石油与天然气地质 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 542-552.doi: 10.11743/ogg20240217
江同文(1968—),男,博士、教授级高级工程师,石油天然气评价与开发及科研管理。E-mail: jiangtw-tlm@petrochina.com.cn。
Tongwen JIANG1(), Xingliang DENG2, Peng CAO3(
), Shaoying CHANG3
Peng CAO
塔里木盆地走滑断裂控制的超深油气藏是近年来中国油气勘探开发最重要领域之一,但目前该类型油藏的储集空间类型并不清楚,不同储集空间类型与注水效果关系不明确,严重制约了富满油田的高效开发。在充分分析野外露头、岩心、成像测井以及动态监测资料的基础上,系统剖析了断控破碎体的3种主要储集空间类型及其与注水效果的关系。提出了断控破碎体的概念,指出富满油田主要为断控破碎体油藏,研究结果表明:①断裂空腔型储集体主要分布在断裂带的核部,由断层滑动面产状变化引发内部体积调整形成了“空腔”型洞穴。埋藏条件下的储集空间相对较为封闭,内部孔隙空间较大,注水后原油置换率较高,部分油井动用储量的注水采收率可高达93 %。②角砾间孔隙型储集体主要分布在断裂带的核部,由相邻的角砾相互支撑而形成角砾间不规则储集空间类型。该类储集体分布较为均匀,孔隙度中等,单位压降下的产液量较高,但是由于储集空间内部连接并不通畅,注水后置换率较低,需要研究探索构建立体结构井网来提高开发效果。③构造裂缝型储集体主要分布在断裂带的损伤带和过程带,在断层带的两侧和端部发育形成一定宽度的裂缝带。裂缝带周边也会发育少量孔隙,部分区域会形成一定的渗流优势通道,因此注入水的流失量较大,注水效果相对于断裂空腔型储集体较差。研究成果支撑了富满油田上产原油350 × 104 t,可助推注水开发方案和提高采收率方案的优化,对同类型油藏高效开发具有重要的借鉴意义。
1 | 田军, 杨海军, 朱永峰, 等. 塔里木盆地富满油田成藏地质条件及勘探开发关键技术[J]. 石油学报, 2021, 42(8): 971-985. |
TIAN Jun, YANG Haijun, ZHU Yongfeng, et al. Geological conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation and key technologies for exploration and development in Fuman Oilfield, Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2021, 42(8): 971-985. | |
2 | 鲁新便, 杨敏, 汪彦, 等.塔里木盆地北部“层控”与“断控”型油藏特征——以塔河油田奥陶系油藏为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(4): 461-469. |
LU Xinbian, YANG Min, WANG Yan, et al. Geological characteristics of “strata-bound” and “fault-controlled” reservoirs in the northern Tarim Basin: Taking the Ordovician reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field as an example[J]. Petroleum Geology and Experiment, 2018, 40(4): 461-469. | |
3 | 侯少勇, 段霈泽, 赫庆庆, 等. 富满油田超深碳酸盐岩油气藏走滑断裂带有利储层发育区研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2023, 43(1): 10-15. |
HOU Shaoyong, DUAN Peize, HE Qingqing, et al. Study on the favorable reservoir area of strike-slip fault zone of ultra-deep carbonate reservoir in Fuman Oilfield[J]. Offshore Oil, 2023, 43(1): 10-15. | |
4 | 张银涛, 孙冲, 王轩, 等. 哈拉哈塘油田走滑断裂带控储成藏规律初探[J]. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 42(1): 10-18. |
ZHANG Yintao, SUN Chong, WANG Xuan, et al. Reservoir formation patterns in the strike-slip fault zone of the Halahatang Oilfield[J]. Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition), 2020, 42(1): 10-18. | |
5 | 王清华. 塔里木盆地17号走滑断裂带北段差异变形与演化特征[J]. 现代地质, 2023, 37(5): 1136-1145. |
WANG Qinghua. Differential deformation and evolution characteristics of the No.17 strike-slip fault zone in the Tarim Basin[J]. Geoscience, 2023, 37(5): 1136-1145. | |
6 | 孙永革, 孔丽姝, 路清华, 等. 塔里木盆地古城墟隆起顺南1井古油藏热裂解过程的分子碳同位素地球化学记录[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5): 904-911. |
SUN Yongge, KONG Lishu, LU Qinghua, et al. Molecular carbon isotopic geochemistry records of thermal cracking in the palaeo-reservoir of Well Shunnan 1 in Guchengxu Uplift, Tarim Basin[J]. Petroleum Geology and Experiment, 2023, 45(5): 904-911. | |
7 | 宋兴国, 陈石, 谢舟, 等. 塔里木盆地富满油田东部走滑断裂发育特征与油气成藏[J]. 石油与天然气地质, 2023, 44(2): 335-349. |
SONG Xingguo, CHEN Shi, XIE Zhou, et al. Strike-slip faults and hydrocarbon accumulation in the eastern part of Fuman Oilfield, Tarim Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(2): 335-349. | |
8 | 刘强, 张银涛, 陈石, 等. 塔里木盆地走滑断裂发育演化特征精细解析及其地质意义: 以富满油田FⅠ17断裂为例[J]. 现代地质, 2023, 37(5): 1123-1135. |
LIU Qiang, ZHANG Yintao, CHEN Shi, et al. Development and evolution characteristics of strike-slip faults in Tarim Basin and its geological significance: A case study of FⅠ17 fault in Fuman Oilfield[J]. Geoscience, 2023, 37(5): 1123-1135. | |
9 | 张红波, 周雨双, 沙旭光, 等. 塔里木盆地顺北5号走滑断裂隆起段发育特征与演化机制[J]. 石油与天然气地质, 2023, 44(2): 321-334. |
ZHANG Hongbo, ZHOU Yushuang, SHA Xuguang, et al. Development characteristics and evolution mechanism of the uplifted segment of the No. 5 strike-slip fault zone in Shunbei area, Tarim Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(2): 321-334. | |
10 | 邓兴梁, 闫婷, 张银涛, 等. 走滑断裂断控碳酸盐岩油气藏的特征与井位部署思路——以塔里木盆地为例[J]. 天然气工业, 2021, 41(3): 21-29. |
DENG Xingliang, YAN Ting, ZHANG Yintao, et al. Characteristics and well location deployment ideas of strike-slip fault controlled carbonate oil and gas reservoirs: A case study of the Tarim Basin[J]. Natural Gas Industry, 2021, 41(3): 21-29. | |
11 | 段太忠, 张文彪, 何治亮, 等. 塔里木盆地顺北油田超深断溶体深度学习地质建模方法[J]. 石油与天然气地质, 2023, 44(1): 203-212. |
DUAN Taizhong, ZHANG Wenbiao, HE Zhiliang, et al. Deep learning-based geological modeling of ultra-deep fault-karst reservoirs in Shunbei Oilfield, Tarim Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(1): 203-212. | |
12 | 韩俊, 董少峰, 尤东华, 等. 塔里木盆地顺南地区深层碳酸盐岩热液溶蚀及其油气勘探意义——以顺南蓬1井为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(4): 770-779. |
HAN Jun, DONG Shaofeng, YOU Donghua, et al. Hydrothermal dissolution of deep-buried carbonate rocks and its significance for hydrocarbon exploration in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin: Taking Well Peng-1 in Shunnan area as a case[J]. Petroleum Geology and Experiment, 2023, 45(4): 770-779. | |
13 | DENG Xingliang, CHEN Jiajun, CAO Peng, et al. Segmentation and lateral growth of intracratonic strike-slip faults in the northern Tarim Basin, NW China: Influences on Ordovician fault-controlled carbonate reservoirs[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 11: 1255162. |
14 | 邓兴梁, 闫婷, 张银涛, 等. 走滑断裂断控碳酸盐岩油气藏的特征与井位部署思路——以塔里木盆地为例[J]. 天然气工业, 2021, 41(3): 21-29. |
DENG Xingliang, YAN Ting, ZHANG Yintao, et al. Characteristics and well location deployment ideas of strike-slip fault controlled carbonate oil and gas reservoirs: A case study of the Tarim Basin[J]. Natural Gas Industry, 2021, 41(3): 21-29. | |
15 | HU Xiangyang, ZHENG Wenbo, ZHAO Xiangyuan, et al. Quantitative characterization of deep fault-karst carbonate reservoirs: A case study of the Yuejin Block in the Tahe Oilfield[J]. Energy Geoscience, 2023, 4(3): 100153. |
16 | 田军, 杨海军, 朱永峰, 等. 塔里木盆地富满油田成藏地质条件及勘探开发关键技术[J]. 石油学报, 2021, 42(8): 971-985. |
TIAN Jun, YANG Haijun, ZHU Yongfeng, et al. Geological conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation and key technologies for exploration and development in Fuman Oilfield, Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2021, 42(8): 971-985. | |
17 | 张文彪, 段太忠, 赵华伟, 等. 断控岩溶体系空间结构差异性与三维建模——以顺北1号断裂带为例[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2021, 21(28): 12094-12108. |
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18 | 胡文革, 邹宁, 李丹丹, 等. 断溶体油藏油源深度对井温分布影响的数值模拟[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(4): 748-755. |
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19 | 丁志文, 汪如军, 陈方方, 等. 断溶体油气藏成因、成藏及油气富集规律——以塔里木盆地哈拉哈塘油田塔河南岸地区奥陶系为例[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2020, 47(2): 286-296. |
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20 | 郑晓丽, 安海亭, 王祖君, 等. 哈拉哈塘地区走滑断裂与断溶体油藏特征[J]. 新疆石油地质, 2019, 40(4): 449-455. |
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22 | 张文彪, 段太忠, 李蒙, 等. 塔河油田托甫台区奥陶系断溶体层级类型及表征方法[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2021, 48(2): 314-325. |
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