石油与天然气地质 ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 827-838.doi: 10.11743/ogg201406010

• 油气成藏 • 上一篇    下一篇


云金表, 金之钧, 解国军   

  1. 中国石化 石油勘探开发研究院, 北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-14 修回日期:2014-11-20 出版日期:2014-12-08 发布日期:2015-01-27
  • 第一作者简介:云金表(1962-), 男, 教授级高级工程师, 油气构造.E-mail:yunjb.syky@sinopec.com.
  • 基金项目:

Distribution of major hydrocarbon source rocks in the Lower Palaeozoic, Tarim Basin

Yun Jinbiao, Jin Zhijun, Xie Guojun   

  1. Exploration & Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2014-11-14 Revised:2014-11-20 Online:2014-12-08 Published:2015-01-27

摘要: 露头与钻探分析表明,烃源岩形成于不同的构造环境中.水进过程是各类构造环境中烃源岩发育的有利时期,从盆地伸展、稳定沉降到回返阶段烃源岩发育环境不断受到局限.伸展过程的广泛水进超覆最有利于烃源岩的大面积分布;稳定沉降过程烃源岩主要发育于台缘陆棚、台内坳陷环境;盆地回返过程只有台内凹陷、高能相带之后等闭塞环境有利烃源岩发育.沉积地层与构造演化研究表明,塔里木台盆区寒武系-奥陶系烃源岩经历了从盆地伸展到回返一个完整的开合过程,分别是寒武纪早期的伸展阶段、中寒武世-中奥陶世稳定沉降阶段和晚奥陶世-志留纪回返阶段,形成了3种不同特征的原型盆地.寒武纪早期是盆地伸展过程,最有利于烃源岩的发育.目前盆地北部坳陷带和南部盆缘带陆棚与盆地相发育区,是烃源岩发育的有利区.中、下奥陶世盆地东西分异,滿加尔凹陷及阿-满过渡带是台缘与局限盆地相发育区;晚奥陶世除台缘高能相带外,阿瓦提凹陷及阿满过渡带是灰质沉积的台内凹陷,是烃源岩发育有利区.因此台盆区不同部位主力烃源岩发育具有分异特点.

关键词: 岩相古地理, 盆地原型, 主力烃源岩, 下古生界, 塔里木盆地

Abstract: Analysis based on outcrop and drilling data indicates that source rocks can be formed in different tectonic settings. Transgressive process is benefit for source rocks development in various tectonic environments. Source rock development environment is increasingly limited from basin stretching to stable subsidence and finally to returning stage. The extensive transgressive overlap in stretching process is most favorable for the deposition of source rock in a large area. Source rocks are mainly distributed in the platform edge shelf and internal depression in stable subsidence stage. The closed environments such as intra-platform depression and regions behind high energy facies are favorable for source rock development in the returning stage. Sedimentary sequence and tectonic evolution show that the Cambrian-Ordovician source rocks in Tarim Basin experienced a whole process from basin stretching to returning stage, i. e. basin stretching in the Early Cambrian, stable subsidence in the Middle Cambrian to Middle Ordovician, and tectonic return in the Late Ordovician to Silurian. So that, 3 types prototype basins were formed. Stretching process in the Early Cambrian was the best period for source rock development. The northern depression, shelf in the southern basin edge and basin facies were the best zones. The basin showed difference in east and west during the Early and Middle Ordovician, and platform edge and limited basin developed in Manjiaer depression Aman transitional belt, being favorable for the development of source rocks. In the Late Ordovician, besides the high energy belt on the platform edge, Awati Depression and Aman transitional belt were intra-platform depressions, where limestone was deposited and was favorble for source rock development. Therefore, the major source rocks at different positions have different characteristics.

Key words: paleogeography, prototype basin, major source rock, Lower Paleozoic, Tarim Basin
