Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 1222-1232.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200610
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jian Li1,2,3(), Lianbo Zeng1,2,*(
), Yu Lin2,4, Guoping Liu1,2, Dongsheng Cao2, Zhaosheng Wang2
Lianbo Zeng
CLC Number:
Jian Li, Lianbo Zeng, Yu Lin, Guoping Liu, Dongsheng Cao, Zhaosheng Wang. Horizontal fractures of the Cenozoic in western Qaidam Basin and their tectonic implication[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(6): 1222-1232.
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Table 1
Break stra in (εfc) induced by horizontal fractures at early (the Nanyishan outcrop) and late (the Xianshuiquan outcrop) stages measured on outcrops in the western Qaidam Basin"
测量剖面 | 咸水泉剖面破裂应变 | 南翼山剖面破裂应变 |
A—A′ | 0.045 9 | 0.012 8 |
B—B′ | 0.043 7 | 0.016 1 |
C—C′ | 0.030 1 | 0.015 1 |
平均值 | 0.039 9 | 0.014 7 |
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