石油与天然气地质 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 827-851.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240318
丁文龙1,2(), 李云涛1,2(
), 韩俊3, 黄诚3, 王来源3, 孟庆修3
Wenlong DING1,2(), Yuntao LI1,2(
), Jun HAN3, Cheng HUANG3, Laiyuan WANG3, Qingxiu MENG3
Yuntao LI
顺北地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩裂缝发育特征岩心照片a. X4井,灰色泥晶灰岩高角度裂缝,埋深6 932.00 m;b. X4井,灰色泥晶灰岩高角度裂缝,埋深6 934.88 m;c. X4井,灰色泥晶灰岩高角度裂缝, 埋深6 936.91 m;d. X6井,灰色泥晶灰岩中-低角度裂缝,埋深6 460.58 m;e. X6井,灰色泥晶灰岩中-低角度裂缝, 埋深6 462.14 m;f. X6井,灰色泥晶灰岩中-低角度裂缝,埋深6 463.26 m;g. X8井,灰色泥晶灰岩低角度缝和近直立缝,埋深6 554.43 m;h. X8井,灰色泥晶灰岩水平缝和中-高角度裂缝,埋深6 871.82 m;i. X8井,灰色泥晶灰岩中-高角度裂缝,埋深6 874.14 m(钻井位置见图3a。)"
样品编号 | 井号 | 深度/m | 围压/MPa | 抗压强度/MPa | 泊松比 | 杨氏模量/GPa | 内聚力/MPa | 内摩擦角/(°) |
1 | X10 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 65 | — | 0.210 | 39.88 | — | — |
2 | X10 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 75 | — | 0.260 | 42.93 | ||
3 | X10 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 85 | — | 0.220 | 37.13 | ||
4 | X11 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 65 | — | 0.230 | 34.70 | 38 | 26.3 |
5 | X11 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 75 | — | 0.220 | 36.50 | ||
6 | X11 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 85 | — | 0.220 | 36.60 | ||
7 | X12 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 70.16 | 0.204 | 36.83 | — | — |
8 | X12 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 75.74 | 0.226 | 43.43 | ||
9 | X12 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 279.06 | 0.242 | 44.65 | ||
10 | X12 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 274.83 | 0.273 | 46.24 | ||
11 | X12 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 249.73 | 0.235 | 42.63 | ||
12 | X12 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 0 | 72.14 | 0.252 | 37.68 | 17.6 | 41.6 |
13 | X12 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 60 | 310.22 | 0.338 | 60.89 | ||
14 | X12 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 30 | 267.40 | 0.314 | 56.86 |
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