石油与天然气地质 ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 715-724.doi: 10.11743/ogg20100604

• 石油与天然气地质 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2010-12-28 发布日期:2011-02-09

Distribution of gypsum-salt cap rocks and near-term hydrocarbon exploration targets in the m arine sequences of China

  • Online:2010-12-28 Published:2011-02-09



关键词: 膏盐岩盖层, 油气保存条件, 勘探潜力, 油气藏, 海相地层, 中国


Through reverse thinking,we summarize the status of research in the field of subsalt hydrocarbon exploration,analyze the distribution characteristics for gypsumˉsalt cap rocks,and discuss the potentiality and targets of subsalthydrocarbon explorationwithinmarine seuences in china.Gypsum and salt are excellent cap rocks whichwidely occur in themarine sequences ofTarim and Sichuan basins.Subsalt reservoirs are large in resource volume and are the main targets of future exploration.In southern China,gypsum-salt cap rocksmainly occur in the Lower-Middle Cambrian and Lower-Middle Triassic,in addition to the Cretaceous and Paleogene.The gypsum-salt cap rocks are extensive in lateral distribution but large in differences in different areas.For example,the Lower-Middle Triassic gypsum-salt cap rocks are closely related to hydrocarbon distribution in Sichuan Basin.The Cambrian and Lower-Middle Triassic gypsum-salt cap rocks are relatively thick and are the best seals for the marine reservoirs.The Carboniferous gypsum-salt cap rocks also occur in centralHunan province.Moreover,several gypsum-salt cap rocks also exist in Tarim Basin.For the Tarim platform-basin area,there are two sets of major cap rocks,i.e.the Cambrian and the m iddle-upper Carboniferous gypsum-salt cap rocks,especially the former is the major regional seal.The Cambrian gypsum-salt cap rocks in Bachu-Maigaiti area are large in both areal distribution and continuous thickness.Taking the overall geologic conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation in subsalt area into account,especially the controlling factors of slope and hinge zone for hydrocarbon accumulaˉtion,the paper suggest five plays or fields as themajor targets of near-term exploration in southern China and Tarim Basin.

Key words: gypsum-salt cap rock, hydrocarbon sealing condition, exploration potential, hydrocarbon pool, marine sequence, China