 | 0.708 180 |
14QZ12-026 | 105.02 | 白云石晶间孔中充填的方解石 | 3.73 | -5.38 | 0.708 128 |
14QZ12-001-1 | 232.16 | 裂缝第二期充填肉红色方解石脉 | -1.15 | -13.04 | |
14QX12-001-2 | 232.16 | 裂缝充填第三期白色粗-巨晶方解石 | -0.85 | -11.97 | |
14QZ12-005 | 219.76 | 裂缝充填第二期肉红色方解石脉 | -1.35 | -11.33 | |
14QZ12-007 | 219.81 | 裂缝充填第一期白色方解石脉 | 0.57 | -10.62 | |
14QZ12-013 | 195.75 | 裂缝充填第三期白色粗-巨晶方解石 | 1.89 | -10.45 | |
14QZ12-029 | 75.32 | 裂缝充填第一期白色方解石脉 | -1.18 | -9.42 | |
14QZ12-030 | 70.96 | 裂缝充填第一期白色方解石脉 | 1.64 | -10.75 |
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